Thoughts on Oprah's interview of the non working royals


Soon we will get "My wonderful modern understanding sensitive almost even trans husband saved me!"
He was well respected in Blighty for going to Afghanistan on active service and for Project Invicta. Most people think he's an arsehole now.

I heard that there is a petition going around that there will be no more having the Royals marrying Americans...surely that will get a lot of action in the coming days right? After all Charles William and Kate and so on did for them, this is how Meghan behaves......holly shit.

So did you change your mind and watch it?
Notice how the words safety and security are on auto-repeat.....a tactic straight out of the Victim Culture Cult Handbook of Shortcuts.
As predicted there has been no explanation for how their rather large chunk of real estate was theirs for only $15 million, when a decade before it sold for $25...and it is an extremely popular area for wealthy who are escaping the disaster that is LA.
OMG I made a mistake deciding to watch this, this is like signing up for two hours of being tortured with having my nose rubbed into the decline and fall of the West.

This is what the Queen is surely thinking: I have been cured to live this long, these people really suck!
I have not decided if I will watch it, two hours is a long time to give a manipulation project, and this is surely that. I am not expecting anything of Oprah there is zero chance that she is going to fuck with the agenda, she is merely a tool for a job, and helping them do what they want to do will be rewarded in even more status for her. This is no time to draw attention to herself given that the story of how she got so wealthy and powerful flies right in the face of the Revolution which claims the systematic oppression of blacks, and the racism of whites, when it was overwhelmingly whites who adored and elevated Oprah. She needs to do her job, to get in and out without giving people a reason to target her.

I have not seen any leaking on this interview, those who know what is in it have stayed quiet, CBS it has been reported invested about $10 million into this project, they want their eyeballs. The non working royals claim that they are not taking any money which makes me wonder where the almost $10 million is going, and if they are lying.

I tend to doubt that the goal here is to lob shells at The Firm, I think the goal here is to sell The Misses as a strong black woman and the Mr as the perfect modern man as they get ready to finally go full speed ahead to launch their brand as the pandemic seems to be ending. I expect a small apology for Meghans abuse of staff, "The tone could have been better, but we are so gosh darn committed!". I dont expect to learn anything about how they got a huge multi building spread in a very popular place for the wealthy for $15 million when a decade ago it sold for $25 million, a Russian gave them that awesome deal, I would like to know why he did.

Even though I dont think that they especially go after The Firm for the first time in like forever I feel bad for Charles, a guy who all of his life has been a colossal worker in support of Crown and Country, a guy who went far out of his way to make Meghan feel a part of the family and to give her a say in things. It has to just kill him to see Harry and Meghan turn their backs on both Crown and Country as they chase wealth and power from America. As he watches them both claim that his family is toxic, that the obligations which Charles has honored are too outrageous to fulfil.
You think about those two??? Really? Oprah???? Unread after the first two sentences.
I am never a big fan of being wrong but reality turning out to be much worse than I expect is the worse.
This is resentment,,,,,,they had this perfect plan they think of how they were going to leap towards power and riches by turning their back on Crown and Country, they had assumed that Crown and Country would continue to provide them with pretty much what ever they wanted along the way, but Crown and Country had other ideas of what comes from giving Crown and Country the finger.

This is their temper tantrum at getting told "NO". .

Holy Fuck, and Fuck Di!
I saw somewhere in my travels over the last 48 hours something brand new somewhere going into some depth on how much these too massively entitled fucks lost in funding after they abdicated their responsibility to be Working Royals, and to live in the UK...

That was almost certainly placed by someone related to what happened tonight, to this abomination I witnessed tonight.