blow your lies out your funky asshole, liar.
He's just a wannabe who's never been...
blow your lies out your funky asshole, liar.
Fuck off, you lying degenerate cunt. Everyone knows you're a liar and a fat coward. You haven't proven shit and you know it.
Be careful what you ask for, Ms. Poli. Actions have consequences. While human nature is malleable within a range, it's also very set within physical and mental limitations history proves over all of known human history.
BTW, have you ever seen the movie THX 1138? It's a very dystopian movie made by a very young George Lucas. There's a reason why I chose it as the model for a Democratic utopia.
Hello Dutch,
And what would Republican utopia be like?
Mad Max?
Water World?
Both our personalities are well known on this forum. People can decide for themselves.
Give it a shot. My bet is you will not get nearly the 2/3 of the congress and 3/4 of the states support needed to change the constitution in order to get rid of the right to own and bear arms.
These days, it would look like Russia; Trump and the rich instead of Putin and the Oligarchs.
No, not Mad Max. It would kill off most of the rich and they are against that.
Not enough water which is the problem with the Noah story.
The Republican ship has leaned so far right it's in danger of capsizing. They are attempting to "right the ship". Mostly by stepping aside and letting Trump hang himself.Hello Dutch,
Or maybe The Stepford Wives.
Unless you think the right is so far gone they could elect someone like MTG as president?
The hard right has certainly lost all sense of connection to the real world. And the easily manipulated throngs, they do like to go along.
The Republican ship has leaned so far right it's in danger of capsizing. They are attempting to "right the ship". Mostly by stepping aside and letting Trump hang himself.
IMO, nutjobs like Matt Gaetz and MTG will fade away. Note that crazy politicians isn't new. Just the fact they've gone mainstream is new.
This is from 2014:
America's 20 Craziest Politicians
Remember Maxine Waters? The Republicans don't have a monopoly on throwing bombs. They used to be stoic and serious; now they are just as fucked up as the Democrats.
Hello Dutch,
Not surprising the majority in the GQ article were Republicans. It is masterful trick the oligarchy has done to use bonkers emotional rumors to co-opt the Republican party to support anti-social positions.
The Republicans are definitely leading the current wave of wackadoodles.
Hello Dutch,
And that is why the gun carnage will only increase.
Fear and anger usually result in violence. Our nation saw this with the more violent elements of the BLM and Antifa protests as well as the Trumpers.
Happy people don't protest or commit mass murder. This begs the question of why these people are so unhappy. Part of the answer is mental illness which is partially proved by the fact about 2/3s of those arrested for 1/6 had previous mental health issues.
As you can see on JPP the most extreme members are both angry and irrational. What's the solution here? Restricting freedom? Helping the mentally ill?
Hello Dutch,
A combination of both. It always strikes me when gun enthusiasts say law abiding people should not have their gun rights infringed. That's what bothers me about the 2nd. It gives solid footing to say so. but here's the part that is most bothersome. A crazy violent immature shooter of 18 IS a totally law-abiding citizen right up until the moment he isn't.
Clearly that Uvalde shooter was a 'law abiding citizen' until he started shooting people. By the time he was NOT a 'law abiding citizen' it was too late.
Something has to change.
If we make a national law that says you have to 18 to buy an AR, that could very well be challenged and struck under the premise of the 2nd, which places no age on those rights.
Correct because being "crazed" isn't illegal. Having violent tendencies isn't illegal. Can we agree that both conditions are not in the best interests of the individual? Even if Payton or Salvador had never killed anyone, do you agree it's unlikely they'd become mature, educated and fully actualized happy adults due to their mental conditions?
Why is the focus on restricting rights instead of helping the mentally ill?
Hello Dutch,
I clearly advocate for a combination of both approaches.
More restrictive gun laws and more access to mental health counseling.
We need to do all we can to reduce this carnage.
Improving mental health access alone is not going to reduce as many gun deaths as doing so and also instituting better gun control laws.
We need to get rid of high capacity magazines. Yes, force people to reload after 6-10 shots. Nobody needs more shots than that to defend themselves.
It depends upon your definition of "restrictive gun laws". IMO the main problem is what we discussed: Identifying who is too mentally ill to possess a firearm. I recommend getting them help before they hurt themselves or someone else. The Democrats are simply focusing on banning guns for everyone.
Hello Dutch,
If Republicans could vote for ANYTHING to reduce the carnage, Democrats would back it.
I don't see Republicans voting for the government improving mental health care because Republicans think capitalism is the answer to everything and they hate the government.
Sorry, Ms. Poli, but we've been round and round on this. I'll never agree that restricting freedoms is the best path for Americans.