Thomas Jefferson spent years raping his slave Sally Hemings...

This is once again an important lesson that people seriously flawed in one area of their life just might have value in another area.

Now, I don't know the details of the relationship between Jefferson and Heming's, but it could have been consensual love, or rape. We will never know.
Whatever she was to him I'm sure that she had a much better life than if they had never met. She was also 75% European and very light skinned. Jefferson of course was a monumental hypocrite who wrote words “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…,” yet had over 200 slaves.
This is once again an important lesson that people seriously flawed in one area of their life just might have value in another area.

Now, I don't know the details of the relationship between Jefferson and Heming's, but it could have been consensual love, or rape. We will never know.

She was his slave, so, not a lot of consent going on. Anyway, I have always preferred Federalists over Jeffersonians, as many such as Adams and Hamilton were opposed to slavery.
She was his slave, so, not a lot of consent going on. Anyway, I have always preferred Federalists over Jeffersonians, as many such as Adams and Hamilton were opposed to slavery.

I prefer his espoused political ideology, I oppose slavery. She was a slave and in modern times we would assume no consent, but it is possible they had a consensual relationship.
I prefer his espoused political ideology, I oppose slavery. She was a slave and in modern times we would assume no consent, but it is possible they had a consensual relationship.

Today we'd call him a child molester, wouldn't we, Counselor?