Top Democrat: Bring back the draft

dense or are you just paranoid...I never addressed you personally in this thread until you jumped in...I never said you said anything about Liberals in general...that was my comment...please re-read my response#25 I summed it up for you...but ya keep on a keepn' on take two aspirin and see the Doc in the morning!

Can you back up your original assertion of "Liberal Half Truths" or not. One would think that if you post something like that in this thread it would have some relavence to what's been posted in the same thread or in response to what's been posted.
from your link:

"Though there is no comprehensive list, there are at least seven members of Congress with children in the Armed Forces -- a small number, but not surprising, according to historians who say the number of congressional sons and daughters serving in the military has declined steadily since the Vietnam War era.

“My suspicion is that it’s pretty rare,” said Donald Zillman, a military expert and professor of law at the University of Maine. “Basically, that’s not where congressmen’s kids are heading off.”

big fucking deal.
First and foremost...

Does anyone truely belive that if Bush's daughters were likely to have been forced to serve in Iraq, there would have been an Iraq war?

There is no draft so they would not have been forced...second do you mean if they volunteered after the war started or if it matters...I suspect he would support his daughters choice in life...!
Should women be included in any draft?

If a draft was necessary in principal yes, both genders should be drafted equally.

Personally for my own selfish reasons: no because I'd never want to be drafted.

Should women be included in any draft?

If they were I would suspect a increase in out of wedlock babies...not a good thing...welfare is way to expensive for the taxpayer as it stands!...Then again maybe this is a liberal idea so they can increase welfare budgets...dunno or maybe more abortions to supply the need for experimentation!
There is no draft so they would not have been forced...second do you mean if they volunteered after the war started or if it matters...I suspect he would support his daughters choice in life...!

Good thing they chose to be drunken whores.
If they were I would suspect a increase in out of wedlock babies...not a good thing...welfare is way to expensive for the taxpayer as it stands!...Then again maybe this is a liberal idea so they can increase welfare budgets...dunno or maybe more abortions to supply the need for experimentation!

More abortions would be a good thing. There is too many people in this country.
Yes I do...

I am actually in regular email contact with a number of national guardsmen.... they pretty much all think the war is stupid....and as I said earlier...I correspond regularly with a large number of colleagues from my UNTSO days - military officers from around the globe, each one of which has FORGOTTEN more about the middle east than you will ever know..... and they are universal in their condemnation of this stupid action in Iraq.

Do you have anything of import to add to these discussions, or will it just be this never ending stream of one-liners from your "open mike night at the comedy club" act?

My law enforcement side kicks in...this is their names or have them join the board and express their opinion to collaborate your statement!
My law enforcement side kicks in...this is their names or have them join the board and express their opinion to collaborate your statement!

Saturday the pancake house ran out of butter and the old dog barked all day long.
and with this you can no longer argue against it serves the same purpose...only difference being bad guys are the targets vs babies who are innocent!

The war is going to cost him over $2000. Someone getting an abortion won't.