Thoughts on Oprah's interview of the non working royals

:) It's the British Monarchy. Apparently run by 'the Firm', some institutional outfit that tries to maintain an 'Official Appearance' (think Disneyland and a Castle) and their concern over the 'color' of the next Princeling. It would seem logical that some old 'Royal Family' would want their lineage to stay 'pure'.

It's also the 21st Century. So, two young people (the Prince and the Commoner) that want to get married, get married. They try playing their assigned roles at Buckingham Palace (think characters at Disneyland) but they fall a little short, so are hounded until they 'quit' (unlike Disneyland, you can't fire them).

Great Theater! I was waiting for Oprah to jump up, set her hair on fire, and begin screaming 'in tongues'. :laugh:

(I always thought Oprah was a 'Reporter' rather than an 'Actress') :)

I've always thought of her as an "entertainer." Remember a few years back when ppl were toying with the idea of her running for POTUS? lol
I've always thought of her as an "entertainer." Remember a few years back when ppl were toying with the idea of her running for POTUS? lol

Well, she was very entertaining for the 15 minutes that I watched.
(I changed the channel and watched 'Allen v. Farrow' on HBO. An interesting series on Woody Allen and his 12 year relationship with Mia Farrow ... and 2 of her adopted children) :shock:
As I pointed out elsewhere, 'the Firm' is the Queen plus the large number of royal family members. If you want a very boring life, marry one of them. If you want to change everything by joining something, try the Mafia or the Chinis couple whose names I can't remember did well to get out, but unless they're getting good money for it, this public posturing will do more harm than good: no forms of government are anything but shit, and this one seems to be about the best there is.
:) It's the British Monarchy. Apparently run by 'the Firm', some institutional outfit that tries to maintain an 'Official Appearance' (think Disneyland and a Castle) and their concern over the 'color' of the next Princeling. It would seem logical that some old 'Royal Family' would want their lineage to stay 'pure'.

It's also the 21st Century. So, two young people (the Prince and the Commoner) that want to get married, get married. They try playing their assigned roles at Buckingham Palace (think characters at Disneyland) but they fall a little short, so are hounded until they 'quit' (unlike Disneyland, you can't fire them).

Great Theater! I was waiting for Oprah to jump up, set her hair on fire, and begin screaming 'in tongues'. :laugh:

(I always thought Oprah was a 'Reporter' rather than an 'Actress') :)

This was three years ago and Janet Street Porter, who is a lefty by the way, certainly marked Markle's card!!

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You know, Primavera. This doesn't surprise me that you sit around the house all day watching some woman's program called 'Loose Women'. :|

This was three years ago and Janet Street Porter, who is a lefty by the way, certainly marked Markle's card!!


Some guy named 'Nigel' has his panties in a wad over Meghan & Harry. I'm guessing he's some British faggot. (maybe Primavera can tell me who 'Nigel Farrah' is?)
Well, she was very entertaining for the 15 minutes that I watched.
(I changed the channel and watched 'Allen v. Farrow' on HBO. An interesting series on Woody Allen and his 12 year relationship with Mia Farrow ... and 2 of her adopted children) :shock:

I used to love his movies. Then he turned out to be a sleaze. When's the last time he made a movie?
I have not decided if I will watch it, two hours is a long time to give a manipulation project, and this is surely that. I am not expecting anything of Oprah there is zero chance that she is going to fuck with the agenda, she is merely a tool for a job, and helping them do what they want to do will be rewarded in even more status for her. This is no time to draw attention to herself given that the story of how she got so wealthy and powerful flies right in the face of the Revolution which claims the systematic oppression of blacks, and the racism of whites, when it was overwhelmingly whites who adored and elevated Oprah. She needs to do her job, to get in and out without giving people a reason to target her.

I have not seen any leaking on this interview, those who know what is in it have stayed quiet, CBS it has been reported invested about $10 million into this project, they want their eyeballs. The non working royals claim that they are not taking any money which makes me wonder where the almost $10 million is going, and if they are lying.

I tend to doubt that the goal here is to lob shells at The Firm, I think the goal here is to sell The Misses as a strong black woman and the Mr as the perfect modern man as they get ready to finally go full speed ahead to launch their brand as the pandemic seems to be ending. I expect a small apology for Meghans abuse of staff, "The tone could have been better, but we are so gosh darn committed!". I dont expect to learn anything about how they got a huge multi building spread in a very popular place for the wealthy for $15 million when a decade ago it sold for $25 million, a Russian gave them that awesome deal, I would like to know why he did.

Even though I dont think that they especially go after The Firm for the first time in like forever I feel bad for Charles, a guy who all of his life has been a colossal worker in support of Crown and Country, a guy who went far out of his way to make Meghan feel a part of the family and to give her a say in things. It has to just kill him to see Harry and Meghan turn their backs on both Crown and Country as they chase wealth and power from America. As he watches them both claim that his family is toxic, that the obligations which Charles has honored are too outrageous to fulfil.

