Trolling to Educate the Left


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Trolling to Educate the Left

Today I want to discuss how to use trolling to educate the left. The most crucial thing to remember about trolling is that it has to look as innocent as possible. The purpose of it is to be able to draw a response from the audience which will let them come to a moment of self-realization. This is similar to the socratic method used in law school.

The best example I can provide for this is when the left accuses me of racism. Im sure everyone from the right has been accused of racism at one point or another. *At this point I only ask one simple question.

Should the color of your skin should be a factor in determining eligibility for higher education. (yes/no)?

Of course you can imagine the autistic screeching I have to endure after I bring this up because it blows the narrative out of the water. Almost everyone from the left would answer in the affirmative and almost everyone in the right would answer in the negative.

Make no mistake the moment you answer yes to that question you are a racist. Period. End of sentence. Anything that you say after that is merely justification for being a racist.

If you are a liberal reading this I understand you have all sorts of justifications for answering yes. They all boil down to "People were racist in the past so I have to be racist now to correct it". If it makes you feel better you can be a noble racist. But you are still a racist.

Of course in their eyes everyone is a noble racist. People are always the heroes in their own stories. They are rarely racist just because. There is always some justification for racism to make it a moral good. To make it noble. The black people just cannot take care of themselves. We need to bring religion to the heathens. We need to correct previous injustices.

A is A

At this point I would like to bring in Ayn Rand, one of my favorite authors. Her thoughts on morality is something that everyone should read. The reason why liberals fall into this trap is because they have no moral absolutes. One of the most important points Ayn Rand makes is that A is A. Racism is always racism. Almost all liberals practice morale relativism or in certain conditions A can be B. For example if you are racist for noble reasons then you are no longer racist.*

You can use this on a variety of topics not just racism. Here is another question which will generate some autistic screeching.*

Are people accused of Rape entitled to due process and a fair trial? (yes/no)

This of course refers to the Dear Colleague letter just repealed by Devos. To those who don't know Democrats removed the rights of people accused of rape in a college campus to a jury of their peers. They also lowered the standard of evidence from "guilty beyond reasonable doubt" to "preponderance of evidence". Of course all the major Democrats like Obama and Biden support it.

I hope you have the same enjoyment as I do triggering liberals into self-awareness.*
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You can't educate the left.

You can only mock them mercilessly and goad them into a furious frenzy of fact-less falsehood. :rofl2:

Normies who see their antics are repulsed by their retarded repugnance, and thus are righteously red-pilled.

Praise Kek!
You can't educate the left.

You can only mock them mercilessly and goad them into a furious frenzy of fact-less falsehood. :rofl2:

Normies who see their antics are repulsed by their retarded repugnance, and thus are righteously red-pilled.

Praise Kek!

i find that you can if you ask the right questions.
dear fucking asswink righties

its you who hate science

amd math

and histroy

fuck you very much
While I'd agree that "racism" is overused by the left, there is genuine racism on this board. Look no further than the threads about looting in FL.

But I certainly appreciate your forthright honesty about how you troll.
While I'd agree that "racism" is overused by the left, there is genuine racism on this board. Look no further than the threads about looting in FL.

But I certainly appreciate your forthright honesty about how you troll.


Again racism is racism no matter how much you use it.

Should the color of your skin should be a factor in determining eligibility for higher education. (yes/no)?

Do you answer Yes to this question brother/sister thingy? If you do then yes you are a racist.
I block all the right on this board. There is no shared frame of refernce to discuss.

To me a debate entails a shared set of premises and argument over what flows from it. I don't care about the opinions of people who deny climate science, or don't think government should help people, or deny racism of the white still exists and does not need remedy.
There is nothing for me to say to them. In my world, with the very literate and educated people in my milieu, the discussion centers on what policies should be adopted to accomplish goals or remedy acknowledged ills. What are the downsides and cost benefits and ROI
of particular modalities, idea and plans and implementation. As to the very existence of things that we, the very intelligent know exists, there is no cause to debate that. Why in fucks name would I care what idiots think about anything? The only thing I need there is to keep them
from having any power over me. I am willing to do and discuss with anyone the best way to get and keep the new right out of power. Other than that, fuck them all. I just throw shit at them, say what I think, and block them.

