Time To Dump The Second Amendment?

Maybe they took the jab and died. You don't even wanna know the info I've seen about that stuff. It'll crush your little authoritarian loving mind.

I hope you realize I do not fall into one of your neat little boxes; You sick-minded S.O.B. you.

Obviously I'm not vaxxed, dead, or too sick to post. Hah!


give us the highlights?

Nanobots? graphene? hydras? dna of unknown origin? all of the above?
give us the highlights?

Nanobots? graphene? hydras? dna of unknown origin? all of the above?

No, silly. Real stuff.

The jabbed's immune systems are only tuned to fight off Covid 1 , so when 2, 3, and 4 come along, all their bodies know how to do is fight 1, which 2, 3, and 4 have mutated to work around.

And the jab stopped their bodies from learning how to combat the later mutations.
Maybe they took the jab and died. You don't even wanna know the info I've seen about that stuff. It'll crush your little authoritarian loving mind.

I hope you realize I do not fall into one of your neat little boxes; You sick-minded S.O.B. you.

Obviously I'm not vaxxed, dead, or too sick to post. Hah!


Matt, I believe you think that's the most likely possibility.

The box you are in, Matt, is of your own making. Do you believe in free will? If so, then you know what I mean. If you believe you are not in control of your own mind, then that's a box you've chosen to reside.

Your fear of others tells me you are in the second box by your own choice. You choice to spread fear and hate because that's what you are seeing and feeling. You are projection your views of society and your place in it with posts like this recent one.
Hello Flash,

I heard the New York is passing stricter measures as we speak.

And I also notice that you, like everyone else, have sidestepped acknowledging that the 2nd is obsolete.

Why do we still have this provision in our Constitution which no longer addresses our national concerns?

When was the last time a well regulated militia of citizens bearing arms was needed for the security of America?

Because we both know the Supreme Court has ruled gun ownership is an individual right and a large majority of public opinion would not favor repealing the 2nd Amendment.

It is only obsolete by your interpretation which does not conform to current law. I thought we had a "living Constitution" that changes as times change. Gay rights, search and seizure, women's rights, and many other areas are not interpreted as originally intended; yet, you want the 2nd to remain the same.

Still, you have not told us what laws could be passed if the 2nd was repealed that cannot be passed now (except for outright bans which are not politically possible). Almost every gun control proposal people want can already be implemented and have been in some states.

Is the 3rd Amendment obsolete?
Hello Flash,

No, that is not true. What you are essentially requesting is interviews with people who considered voting, but then decided not to because it was made too arduous. first of all, who is going to admit that? And secondly, what does it accomplish to do that? There is so little investigative reporting any more since news rooms have been gutted of reporters and sold off. We don't get that kind of journalism as much any more.

Agreed. That means we have no evidence that such laws have suppressed voting which was my original point.
the courts have no authority to alter the constitution.

Yet, they have done so for 200 years through their interpretation.

Can a state prohibit parents from sending their kids to a religious or private school instead of the public schools? Does it violate any rights of those parents?
The Second Amendment no longer applies to our country.

It is time to update the constitution.

Why don't you start a movement to repeal. A single college student is largely responsible for the ratification of the 27th Amendment.


UT later changed Watson's grade for the paper. Bryan Wilson also received a low grade for a song he wrote in college that was later changed to a higher mark.
Yet, they have done so for 200 years through their interpretation.
the strength of the constitution relies on the strength of those willing to fight for it. the courts have altered the constitution because the people apathetically accept it. that doesn't make it constitutional, it's just ignored.......for now.

Can a state prohibit parents from sending their kids to a religious or private school instead of the public schools? Does it violate any rights of those parents?
It is the parents right to educate their children however they see fit. even homeschool. any state prohibiting such is violating the rights of those parents.
Oh? Ashhat is an anti-semite? Or is he an anti-Dentite?

He hates Jews. What do you call someone like that?

It's not even close to a zero sum game. The truth is jews hate white christians, and they simultaneously convince us to destroy our own nations, while dying to institute their Jewish Supremacist homeland. They're laughing they're asses off.
A plan for jewish world theocracy.
Also see noahide
the strength of the constitution relies on the strength of those willing to fight for it. the courts have altered the constitution because the people apathetically accept it. that doesn't make it constitutional, it's just ignored.......for now.

It is the parents right to educate their children however they see fit. even homeschool. any state prohibiting such is violating the rights of those parents.

Have you also apathetically accepted it?

If the rights of the parents have been violated by the state requiring public school attendance, can the federal courts strike down that state law as unconstitutional?

that would depend upon the state constitution of the state those parents live in

What have you done to change the situation?

Assume the state constitution requires public school attendance. Can the federal courts strike down the state constitutional provision as a violation of the parent's rights under the U. S. Constitution?
What have you done to change the situation?
at the moment, my legal actions have been to support the GOA in building a case to overturn those laws.

Assume the state constitution requires public school attendance. Can the federal courts strike down the state constitutional provision as a violation of the parent's rights under the U. S. Constitution?
constitutionally, no. the US Constitution gives no power to the federal government to control state education.