Scut Farkus
Now you're lying again; we didn't discuss it. You said it. Repeatedly. Now tell me all your insults and lies against others on JPP are just you being "dark" and "comedic".
yes we did.
most of my insults are true.
Now you're lying again; we didn't discuss it. You said it. Repeatedly. Now tell me all your insults and lies against others on JPP are just you being "dark" and "comedic".
yes we did.
most of my insults are true.
It's not even close to a zero sum game. The truth is jews hate white christians, and they simultaneously convince us to destroy our own nations, while dying to institute their Jewish Supremacist homeland. They're laughing they're asses off.
so niggers can take the day off from pretending they can read.
niggers on bottom.
still no compelling evidence of hatred. sorry.
You're in denial. For someone who claims to be an early 50s computer programmer, you don't have a very firm grip on reality, Fredo. Why is that? What turned you into a bigoted, paranoid conspiracy theorist? Did a Jew get the promotion you wanted? A black man or woman? Did you ex run off with black Jew? What is the causal factor of your hatred?
no hatred here.
the noahide laws do prescribe setting up courts to administer them.
THat's theocracy.
You're lying again, Fredo. The evidence is in your posts.
Fuck the "noahide laws". They have nothing to do with the US. It's just paranoid bullshit like those who claimed Sharia Law would take over the US if we didn't make the Bible the law first.
I discuss all theocratic impulses, regardless of where they originate.
that's not hate.
Sorry, but I strongly disagree here for two main reasons:
1. Power corrupts.
2. Who determines what is best for how you should live your life? Do you really want a Ministry of Christianity dictating to you how should live your life? What place you have in society "for your own good"? I sure as Hell do not.
It's also not "government's role" as we previously discussed with the Preamble and Declaration of Independence.
You and I can agree that the Republican party is now an authoritarian Theocratic Federalist party. Completely antithetical to American ideals. The fact about 30% of American voters support them is both strange and shocking to me. Yes, even more so than the 30% who support the Democrats. I can understand weak people wanting to be mothered from cradle to grave, to live their entire lives in the basement of a parental government....I just don't agree with it.
IMO, this is a phase. What we are doing as a nation cannot last. Eventually people will suffer so much that they fight back in protest and the voting booth. Let's not forget that the 30% figures are for American voters, not the 40% of those Americans who don't vote at all.
When enough people become pissed off, they'll stand up and say something. We're not there yet.
But until then, guns are the reality we have to deal with. There are security protocols that can limit surprise. Having live CCTV around the premise is a start. Having steel doors that can't be unlocked except by passcode is another option. An entrance that can only be entered through via student electronic badge is another. Regular comprehensive shooter practice drills is another.
You're in denial. For someone who claims to be an early 50s computer programmer, you don't have a very firm grip on reality, Fredo. Why is that? What turned you into a bigoted, paranoid conspiracy theorist? Did a Jew get the promotion you wanted? A black man or woman? Did you ex run off with black Jew? What is the causal factor of your hatred?
You've got to remember that the gunners essentially want to ignore those pesky 4 words or put such a fantastic twist on them that the enitre Amendment is interpreted as if it were originally written in Sanskrit.
I've got no problem with the 2nd Amendment, being that the National Guard can and has been put under federal control and you do have active, registered individual state militias throughout the 50 states. The legal and political wrangling will go on .... what will give us better an more effective laws is if we can eliminate lobbyist in our Congress. That was the one thing I agreed with Ross Perot about when he said that his first priority if elected was to "get rid of all those lobbyists in $500 shoes running around the Capitol".
Hello Dutch,
IOW just wish the problems away.
Hello American Man,
If this is the solution proposed by gun owners then let them pay for it. And then we'll realize that even if it protects some children while they are actually in the school building that it will not protect the general public. It would be overall an ineffective and expensive partial solution.
Hello Dutch,
The American people are the frogs getting boiled slowly. The oligarchy has their hand on the heat knob. At some point the frogs are unable to get out of the pot.
You're advocating disarming the poor, most of the Middle Class while the Rich can have as many guns as they like. Who benefits the most from such a policy?
I find it amusing that you, like so many other morons on this board, have to work so hard to convice yourself that you're right while everyone else is wrong...........I question your grip on reality. I think you're as fucked up as evince
you created this monster you dumb fuck.
No. I'm saying do what has a higher likelihood of working.
You think the major problem in the US is because the Federal government doesn't have enough power to impose it's will upon the people you consider to be irresponsible, evil, retarded, whatever.
I think the major problem in the US is that people are both ignorant and distrustful of their own government. The solution, as noted several times previously, is both gaining trust and educating the public.
Consider the COVID crisis. Up to, and probably more than, 150,000 Americans died unnecessarily because of a liar in the White House. Lies came from the mouths of our leaders in Washington DC. Why did so many Americans fall for those lies? IMO, for the same reason so many Americans believed "I didn't inhale" and "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman". They're uneducated idiots.
Both you and Mina (as noted on the 120 guns thread) advocate giving more power to someone like Biden and the Democratic party without realizing the consequences when someone like Trump comes along. Bad move IMHO.
Better to educate all Americans, teach them critical thinking and then hope they choose wisely. That means trusting our fellow Americans to make the right call, something neither you nor Mina do.