Trolling to Educate the Left

It's simple, Citizen Jarod. You don't seem to understand the difference between racism and racial discrimination.

A racist doctor would be unwilling to accept or treat patients of any race they deem inferior or harbor an animus toward, Citizen Jarod.

Diagnostic medical procedures do not require patients with low risk factors to be tested for inherited abnormal hemoglobin disorders. The government does not compel practitioners to test all patients without regard to their ethnic heritage.

In this case of a patient presenting an inherited propensity toward abnormal hemoglobin disorders, there is racial discrimination through accepted clinical practice, but no one is disadvantaged or penalized by taking racial characteristics into account for the purpose of diagnosis.

But the government mandates that Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity be applied to penalize some and advance others according to their racial identity. That's racial discrimination. It puts people at a disadvantage to others solely on the basis of race, and they are injured thereby, through no fault of their own.

Surely that is unreasonable.

A racist democrat then applies racism in order to command a private physician to treat someone based entirely upon the color of that persons skin...i.e., RACE, or a school to educate them because of the same platform...RACE..etc., What you are doing is RACE BAITING and suggesting that racism for a good cause "justifies the method" just like Saul Alinsky advised in his Satan dedicated book, Rules for Radicals.

;) You have been indoctrinated to the point that you do not even realize that you are a self defined racist BIGOT. As judged righteously by the prima facie evidence derived from your own words you are Bigoted against conservatives who oppose your Alinsky style point of view (i.e., your opinion), you are bigoted against Christians and simply post statements based upon your own ignorance in order to be contrary in an attempt to tear down someones faith while you in a racist fashion defend other religions that are instructed to Murder by their own supposed Holy Book. You hate your own neighbors and defend those who would openly hope to murder them....all for some imagined political gain.

You, judging by your own words do not want different people of different races, different cultures to assimilate into our American Culture, you mandate that everyone remain segregated by race, culture, religion, sex/gender, etc., Why? You use people, its much easier to indoctrinate via promoting division instead of solidarity....that's exactly why you are bigoted against those who define themselves as "nationalists"......its easy to tear down your bull shit propaganda when THE PEOPLE stand together with one demonstrated in the last election. The propaganda was that Trump had no chance, Hillary was a 90% lock...hoping that those who rejected her dishonest personality would stay at home and not vote against her...then there was a same attempt to intimidate the members and families of those in the EC...they constitutionally stood their ground and the BS was put to rest.

Now...its the Russians fault that the people saw through the bullshit.....not your own parties failures.
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