Trolling to Educate the Left

No, Comrade tsuke, it's racial discrimination.

Citizen Jarod hasn't made a claim to genetic superiority, he just thinks people who did nothing to deserve it should be denied equitable treatment because of their race so he can feel virtuous.

Not because of there race, but because of what was done to their culture.
Please give me an example of a moral absolute?

The 10 commandments as used for a template for the majority of all western jurisprudence...i.e., "universal" morality. But.....MURDER is an absolute moral negative. If not why not.....justify your left wing ideology that murder can be relative to the need to commit?

Example concerning the practice of atheism and that absolute moral position. Anyone can see just why the left refuses to accept the premise that morality can be absolute.

Deaths/murders caused by Atheism:

62 million by the soviet atheists, 35 million by communist China, 21 million by the socialist Nazi party, another 10 million by Nationalist regime of China, 6 million by pagan Japan who promoted their Emperor as god, 2 million by the Khmer Rouge regime, 1.9 million by Turkey's ethnic cleansing, 1.7 million by communist Vietnam.

And shall we not forget the 50 million + right here in the states......the number of unborn humans murdered at the alter of secular atheism. Atheism is dogmatic to say the least. Their favorite position is demanding proof of others (sound familiar) while taking the position that providing no proof of their own is somehow PROOF. Example.

That ABSOLUTE ENOUGH FOR YA? Who needs left wing theory and conjecture when the objective evidence is there for everyone to test? They say, "Prove there is a God...." while stating they don't have to present evidence that there is no God...because that's a negative as you can't disprove something that don't exist....according to their logic of demanding evidence....ignoring the reality that truth can be established via "prima facie" evidence...just ask the millions that have been executed via nothing but prima facie evidence.
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Tuske.. You are a simpleton, racism and discrimination are two different things.

You need to go back to school, your thinking is akin to that of a 12 year old.
A doctor is more likely to check a black person for cicil cell anemia than a white person... is that doctor Racist?
The 10 commandments as used for a template for the majority of all western jurisprudence...i.e., "universal" morality. But.....MURDER is an absolute moral negative. If not why not.....justify your left wing ideology that murder can be relative to the need to commit?

Example concerning the practice of atheism and that absolute moral position. Anyone can see just why the left refuses to accept the premise that morality can be absolute.

Deaths/murders caused by Atheism:

62 million by the soviet atheists, 35 million by communist China, 21 million by the socialist Nazi party, another 10 million by Nationalist regime of China, 6 million by pagan Japan who promoted their Emperor as god, 2 million by the Khmer Rouge regime, 1.9 million by Turkey's ethnic cleansing, 1.7 million by communist Vietnam.

And shall we not forget the 50 million + right here in the states......the number of unborn humans murdered at the alter of secular atheism. Atheism is dogmatic to say the least. Their favorite position is demanding proof of others (sound familiar) while taking the position that providing no proof of their own is somehow PROOF. Example.

That ABSOLUTE ENOUGH FOR YA? Who needs left wing theory and conjecture when the objective evidence is there for everyone to test? They say, "Prove there is a God...." while stating they don't have to present evidence that there is no God...because that's a negative as you can't disprove something that don't exist....according to their logic of demanding evidence....ignoring the reality that truth can be established via "prima facie" evidence...just ask the millions that have been executed via nothing but prima facie evidence.

"Though shall not kill" - Death Penalty? War?
so if i were to say prioritize black people for gang related crimes for example that is not racism?

I cant see how that would not be racist, (what is the basis other than thinking black people are inferior?) but you don't even know what the word means... Look it up then get back to me.
WHat does that have to do with it? Is the government the only entity that can be racist?

It's simple, Citizen Jarod. You don't seem to understand the difference between racism and racial discrimination.

A doctor is more likely to check a black person for cicil cell anemia than a white person... is that doctor Racist?

A racist doctor would be unwilling to accept or treat patients of any race they deem inferior or harbor an animus toward, Citizen Jarod.

Diagnostic medical procedures do not require patients with low risk factors to be tested for inherited abnormal hemoglobin disorders. The government does not compel practitioners to test all patients without regard to their ethnic heritage.

In this case of a patient presenting an inherited propensity toward abnormal hemoglobin disorders, there is racial discrimination through accepted clinical practice, but no one is disadvantaged or penalized by taking racial characteristics into account for the purpose of diagnosis.

But the government mandates that Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity be applied to penalize some and advance others according to their racial identity. That's racial discrimination. It puts people at a disadvantage to others solely on the basis of race, and they are injured thereby, through no fault of their own.

Surely that is unreasonable.
"Though shall not kill" - Death Penalty? War?

Your statement is based upon pure unadulterated IGNORANCE of the word of God, the source for all Christian Doctrine, "faith cometh hearing and hearing by the WORD OF GOD." as defined in scripture -- Roman 10:17......thou shall not MURDER is the correct translation based upon the context of the entire Word of God. There is a vast difference in Justice/killing and Murder. *

Self defense is recommended by Jesus Himself as He advised His apostles to "sell their clothing if need in order to purchase a sword for self defense." -- Luke 22:35-36. Why? Because He was sending them away from their homes and neighbors to spread the places that were frequented by thieves and murders, on a world wide campaign (Matthew 10:5-6), Jesus knew that thieves preyed upon travelers (Luke 10:30)

God explains exactly what thou shalt not kill means the deliberate and premeditated spilling of innocent blood, something that God finds ABOMINALBE . -- Proverbs 6:16-19

As far as the "death penalty"....its a direct command from God for the same reason, the spilling of innocent blood..i.e, MURDER " -- Genesis 9:6

Its carried over into the New Testament of Christ Jesus, Paul an apostle of the Christ was inspired to write these words, "For the COMMANDMENTS (the original commandments of God..i.e., the 10 commandments), " shall not MURDER...." -- Romans 13:9

What happens if someone does commit murder, is anyone authorized to seek revenge and kill the murderer.....Of Course not, Paul explains it in detail, such punishment as the death penalty is to be carried out by the GOVERNMENT as governments are appointed by God in order to reward the righteous and punish evil doers and he (the government does not bear the sword in vain -- Romans 13:1-4

As the scriptures detail, there is a time for include killing for righteousness sake,-- Eccl. 3:1-8

As far as killing in a military fashion, that would fall under the government not bearing the sword in vain, as the first gentile convert to Christianity was a Roman Commander of Arms "Cornelius".

As the word of God points out there is a vast difference in Murder, the spilling of innocent blood, and the punishment for the sin of murder and killing in self defense. :)

Jesus had this to say on the subject of self defense, "When a strong man, FULLY ARMED, guards his own palace, his goods are safe." -- Luke 11:21

*All quoted scripture is taken from the modern English Translation, not the King James, i.e., the New American Standard translation. The truth of translation is derived from context of the subject matter being addressed in all Book, Chapter, and verses, as directed by the word of God, in order to find the truth, the entire Word of God must be considered. "....the whole counsel of God.." -- Acts 20:17 When you state an opinion based upon only half or a partial portion of the Word.... a half truth often becomes a whole lie. Search the entire word of (the whole counsel) God where that specific subject matter is addressed, as the entire Word/all scripture is inspired of God -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17
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