Top Democrat: Bring back the draft

That a draft...

What the hell are you talking about? What "liberal half truth"?

only applies to those who don't want to fight...the fact remains that your premis that the troops want to come home is a falicy...they joind voluntarily to are not serving them by begging that that come home...are you related to Jane(Hanoi)Fonda?
only applies to those who don't want to fight...the fact remains that your premis that the troops want to come home is a falicy...they joind voluntarily to are not serving them by begging that that come home...are you related to Jane(Hanoi)Fonda?

Line where I stated this please.
only applies to those who don't want to fight...the fact remains that your premis that the troops want to come home is a falicy...they joind voluntarily to are not serving them by begging that that come home...are you related to Jane(Hanoi)Fonda?

I think that our troops are very well served by patriotic americans who want to avoid having them slaughtered in an Iraqi civil war which we ought not to be fighting in. Much better served than by the chickenhawks who could care less if we suffer another 25K dead and wounded all for the sake of some amorphous concept like "prestige"
Saying Bush was going to start the draft was a point in the last presidental election, but who is supporting a draft? Not Bush. But Kerry before and now Rangel. Just more lies by the Democrats.

I think that our troops are very well served by patriotic americans who want to avoid having them slaughtered in an Iraqi civil war which we ought not to be fighting in. Much better served than by the chickenhawks who could care less if we suffer another 25K dead and wounded all for the sake of some amorphous concept like "prestige"

Why don't you form your own survey and send it out to the troops and ask them if they need your ilk to save them...this would be very interesting!
I made a general statement about liberal half truths about the took it upon yourself to speak for all liberals...***sigh***

Line(s) where I stated anything in reference to "all liberals" please?

Or are you full of $hit on that statement too?

If you'd bother reading my assertions you see that I never "took it upon myself to speak for all liberals" in this thread. If I did please point it out so I can clarify or at the very least know what the hell your talking about
Kerry had a good plan for a draft of National Service. Much better that Rangels plan. Why not bring that back up? It is not a bad idea really.
I am actually in regular email contact with a number of national guardsmen.... they pretty much all think the war is stupid....and as I said earlier...I correspond regularly with a large number of colleagues from my UNTSO days - military officers from around the globe, each one of which has FORGOTTEN more about the middle east than you will ever know..... and they are universal in their condemnation of this stupid action in Iraq.

Do you have anything of import to add to these discussions, or will it just be this never ending stream of one-liners from your "open mike night at the comedy club" act?
I am actually in regular email contact with a number of national guardsmen.... they pretty much all think the war is stupid....and as I said earlier...I correspond regularly with a large number of colleagues from my UNTSO days - military officers from around the globe, each one of which has FORGOTTEN more about the middle east than you will ever know..... and they are universal in their condemnation of this stupid action in Iraq.

Do you have anything of import to add to these discussions, or will it just be this never ending stream of one-liners from your "open mike night at the comedy club" act?

You give him waaay too much credit with the comedy club thing. His one liners aren't even mildly amusing. They are usually from left field and have little relevance to topic at hand and are usually filled with strawmen that have nothing to do with relevant discussion and imply positions that others simply do not have.
Draft or not, I don't think individual members of the military get to decide whether we go to war or not. Silly liberals.
Are you always this....

Line(s) where I stated anything in reference to "all liberals" please?

Or are you full of $hit on that statement too?

If you'd bother reading my assertions you see that I never "took it upon myself to speak for all liberals" in this thread. If I did please point it out so I can clarify or at the very least know what the hell your talking about

dense or are you just paranoid...I never addressed you personally in this thread until you jumped in...I never said you said anything about Liberals in general...that was my comment...please re-read my response#25 I summed it up for you...but ya keep on a keepn' on take two aspirin and see the Doc in the morning!
Does anyone truely belive that if Bush's daughters were likely to have been forced to serve in Iraq, there would have been an Iraq war?
Draft or not, I don't think individual members of the military get to decide whether we go to war or not. Silly liberals.

Ummmm, did anyone say that individual members of the military get to decide whether we go to war or not?

LOL - Is this Darla or Rob pretending to be a con?
>>Does anyone truely belive that if Bush's daughters were likely to have been forced to serve in Iraq, there would have been an Iraq war?

As far as I know woman were never drafted.