Thomas Jefferson spent years raping his slave Sally Hemings...

"Grooming" 15 year old little girls for sex?

Poor Borbo

Oh you mean exchanging WhatApps messages with her, is that what passes for grooming now. Here was me thinking it meant giving girls alcohol and drugs like those Pakistani arseholes in Rotherham. The so-called sexual activity amounted to a quick fumble and some kissing something that was perfectly legal until David Blunkett brought a law in 2003 to catch kiddy fiddlers pursuing 11 year olds. In fact what Johnson did wouldn't even be illegal in most countries in Europe. The age of consent for penetrative sex is 14 in Germany and 15 in France. In Holland it is between 12 and 16 if the sex is mutually consensual. Have you actually looked at any 15 year old teens recently, the last thing they could be characterised as is "little girls" that is just emotional bullshit!! I am sure that even you used to go to third base with your teenage sweetheart in the back seat of your dad's Oldsmobile, didn't you?
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She was his slave, so, not a lot of consent going on. Anyway, I have always preferred Federalists over Jeffersonians, as many such as Adams and Hamilton were opposed to slavery.

Some slave owners treated their slaves respectfully.
We have no way to know the truth.
Some slave owners treated their slaves respectfully.
We have no way to know the truth.

Many did, if only out of economic necessity, as slaves were expensive and it made no sense to treat them badly. However there were some psychopaths who got off on torture, whippings, rape and lynchings, nothing new there.
Many did, if only out of economic necessity, as slaves were expensive and it made no sense to treat them badly. However there were some psychopaths who got off on torture, whippings, rape and lynchings, nothing new there.

Nothing new in your post.
Thanks for nothing.
Oh you mean exchanging WhatApps messages with her, is that what passes for grooming now. Here was me thinking it meant giving girls alcohol and drugs like those Pakistani arseholes in Rotherham. The so-called sexual activity amounted to a quick fumble and some kissing something that is perfectly legal until David Blunkett brought a law in 2003 to catch kiddy fiddlers pursuing 11 year olds. In fact what Johnson did wouldn't even be illegal in most countries in Europe. The age of consent for penetrative sex is 14 in Germany and 15 in France. In Holland it is between 12 and 16 if the sex is mutually consensual. Have you actually looked at any 15 year old teens recently, the last thing they could be characterised in "little girls" that is just emotional bullshit!! I am sure that even you used to go to third base with your teenage sweetheart in the back seat of your dad's Oldsmobile, didn't you?

Are you accusing me of sexual child abuse, to make you feel better about the sexual escapades of a convicted sex abuser?

That's not very nice Borbo.
Are you accusing me of sexual child abuse, to make you feel better about the sexual escapades of a convicted sex abuser?

That's not very nice Borbo.

Well let's see matey, so you claim to be 62 which means that you were a teen in the 60s. Wasn't that the era of the drive-in cinema and making out on the backseat? Surely then you are accusing countless millions of Americans of sexual abuse, do you realise how stupid that sounds? Maybe you were all alone on Saturday nights and only had a Playboy mag and a box of Kleenex to look forward to, is that it?
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There is nothing "respectful" in owning a human being.
We know the truth is, Jefferson "owned" her in the literal sense of the word.

But if none of the contemporaneous witnesses are alive to testify, we cannot know that slavery is evil, according to the fucking Viking. :palm:
I believe that presentism is stupid waste of time practised by equally stupid people.
Ignore List: Moonpig, Legion Trollope, Leon the Twat and his brother troll Buckly, Rune

Maybe you want to cling to the morality of the past.
That would explain a lot.

For someone who claims to have me on ignore, you seem to hang on my every word Borbo.
Poor Borbo