Don't watch it. It's just about the fucking Brits and their shitty little island. Americans taught them to not fuck with us over back in the 1770s and they are still pissed about it. The Limeys are racist assholes too. ;)
It really would have been nice to have a free and fair social media so that I would know what people really think about what these two did last night, but Harry and Meghan are not to be criticized for their resentment and attempt to hurt the Crown in retaliation for being told "no"..

But the Tech Overlords are certainly molding our perceptions by silencing the contrary opinions, the WOKE must rule, and they do love their victims so...
Her father, half sister and brother, ex-husband all said what she's like years ago. I thought back then they were playing to the media but pretty much everything they said about her has been the truth.

YEP....what she did last night was despicable.

I cant get past her claim of a couple years ago that she wanted to devote her life to updating the monarchy for a new age, she said making it better was worth such an investment, and now she viciously attacks it as she abuses a Prince.....just stunning.
YEP....what she did last night was despicable.

I cant get past her claim of a couple years ago that she wanted to devote her life to updating the monarchy for a new age, she said making it better was worth such an investment, and now she viciously attacks it as she abuses a Prince.....just stunning.

Don't always agree with Piers Morgan but he's right on the money here.

Meghan and Harry's nauseating two-hour Oprah whine-athon was a disgraceful diatribe of cynical race-baiting propaganda designed to damage the Queen as her husband lies in hospital - and destroy the Monarchy

Sickening. Shameful. Self-pitying. Salacious. Scandalous. Sanctimonious. Spectacularly self-serving.

Those were just my initial thoughts after ten minutes of the Oprah whine-athon with Meghan and Harry, and while restricting myself to only using words beginning with the letter 's'.

By the time I'd finished the whole two-hour orgy of pious, self-indulgent, score-settling twaddle, the steam was erupting out of my ears like an exploding geyser, and my lexicon of rageful epithets extended to the full range of the alphabet.

Never have I watched a more repulsively disingenuous interview.

Nor one more horrendously hypocritical or contradictory.

Self-pitying. Shameful. Self-pitying. Those were just my initial thoughts after ten minutes of the Oprah whine-athon with Meghan and Harry +9

In the middle of a pandemic that has already taken over 2.5 million lives, a staggeringly rich and entitled couple living in a $11 million sun-kissed California mansion wanted us all to know that THEY are the real victims around here

Here we had the Duke and Duchess of Privacy flinging out the filthy family laundry for the delectation of tens of millions of people all over the world, whilst simultaneously bleating about press intrusion.

They moaned about the terrible pain of their royal titles but were also outraged their son Archie wasn't allowed to be a Prince.

They told of their constant trauma from nasty newspaper stories, but repeatedly insisted they never read any of them.

They claimed they were forced to sign gazillion-dollar deals with Netflix and Spotify because Prince Charles cut off their allowance, despite Harry inheriting millions from his late mother Princess Diana and having his entire life bankrolled by the Royal Family.

And so, it went nauseatingly on.

In the middle of a pandemic that has already taken over 2.5 million lives, a staggeringly rich and entitled couple living in a $14 million sun-kissed California mansion wanted us all to know that THEY are the real victims around here.

Meghan even compared her former life living in a palace to the crippling freedom-robbing existence of coronavirus lockdowns, which must have sounded so empathetic to large families living at the top of tower blocks with three kids they're trying to home-school and no job to pay for food.

'I couldn't even meet my friends for lunch!' wailed the Duchess of Delusion, who flew to New York for a $500,000 baby shower with all her new-found celebrity pals, then flew back to London like any good eco-warrior on George Clooney's carbon footprint guzzling private jet.

But amid all the relatively trivial gossipy stuff emerged some incredibly damaging bombshells deliberately detonated to do maximum damage to the British Royal Family and the Monarchy.
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Tutoring for the Intellectually Challenged: The reason this matters is because there is now serious talk that the Monarchy has outlived its usefulness. Also, should they continue there is a lot of chatter that Charles either be must skipped or that he only do a ceremonial year or two.,,,that new blood and new ways is essential.

Though hopefully Meghan has discredited herself by now, she must have nothing to do with it.

Her son is 7th in line and will be further as the older grandchildren have more kids.
My wife, who follows this stuff closer than I do, says that the kid not being named a Prince at birth was in following with a 104 year old law. According to this law he will be named a Prince when the Queen dies. This was explained to Meghan and Harry. What they are upset about if they are to be believed at all (probably not a great idea) is that the law was not changed for their kid.

At the very best Meghan and Harry were extremely deceptive.