Top Democrat: Bring back the draft

me too... I just assume it wont be there and If I get something... All the better!

I'm guessing if its around it MAY be $300 NPV if I'm lucky. Which won't even cover condo fees in a 55+ adult community.

Plenty in the bank. I'm not a farmer or white trash. I am an elitist and own my own home.

Hey farmers make good money in good years...however I was referring to another sorta crop...lotsa money in the bank eh' and own your own home...that makes you an elitist? How do you earn your money hard work or moma and papa's gift?
Hey farmers make good money in good years...however I was referring to another sorta crop...lotsa money in the bank eh' and own your own home...that makes you an elitist? How do you earn your money hard work or moma and papa's gift?

he was a male gigolo in the early 90s.
I have plenty of money. I don't need SS or commie China but thanks for the suggestions.

The USA needs "commie China" they own a lot of our debt.
also "commie China" has been making our economy look better than it really is for several years....
It will always be there!

me too... I just assume it wont be there and If I get something... All the better!

Both sides use the SSA scare as a distraction...they would be lost without all that money going into the General Fund...of which they borrow(and never pay back) for their own pork barrel BS...If they kept their dirty hands off SS the fund would replinish very quickly!
Yep, our gummit has been robbing the pension fund and now they can't afford to pay it back. That is the REAL immediate crisis, well in a few years anyway.
Why Rangel's Right . . .

. . . or would be if the draft were more fair and balanced than Rupert Murdoch.
