Diversity Makes Greatness
Hello Flash,
And in this case it goes strongly against public sentiment, which causes people to question what else might be changed, such as the Second Amendment. The SCOTUS made a very unpopular decision in 2008 against what the public wants, and because of the power of the NRA to control the Republican Party and seat partisan Justices, is not even considering doing something that the public is moving more in favor of with every mass shooting - flipping the Heller ruling.
The SCOTUS could rule that the 2nd does not mean for self protection, but only for the security of the free state - meaning national defense. It could be interpreted that if you ain't in a well regulated militia that you ain't got no right to have no gun. And because of the zeal of gun owners and the NRA, the right overlooks blatant lies to vote for corrupt Republicans just to preserve assumed gun rights which are not clear at all.
That is not new. Some of our most famous decisions reversed precedent--school segregation, sodomy, search and seizure, same sex marriage...............
See the long list here:
And in this case it goes strongly against public sentiment, which causes people to question what else might be changed, such as the Second Amendment. The SCOTUS made a very unpopular decision in 2008 against what the public wants, and because of the power of the NRA to control the Republican Party and seat partisan Justices, is not even considering doing something that the public is moving more in favor of with every mass shooting - flipping the Heller ruling.
The SCOTUS could rule that the 2nd does not mean for self protection, but only for the security of the free state - meaning national defense. It could be interpreted that if you ain't in a well regulated militia that you ain't got no right to have no gun. And because of the zeal of gun owners and the NRA, the right overlooks blatant lies to vote for corrupt Republicans just to preserve assumed gun rights which are not clear at all.
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