Thoughts on Oprah's interview of the non working royals


Its time...let's see what kind of a performance we get out of these two deeply substandard people tonight!
I don't know who started this family feud, and it is none of my business, but they need to keep their dirty laundry to themselves.

Meghan just needs to STFU and stop playing the victim all the time.
I got me a pizza about ready to go in the oven....I am turning this into an EVENT!

I sure hope they put in some good performances with their chum Oprah.

I want my faith in their entertainment value rewarded!
Tutoring for the Intellectually Challenged: The reason this matters is because there is now serious talk that the Monarchy has outlived its usefulness. Also, should they continue there is a lot of chatter that Charles either be must skipped or that he only do a ceremonial year or two.,,,that new blood and new ways is essential.

Though hopefully Meghan has discredited herself by now, she must have nothing to do with it.
"I had no idea what it would be like".
Lyin Bitch

She was given months and months of training to prepare for the role. It would seem that her father, half sister and brother, and ex-husband were right about her all along. William was also right to tell his dimwit brother that he was rushing into things, but like so many men he only listened to his cock talking.
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She was given months and months of training to prepare for the role. It would seem that her father half sister and brother were right about her all along.

Look at how careful Williams girls were, and how careful he was with them, Meghan is saying that Harry was unable/unwilling to prepare her, which is just the grossest kind of lie.

Meghan is the ultimate ugly American.