Time to be thankful, guys

Dark Soul is an unhappy little soul.

Now that is clear that D S has lost not only this argument but his soul, he now talks about abortion.

What limits D S do you think should regulate abortion? I bet you think it is about what most Demmycrats think, right?

Its clear that you are the unhappy one who has lost the argument and decided to attack me on this soul bullshit. What matters is what you do, which is vote for candidates who want no restrictions on abortions, even up to the last minute before birth.
So you don't care if folks are feigning poverty and ripping off the government.

That's such a conservative talking point, if someone's poor and needs help they're ripping off the government.

Speaking of ripping off, did you get religion and stop cheating on your taxes lol?
It is so true, proven every time I get the chance to do it.

An old lady in line at the grocery store was having trouble with her SNAP card paying the whole amount, so she used another card to try and cover it, and it failed.

So I got to pay for Thanksgiving for her!!! She said in tears what goes around comes around, that where she lives there is a lot of homeless, and they love her PBJ sandwiches so much.

Look for the good we all can do, even in the smallest ways.

A better deed would have been to just have done it and not come on here seeking validation from others.
It is so true, proven every time I get the chance to do it.

An old lady in line at the grocery store was having trouble with her SNAP card paying the whole amount, so she used another card to try and cover it, and it failed.

So I got to pay for Thanksgiving for her!!! She said in tears what goes around comes around, that where she lives there is a lot of homeless, and they love her PBJ sandwiches so much.

Look for the good we all can do, even in the smallest ways.

Hard to be thankful when things so desperately suck. Still, I have my family and I'm glad for ice packs, herbal remedies, and medications.
We should all give thanks for having this site where we can basically post pretty much ANYTHING we want to. We can rant and rave and most of all have fun on here. It gives me a chance to let out frustration I may have and know that I can post any crazy idea or thought I may have. And this site lets me post occasionally moronic stuff. Yes, I admit I CAN be a moron at times. So I give thanks to JustPlainPolitics, where we can be one big sort of disjointed family.
I thank God every waking moment that I'm lucky enough to have been born in and continue to live in THE best country in the world, the USA.

Used to, but no longer as neither the NYC WTC, D.C.'s Pentagon or field in Pennsylvania on 9/11 were mine nor in ' 71 was a US Constitution on the wall of a Navy Hospital mine nor was an old glory presented by Ike to one of his WW II Pentagon staff sergeants mine either; so this suicidal Islamophobia Christiananality pedophile super ego slavery diatribe of "serve the Pope or die" more perfect national religion union dhimmitude servitude "death to the infidels" homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming tautology is just Nazington Federal Lynching enforcement of KKK churchstate fiefdom business as usual.....
It is so true, proven every time I get the chance to do it.

An old lady in line at the grocery store was having trouble with her SNAP card paying the whole amount, so she used another card to try and cover it, and it failed.

So I got to pay for Thanksgiving for her!!! She said in tears what goes around comes around, that where she lives there is a lot of homeless, and they love her PBJ sandwiches so much.

Look for the good we all can do, even in the smallest ways.
Considering the amount of trolling, cynicism, racism, libel, lying, cursing, and character defamation that really are the hallmarks of jpp dot com, I think all of the sentient posters and higher life forms here can appreciate an uplifting story. Cheers to you, chap.