Time to be thankful, guys

I help people because it is the good thing to do.

The Lord has blessed me incredibly in the material things of the world, so little Dark Souls' jealousy is not bothersome.

Get out and do some good, bud, it will help your heart and improve your own esteem.

I give to my church every week. I'm also very charitable to Food for the Poor along with a certain facility that finds homes for dogs. I'd never get sucked into to paying for groceries to a wench with not one but two SNAP cards.

Last week two gals in a Lexus stopped me in the parking lot of Costco, as I was loading my car. They were begging for gas money. The wench in the passenger seat was massively overweight and had more money in her manicure than the clothing that I was wearing. Guess what, I gave them $5. Not because I thought that she needed it, but because that was the fastest way to get rid of them and I didn't want her getting out of her car and vandalizing my Porsche.
You must forget that I watched the Video of you B&E'ing a House using your Burglar Gloves and pretending the Thunderbird parked outside was yours. (Hard to explain THAT away)

That's my vacation home and one of my three classic cars. I've had the TBird for 33 years. Nice that you are envious of me. There's a lot to be envious of lol.
Ah, Dark Soul, I know your type, and that is sad. Maybe things will change emotionally for the better in your heart and soul.

I helped that lady because the Holy Spirit told me to, and that prompeter is the one I will always listen to, not yours.

So long, pardner.
Ah, Dark Soul, I know your type, and that is sad. Maybe things will change emotionally for the better in your heart and soul.

I helped that lady because the Holy Spirit told me to, and that prompeter is the one I will always listen to, not yours.

So long, pardner.
You think you know "my type" just like you think you know conservatives, lol. The reality is that you're just a loser and a sucker.
You can't even begin to explain why the wench had two SNAP cards lol.
I give to my church every week. I'm also very charitable to Food for the Poor along with a certain facility that finds homes for dogs. I'd never get sucked into to paying for groceries to a wench with not one but two SNAP cards.

Last week two gals in a Lexus stopped me in the parking lot of Costco, as I was loading my car. They were begging for gas money. The wench in the passenger seat was massively overweight and had more money in her manicure than the clothing that I was wearing. Guess what, I gave them $5. Not because I thought that she needed it, but because that was the fastest way to get rid of them and I didn't want her getting out of her car and vandalizing my Porsche.

What makes you think both cards were SNAP cards? The 2nd might have been a credit or debit card.
What makes you think both cards were SNAP cards? The 2nd might have been a credit or debit card.

Because I've given Jimbo here several opportunities to state that, and instead he decided to attack me. The obvious conclusion is that I am right, and both cards were FedCo handouts.
You think you know "my type" just like you think you know conservatives, lol. The reality is that you're just a loser and a sucker. You can't even begin to explain why the wench had two SNAP cards lol.
I did not say she had two SNAP cards, little Dark Soul. Go back and read. I know your type. You are so easy to predict. :)
Because I've given Jimbo here several opportunities to state that, and instead he decided to attack me. The obvious conclusion is that I am right, and both cards were FedCo handouts.

You attacked me and got metaphorically slapped into the wall. It is obvious you are not bright, and when drinking lose what little light you possess. :)
I give to my church every week. I'm also very charitable to Food for the Poor along with a certain facility that finds homes for dogs. I'd never get sucked into to paying for groceries to a wench with not one but two SNAP cards.

Last week two gals in a Lexus stopped me in the parking lot of Costco, as I was loading my car. They were begging for gas money. The wench in the passenger seat was massively overweight and had more money in her manicure than the clothing that I was wearing. Guess what, I gave them $5. Not because I thought that she needed it, but because that was the fastest way to get rid of them and I didn't want her getting out of her car and vandalizing my Porsche.
I've been In that situation multiple times. I always offer to meet them at the gas station (usually right across the street) and buy them a tankful of gas. They never take me up on that.

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I thank God every waking moment that I'm lucky enough to have been born in and continue to live in THE best country in the world, the USA.
It is so true, proven every time I get the chance to do it.

An old lady in line at the grocery store was having trouble with her SNAP card paying the whole amount, so she used another card to try and cover it, and it failed.

So I got to pay for Thanksgiving for her!!! She said in tears what goes around comes around, that where she lives there is a lot of homeless, and they love her PBJ sandwiches so much.

Look for the good we all can do, even in the smallest ways.

And yet, libs light their hair on fire when churches do the same thing. BTW, that's how charity is supposed to work, not by government compulsion. If your story is to even be believed.
You got whopped on your rhetorical butt, Dark Soul. Your question was not pertinent and got stuffed down your throat.

Your attitude toward charity shows a very dark soul, yes.

Poor Jimbo is upset that I asked him a question that he doesn't like the answer to lol.