Bull shit. My g/f had a node removed with a part of the lung, and she is cancer free. I had a node removed by radiology, and I am cancer free. Of course, anyone that has an ounce of intelligence on the topic understands that everyone, and I mean everyone, has some form of cancer in their body. As to whether or not that cancer is active, or growing, is yet another question.
More bull shit. My g/f's sister was 84 when she underwent chemo for a brain tumor. It is all dependent on the patients overall health.
Would not expect anything else from an "expert" as yourself.
More bull shit. Would depend on the extent of the removal.
That is your only concern. It certainly is not the law you are worried about. It is Trumps right wing anti-American agenda that you support.
Of course, you supported McConnell when he prevented Obama's from choosing Scalia's replacement even as he is now preventing the ending of the government shutdown.