Thoughts on Oprah's interview of the non working royals

Ever met those mother-in-laws or granny-in-laws? I am sure you had at least one.

No amount of money would help with that.

The interview seemed to indicate it wasn't the Queen or Kate who were the in-house assholes. It was other in-laws and "the Firm" itself.
If I ask if the baby is likely to be a girl, is that sexist? If I ask will the baby be tall like the father, or ginger like the mother or have my bloody silly sticking-out ears, is that racist? In my experience , mixed families over here, on both sides, spend a great deal of time speculating about what shade the baby will be, and are not in the least racist, especially if they do so before the couple are even married. It's important not to import American obsessions into other countries, where to run down your own family in public is about as sickening as you can get. Technically, I suppose, the bloke who married the pretend-'black' person Meghan is not a member of the royal family anyway, genetically, but he was brought up so, and should therefore now be totally forgotten for sheer shame by all decent people.
If I ask if the baby is likely to be a girl, is that sexist? If I ask will the baby be tall like the father, or ginger like the mother or have my bloody silly sticking-out ears, is that racist? In my experience , mixed families over here, on both sides, spend a great deal of time speculating about what shade the baby will be, and are not in the least racist, especially if they do so before the couple are even married. It's important not to import American obsessions into other countries, where to run down your own family in public is about as sickening as you can get. Technically, I suppose, the bloke who married the pretend-'black' person Meghan is not a member of the royal family anyway, genetically, but he was brought up so, and should therefore now be totally forgotten for sheer shame by all decent people.

Well said, took you long enough but credit where credit's due.
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I think one of the worst things said during this branding effort was that William and Kate are hostages.
“The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan. The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. While some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much-loved family members.”

WOW..."Harry and Meghan"....that has to sting, no honorifics at all.

"Poor broken people"
I believe the family crisis is all about a misunderstanding and perhaps some feelings on the cuff.

I think Papa Prince Charles perhaps said something not intentioned to hurt any feelings but more aimed for light humor, and his son took it as a racist comment. And we will never know exactly what was said.

Prince Charles is in a predicament of both royal sons not wanting to assume the Kingship and have already declined the offer. Most likely, if he lives long enough, Prince Charles will have to accept the honor, and he does not want it either.

So because of the feud already in place with the Father and both sons, FEELINGS ARE TOUCHY!

This is a much ado about nothing.
I believe the family crisis is all about a misunderstanding and perhaps some feelings on the cuff.

I think Papa Prince Charles perhaps said something not intentioned to hurt any feelings but more aimed for light humor, and his son took it as a racist comment. And we will never know exactly what was said.

Prince Charles is in a predicament of both royal sons not wanting to assume the Kingship and have already declined the offer. Most likely, if he lives long enough, Prince Charles will have to accept the honor, and he does not want it either.

So because of the feud already in place with the Father and both sons, FEELINGS ARE TOUCHY!

This is a much ado about nothing.

The claim of racism is pure BS, it was deployed to sell a victim story, which was part of a branding effort.
The claim of racism is pure BS, it was deployed to sell a victim story, which was part of a branding effort.

If what I believe to be true, and Prince Charles said something between Father and Son, then Harry should have kept his mouth shut about it and not told his little wife about it. That was like throwing gasoline on a fire.

Harry is probably still feuding with his Father over his Mother's divorce and death!
If what I believe to be true, and Prince Charles said something between Father and Son, then Harry should have kept his mouth shut about it and not told his little wife about it. That was like throwing gasoline on a fire.

Harry is probably still feuding with his Father over his Mother's divorce and death!

I have said this before but as the father of a WOKE child who has turned her back on family and even worse is routinely hostile towards her family I feel for Charles here, for the first time ever really. This is not about DI...Charles went well out of his way to welcome Meghan into the family, he was according to reports the most welcoming towards her, and then look at what Harry and Meghan have done.
I have said this before but as the father of a WOKE child who has turned her back on family and even worse is routinely hostile towards her family I feel for Charles here, for the first time ever really. This is not about DI...Charles went well out of his way to welcome Meghan into the family, he was according to reports the most welcoming towards her, and then look at what Harry and Meghan have done.

This is the kind of stuff that belongs in the National Enquirer- or OPRAH! LOL!
This is the kind of stuff that belongs in the National Enquirer- or OPRAH! LOL!

I disagree.....this is a great window into what shit people so many have become, about how the West has rotted out, and also into the cost of an entire generation encouraging people to identify as victims.

This is an extremely valuable learning opportunity.
Harry and Meghan are modelling and encouraging fragility and resentment.

I have a Big MotherFucking Problem with that.
This Victim Culture Cult Regressive Left Revolution has another thing coming if they thought that they were going to get away with abusing America and Americans without objections.