Time to die, DEMOCRAT

Please. You've been saying it since Jul 2009. You've got nine years on him for bashing liberals.

oh look......is that Crispy running over the hill with the goalposts?........now its just "bashing" lib'ruls.......yes you mindless cunt......I have been bashing you since 2009.....but only because you're worth it......
Everything I said is 100% accurate

Like everything you post from your fantasy world of lies, and distortions, this too is a lie. You speak from a delusion that you are intelligent. I speak from experience. When I had my radiology, and my g/f had her surgery, we were both told 6 to 8 weeks. Main reason is the soft tissue of the lung with the constant flow of blood.

As for supporting what McConnell did with Scalia’s seat? FUCK YEAH I supported it 100%.

One would expect nothing less from an unAmerican dumb fuck like you who does not support the Constitution, was a coward when it came to serving the country, and only believes in the power of the party he/she is a partisan of.

I have zero doubt the democrat party would have done the same exact thing if roles were reversed and don’t try to say otherwise.

They had the opportunity and didn't do it. Remember the McConnell "rule" from that time?

The howls from you leftists screaming hypocrisy will be deafening, it will be correct and it will be so fucking enjoyable that I won’t be able to contain myself.

That will be because of the hypocrisy that ignorant pricks like you always demonstrate.