Time to die, DEMOCRAT


Gatewaypundit? :lolup::rofl2:

What a fucking gullible moron!
If there is a God, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I pray he takes your life tonight in a slow excruciating way.

First you're nasty to RBG, now to me for calling you out on it.

Here's a clue, you godless moron. Questioning God's existence while praying to Him to torture and kill your enemies generally doesn't work too well for you.

First you're nasty to RBG, now to me for calling you out on it.

Here's a clue, you godless moron. Questioning God's existence while praying to Him to torture and kill your enemies generally doesn't work too well for you.

:rolleyes: How many times have you wished death on liberals?
In reading these posts I would call that a lie. Seems like you are more akin to the right wing then you would like to admit.

don't be silly......I am TOTALLY right wing......I embrace my superiority!.......now go back and stand next to guano and domer where you belong......
To the original story all I will say is it is plausible

Pneumonia post lobectomy is very common particularly in an 85 year old in poor health

Remember this cancer is most like a metastatic manifestation of her prior cancers. It is unlikely that it is a primary cancer given her history

I do know that they have been less than honest about her health

They are only doing themselves a disservice.

They think if they delay her retiring they can use the Merrick Garland rule but McConnell and Trump won’t honor that. It’s politics and McConnell wants to reshape the court

The Santa Monica Observer (the source cited by the Gateway Pundit) reportedly broke the story of Darth Bader's cancer in September 2018, and liberals went wild "debunking" the news - which events have proven to be true, so who knows?