Thanks for the interesting thread!
I block all the right on this board. There is no shared frame of refernce to discuss.

To me a debate entails a shared set of premises and argument over what flows from it. I don't care about the opinions of people who deny climate science, or don't think government should help people, or deny racism of the white still exists and does not need remedy.
There is nothing for me to say to them. In my world, with the very literate and educated people in my milieu, the discussion centers on what policies should be adopted to accomplish goals or remedy acknowledged ills. What are the downsides and cost benefits and ROI
of particular modalities, idea and plans and implementation. As to the very existence of things that we, the very intelligent know exists, there is no cause to debate that. Why in fucks name would I care what idiots think about anything? The only thing I need there is to keep them
from having any power over me. I am willing to do and discuss with anyone the best way to get and keep the new right out of power. Other than that, fuck them all. I just throw shit at them, say what I think, and block them.

Thanks for the interesting thread!

so in your intellectual opinion

Should the color of your skin should be a factor in determining eligibility for higher education. (yes/no)?
I mean, the higher ed question is typical of the lame, non-thinking "gotcha" mentality of posters like tsuke and many on the right. It's like, we've got 'em now!

I'm fairly neutral on AA programs. I prefer a system based solely on merit and qualifications - but also understand the reasoning. It's not "punishment" for one's ancestors. It is genuine acknowledgment that the effects of years of oppression and inequality still exist, and that some communities need a leg up if we truly want to be a land of equal opportunity.

Now, give me your rehearsed "gotcha" response. And drool some more.
I mean, the higher ed question is typical of the lame, non-thinking "gotcha" mentality of posters like tsuke and many on the right. It's like, we've got 'em now!

I'm fairly neutral on AA programs. I prefer a system based solely on merit and qualifications - but also understand the reasoning. It's not "punishment" for one's ancestors. It is genuine acknowledgment that the effects of years of oppression and inequality still exist, and that some communities need a leg up if we truly want to be a land of equal opportunity.

Now, give me your rehearsed "gotcha" response. And drool some more.

Its pretty simple. Anytime you answer yes as I mentioned you are racist. Your "genuine acknowledgment that the effects of years of oppression and inequality still exist" is merely justification for your racism.
Its pretty simple. Anytime you answer yes as I mentioned you are racist. Your "genuine acknowledgment that the effects of years of oppression and inequality still exist" is merely justification for your racism.

Wow - I called it exactly! Was that even thought out, or is it just a cut & paste you use?

So much drool, so little time. As to the OP title, trust me - you're not educating anyone.
Wow - I called it exactly! Was that even thought out, or is it just a cut & paste you use?

So much drool, so little time. As to the OP title, trust me - you're not educating anyone.

its right in the article brother/sister thingy : )

Again I do point out why. Racism is always racism. A is A There is no justification that turns A to B or racism into non-racism.

You may have a reason you think is noble (people always do) but that just makes you a noble racist.
its right in the article brother/sister thingy : )

Again I do point out why. Racism is always racism. A is A There is no justification that turns A to B or racism into non-racism.

You may have a reason you think is noble (people always do) but that just makes you a noble racist.

You're going by your own fabricated definition of racism. I don't consider people who cross the street when they see some black kids walking their way racist.

Racism is hate. People who hate others because of the color of their skin are racists. That's racism. Not giving a minority kid who is a generation removed from a family member not even being able to drink from the same water fountain a leg up getting into college.

Go peddle your false narratives & gotchas somewhere else. No traction here.
You're going by your own fabricated definition of racism. I don't consider people who cross the street when they see some black kids walking their way racist.

Racism is hate. People who hate others because of the color of their skin are racists. That's racism. Not giving a minority kid who is a generation removed from a family member not even being able to drink from the same water fountain a leg up getting into college.

Go peddle your false narratives & gotchas somewhere else. No traction here.

Racism is treating people differently because of the color of their skin is it not?

Favoring Black people over White or Asian people is racism just as favoring White people over Black people.