Time to be thankful, guys

Dark Soul is an unhappy little soul.

Now that is clear that D S has lost not only this argument but his soul, he now talks about abortion.

What limits D S do you think should regulate abortion? I bet you think it is about what most Demmycrats think, right?
Dark Soul is an unhappy little soul.

Now that is clear that D S has lost not only this argument but his soul, he now talks about abortion.

What limits D S do you think should regulate abortion? I bet you think it is about what most Demmycrats think, right?

Oh, little Jimmy, WHAT a DUMBASS. I'm sure he's MUCH happier than YOU are, you miserable lunatic liberal. But cheer up, President Trump WILL be YOUR president until he officially leaves the White House in January of 2025. You're welcome.
Because I've given Jimbo here several opportunities to state that, and instead he decided to attack me. The obvious conclusion is that I am right, and both cards were FedCo handouts.

I know you guys are laser-focused on investigating the food and payment method of poor people but not everyone else cares. What did you expect him to do, ask her? You guys are pathetic.
That's my vacation home and one of my three classic cars. I've had the TBird for 33 years. Nice that you are envious of me. There's a lot to be envious of lol.

Your wife makes you wear vinyl gloves to drive your car and enter your house lol? There's a word for that but I'm too polite to use it. :rofl2:
Oh, little Jimmy, WHAT a DUMBASS. I'm sure he's MUCH happier than YOU are, you miserable lunatic liberal. But cheer up, President Trump WILL be YOUR president until he officially leaves the White House in January of 2025. You're welcome.

Another goober, our Steven, speaks out. Trump is OUR president, yours and mine, and he will leave when he will leave. It will be long before you hope, Steven. How we got from an act of charity to vicious rabid-dog right wing extremist politics shows us just how demented and anal the Trump right has become.
Another goober, our Steven, speaks out. Trump is OUR president, yours and mine, and he will leave when he will leave. It will be long before you hope, Steven. How we got from an act of charity to vicious rabid-dog right wing extremist politics shows us just how demented and anal the Trump right has become.

What a loon!
It is so true, proven every time I get the chance to do it.

An old lady in line at the grocery store was having trouble with her SNAP card paying the whole amount, so she used another card to try and cover it, and it failed.

So I got to pay for Thanksgiving for her!!! She said in tears what goes around comes around, that where she lives there is a lot of homeless, and they love her PBJ sandwiches so much.

Look for the good we all can do, even in the smallest ways.

Anecdotal bullshit. People who do good deeds don't come on anonymous forums and announce them. Hell, Trump donates his entire salary four times a year and you morons on the left don't give him a single shred of credit.

He's done more for more people than a hundred thousand leftist hacks like you. :rolleyes:
I help people because it is the good thing to do.

The Lord has blessed me incredibly in the material things of the world, so little Dark Souls' jealousy is not bothersome.

Get out and do some good, bud, it will help your heart and improve your own esteem.

Anecdotal bullshit. People who do good deeds don't come on anonymous forums and announce them. Hell, Trump donates his entire salary four times a year and you morons on the left don't give him a single shred of credit.

He's done more for more people than a hundred thousand leftist hacks like you. :rolleyes:

Thank you. Statistically, liberals donate FAR less to charities than conservatives do. NO surprise there.
For the record, the average American taxpayer contributes less than a dollar a week toward welfare. If that hurts your wallet, email me and I'll send you a check annually to cover your share.


Americans gave $427.71 billion in 2018. This reflects a 0.7% increase from 2017.1
Corporate giving in 2018 increased to $20.05 billion—a 5.4% increase from 2017.1
Foundation giving in 2018 increased to $75.86 billion—a 7.3% increase from 2017.1
In 2018, the largest source of charitable giving came from individuals at $292.09 billion, or 68% of total giving; followed by foundations ($75.86 billion/18%), bequests ($39.71 billion/9%), and corporations ($20.05 billion/5%).1
In 2018, the majority of charitable dollars went to religion (29%), education (14%), human services (12%), grantmaking foundations (12%), and health (9%).1
International affairs organizations experienced the largest giving increase in 2018, receiving 9.6% more than the previous year.1
Charitable giving accounted for 2.1% of gross domestic product in 2018.1
Historically, charitable giving rises about one-third as fast as the stock market.2

Individual and Family Philanthropy

Approximately 90% of high net worth households give to charity.3
On average, high net worth donors gave $29,269 to charity in 2017. By comparison, general population households gave $2,514 on average.3
Adults are more likely to give to charity if their parents gave to charity.4
I was excited at the opportunity and shared it

And the little dark souls crawled out spitting and whining. And engaged in more soul shrink.

Poor goobers.
I know you guys are laser-focused on investigating the food and payment method of poor people but not everyone else cares. What did you expect him to do, ask her? You guys are pathetic.

So you don't care if folks are feigning poverty and ripping off the government.
I was excited at the opportunity and shared it

And the little dark souls crawled out spitting and whining. And engaged in more soul shrink.

Poor goobers.

Dark Soul is an unhappy little soul.

Now that is clear that D S has lost not only this argument but his soul, he now talks about abortion.

What limits D S do you think should regulate abortion? I bet you think it is about what most Demmycrats think, right?

It's fun to watch abortion lovers claiming to have soul. lol