Top Democrat: Bring back the draft

Oh, and before someone goes off on a tangent: I was kidding about the abortions for less traffic comment
Never mind scratch my comment about "My Bad"

I'm only against stupid wars and plus abortions reduce crime and welfare recipients.

Now you are saying only "Stupid Wars" damn all wars are stupid...however from time to time a necessary continue playing wiy Lady T the comedy club wannabee!
So how do you feel about taking out Iran...the real target!...It's comming down the pike soon!

if you're that excited about you may want to subscribe to this organization I know of. They need people like you:
and y'all can depend on wall street to steal your investments...even though they may have been great...they will be gone too!...oh well maybe China will loan ya a few bucks!

I have plenty of money. I don't need SS or commie China but thanks for the suggestions.
Regarding Iran, I think I'd have been supportive before 3/03, however now I personally question any of the intel they give us and quite frankly I don't want the responsibility of rebuilding another country. If we know precisely what facilities are creating weaponzied nuclear munitions we should have special ops forces wipe them out and then deny it. If we don't know of a specific place then we have no business invading Iran.

That's my proposal for NK too. Destroy deny and keep it moving.