Time To Dump The Second Amendment?

When do you plan to start executing those you consider to be a "fake patriot deep state traitor"?....or are you just all talk, no action like the rest of your entire life?

I don't plan on doing that at all.

online shaming is all i need.

nor do I encourage anyone else to commit violent acts.
enforcing the border laws in the first place.......likewise, enforce the laws we already have making shooting people illegal......

Just like a fucking lib who thinks the path to stopping almost all "gun violence" is by banning ARs and high capacity magazines.

Boat, tunnel and ladder technology, not to mention over 95,000 miles of fucking coastline, negate your single-line defense. Smarter people defend in depth in such situations.

I don't plan on doing that at all.

online shaming is all i need.

nor do I encourage anyone else to commit violent acts.

Ahh, you're an idea man; just someone who knows everything but doesn't do anything. All talk. God bless America and Al Gore for the Internet to help people like you, Fredo.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Now, a lot of people think the purpose of the 2nd is so that the government will fear the people who are armed and capable of revolt.

They think it is sort of a check and balance to prevent the government from getting too powerful, that if the people are armed and might decide to take up arms against the government if the government gets out of hand, that government will be limited.

And that would be totally wrong. That is not the purpose of the 2nd at all.

The purpose of the 2nd was to defend the USA.

America was very fearful of a standing army that the government could use against the people (because that is exactly what Britain did.) The reasoning was that America would have no standing army. The Constitution says so:

Article I, Section 8, Clause 12:

"[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years; ..."

The 2nd amendment would allow people to be armed so that if the country needed to raise an army for defense it could quickly do so. That's why it says:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

There is nothing about armed people standing up to government. It is about the security of the nation, the free State.

We live in a different world than when this was written. We definitely need a standing army. We figured that out in WWII. That means the 2nd Amendment is obsolete. There is no well-regulated militia ensuring the security of the Free State. Our military powers do that.

It is time to replace the second with a more modern establishment of gun ownership. And yes, we do need to infringe on the right to own a gun. Because too many people are getting killed.

What the language of a new amendment might be, I don't know. But I wonder if it is so popular with the public that something be done about the mass shootings, and Congress is not acting, that a well worded amendment abolishing the 2nd and replacing it with something more appropriate might pass in enough States to ratify it?

there is a whole boat load of bullshit about the need to revamp the 2nd Amendment..............so I propose this. half of the states should reinterpret the 2nd as the government having full authority over the arms of the people and the other half abiding by the intent and that government has zero authority over them..........after 20 years, we'll revisit.
Hello Dutch,

Why would they do that? Sure, I can see how fucking assholes like the Republican leadership would want it, but why would millions of Americans vote for them?

It's highly likely that the Republicans will take over the House next January and have a shot at the Senate. Sure, the margins will be narrow, but Americans voters will give it to them. Why? If the Republicans are really so bad and the Democrats are really so awesome as you keep pushing, why would most Americans kick out the Democrats and install the Republicans?

It is because big money plays both sides against each other to distract everyone while they have their way.
Hello Dutch,

It is because big money plays both sides against each other to distract everyone while they have their way.

Agreed. So why vote for those who are actively deceiving or manipulating Americans against their own best interests?
Agreed. So why vote for those who are actively deceiving or manipulating Americans against their own best interests?

Good point. Republicans and Democrats only think the other is being deceived and manipulated while they are making intelligent, informed opinions and their party is "better." As a result, they continue voting for their party reelecting incumbents 95% of the time.
Good point. Republicans and Democrats only think the other is being deceived and manipulated while they are making intelligent, informed opinions and their party is "better." As a result, they continue voting for their party reelecting incumbents 95% of the time.

It's a major problem. When I became so disgusted with the Republicans are they failed to implement the Growth & Opportunity Project, I began voting for the Libertarian Party as a form of protest. Everyone citizen has a civic duty to stay informed and vote. IMO, they should vote their conscience, but many only vote their wallet.

Yes, the Libertarian Party is full of wackos. Notice that the Rands moved over to the Republican Party...which is now even wackier but much, much more powerful. If enough educated, sane and intelligent people begin not only voting, but running for office in the Libertarian Party, maybe it will push both the Democratic and Republican Parties out of their selfish rut.