Thomas Jefferson spent years raping his slave Sally Hemings...

That my friend is the corrupting and degenerate influence of slavery. Still the conclusions of the article are asinine as the don't take into consideration the historical, social and cultural context of that time which is not a fair representation by viewing the relationship of Hemmings and Jefferson anachronistically via the values and mores of our times.

He is a product of his time, but did you know Sally, who could have been a free woman after living in France with Jefferson, but, returned to America with him because he promised to free his own sons.

It it is the fact that he struggled with owning slaves, but did so anyway and didn't even free his own children till after his death.
This is once again an important lesson that people seriously flawed in one area of their life just might have value in another area.

Now, I don't know the details of the relationship between Jefferson and Heming's, but it could have been consensual love, or rape. We will never know.

Bill Cosby was a very entertaining comic actor. He is still a rapist.
There is good and bad in everyone. Hopefully not as bad as being a slave owner and child molester, but the fact is that the bad does not negate the good.