Time to die, DEMOCRAT

Aging has not gone well for Ginsburg but, she is still the darling of the Supreme Court!

She is loved by all! To me she is still a beautiful person!

Liberals tend to be more intelligent than conservatives.

What is intelligent about wanting higher tax rates?

What is intelligent about class envy?

What is intelligent about turning citizens into wards of the state?

What is intelligent about open borders?

What is intelligent about deficit spending?

What is intelligent about Government managed Health Care and the costs associated with it?

What is intelligent about Government managed College and the costs associated with it?

There is NOTHING intelligent about an ideology lacking economic thinking and based on the lie that Massive Overreaching Government is good. Of course, YOU, are a low IQ idiot on steroids so comprehending the OBVIOUS is beyond your peter principle.
Lol, no bald spots here leggie.


You've got nine years on him for bashing liberals.

How many years "bashing liberals" do I have "on him," Duchess of Double Standards?

I'd have to count every individual hair on my head and would probably still come up short.

Legion join date: Sep 2009

I've been posting here less than years, Christiecrite, therefore...:D
When will you rightys get tired of suffering the repudiation that Gateway engenders? Can you ever figure out what a source of lies you desperate rightys are into? Do yourself a favor and read something more truthful and not far, far righty. It makes you guys look worse than you normally are.
Bull shit. My g/f had a node removed with a part of the lung, and she is cancer free. I had a node removed by radiology, and I am cancer free. Of course, anyone that has an ounce of intelligence on the topic understands that everyone, and I mean everyone, has some form of cancer in their body. As to whether or not that cancer is active, or growing, is yet another question.

More bull shit. My g/f's sister was 84 when she underwent chemo for a brain tumor. It is all dependent on the patients overall health.

Would not expect anything else from an "expert" as yourself.

More bull shit. Would depend on the extent of the removal.

That is your only concern. It certainly is not the law you are worried about. It is Trumps right wing anti-American agenda that you support.

Of course, you supported McConnell when he prevented Obama's from choosing Scalia's replacement even as he is now preventing the ending of the government shutdown.

Everything I said is 100% accurate

As for supporting what McConnell did with Scalia’s seat? FUCK YEAH I supported it 100%.

I have zero doubt the democrat party would have done the same exact thing if roles were reversed and don’t try to say otherwise.

This is how I hope the Ginsberg thing goes down.

I hope she does not croak until April 2020 and then McConnell and Trump replace her

The howls from you leftists screaming hypocrisy will be deafening, it will be correct and it will be so fucking enjoyable that I won’t be able to contain myself.
What is intelligent about wanting higher tax rates?

What is intelligent about class envy?

What is intelligent about turning citizens into wards of the state?

What is intelligent about open borders?

What is intelligent about deficit spending?

What is intelligent about Government managed Health Care and the costs associated with it?

What is intelligent about Government managed College and the costs associated with it?

There is NOTHING intelligent about an ideology lacking economic thinking and based on the lie that Massive Overreaching Government is good. Of course, YOU, are a low IQ idiot on steroids so comprehending the OBVIOUS is beyond your peter principle.

Hey Shit stain! Ask your fucking Republicans these questions! Because you just defined them!