Time to be thankful, guys

Considering the amount of trolling, cynicism, racism, libel, lying, cursing, and character defamation that really are the hallmarks of jpp dot com, I think all of the sentient posters and higher life forms here can appreciate an uplifting story. Cheers to you, chap.

An uplifting story? What's uplifting about someone already unwilling to provide for herself getting something else handed to her?
Exactly. Why do lefties feel the need to say "look at me"?

It is part of their narcissism and lack of moral character

The joy is in doing the good deed itself, not looking for a pat on the back for it. Christ teaches that which is probably why leftists don't know about it
It is part of their narcissism and lack of moral character

The joy is in doing the good deed itself, not looking for a pat on the back for it. Christ teaches that which is probably why leftists don't know about it

To lefties, the joy is in having as many of your fellow lefties applaud you and praise you for doing something that should be done because it's the right thing to do not because you get credit for it.

It shows a lack of integrity on the part of lefties. If lefties didn't think they could get credit and praise for doing such things, do you think they'd still do them?
To lefties, the joy is in having as many of your fellow lefties applaud you and praise you for doing something that should be done because it's the right thing to do not because you get credit for it.

It shows a lack of integrity on the part of lefties. If lefties didn't think they could get credit and praise for doing such things, do you think they'd still do them?

Well, I am sure that there are some liberals who give for the sake of giving, so I don't want to paint with too broad a brush. It really is just a lot of virtue signaling. Kind of like announcing that you are putting someone on ignore. It tends to be an action of leftists.
Well, I am sure that there are some liberals who give for the sake of giving, so I don't want to paint with too broad a brush. It really is just a lot of virtue signaling. Kind of like announcing that you are putting someone on ignore. It tends to be an action of leftists.

That's why I used the term "lefties"
To lefties, the joy is in having as many of your fellow lefties applaud you and praise you for doing something that should be done because it's the right thing to do not because you get credit for it.

It shows a lack of integrity on the part of lefties. If lefties didn't think they could get credit and praise for doing such things, do you think they'd still do them?

So being thankful with credit as a 21st century super ego slaver of dhimmitude servitude in the Islamidiotocracy national religion brings enough joy to be far beyond the pleasure principle of just suicidal Christiananality pedophilia praises ….