Well sort of Comrade. Said paper said that she had a recurrence of her melanoma. They said nothing of lung cancer.
Look, Ginsberg is in bad shape. You have to trust me on this. They are not being honest about her health. Whether she has pneumonia or not, I do not know. Just by virtue of her age, she is at increased risk for pneumonia. Couple that with just having a lobectomy and was probably on mechanical ventilation for a day or two in ICU and her odds increase substantially.
I would assume that given her age and frail health that she has received the pneumococcal vaccine
After Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s recent hospitalization and surgery to remove “two cancerous nodules” from her lung, the leftist media can’t get their stories straight about her health, or lack thereof.
Is she healthy and cancer free or does she have stage four cancer, with an extremely poor prognosis? Can she resume her duties as a Supreme Court justice?
Members of the fake news media are in liberal lockstep, pushing the narrative that Justice Ginsburg is in great health.
CNN claimed, “Post-surgery evaluation indicates no evidence of remaining disease, and no further treatment is required.”
The statement is curious, however. As a physician, I am acutely aware there is little absolute certainty in the medical world.
“No evidence of remaining disease” could simply mean that they removed the two cancerous nodules they found on a lung scan after her recent fall. If these nodules represent cancer that spread from her previous colon or pancreatic cancer, the doctors removed what they found in her lungs. Cancer might have spread to her liver, brain or bones.
“No further treatment is required” might imply that she has metastatic cancer that is no longer treatable, other than hospice care, and that further treatment is futile.
The media's leftists were giddy with excitement that the liberal lion of the court was ready to get back to her job of thwarting President Trump. TMZ caught a glimpse of her, “emerging for the first time” from her Washington, D.C., apartment. See BS reported that her recovery is “on track” with “no sign of remaining cancer.”
One journalistic fanboy fantasized, “Asking readers if they would give up time off their own lives to allow their favorite Supreme Court justice to live longer.” He added, “If just 10,000 people did this, it would add 27 productive years to her life.”
The White House may not be buying the media spin. “The Trump team began early groundwork for another potential confirmation,” according to Politico.
The latest concern is that Justice Ginsburg could develop pneumonia, a common complication of lung surgery, particularly in the elderly and infirm.
Pneumonia is often called “the old person’s friend” because “the sufferer often lapses into a state of reduced consciousness, slipping peacefully away in their sleep, giving an end to a period of often considerable suffering.”
Fake media is happy to ignore reality staring them right in the face. They will spin their stories furiously to deny the obvious. Given Justice Ginsburg’s failing health, there must be panic in D.C. that can’t be spun away with creative journalism.
Brian C. Joondeph, MD, MPS, is a physician.