Trolling to Educate the Left

While I'd agree that "racism" is overused by the left, there is genuine racism on this board. Look no further than the threads about looting in FL.

But I certainly appreciate your forthright honesty about how you troll.

If you think racism only exists in very select group of conservative circles, then you simply do not get out much. When all of your contact is with tree huggers who think we owe minorities something still today, that tends to be your world. A lot of whites still hold prejudice against blacks, or Hispanics, a lot of Hispanics hold prejudice against blacks, Puerto Ricans don't like Cubans, vice versa, Mexicans don't like Puerto Ricans. Blacks don't like Hispanics, or whites, or cops in general, People just don't outwardly broadcast it, which is the best you're going to do for now, keep it in check, keep it from costing someone a job, or a place in line, or a promotion. Or injustice in our courts.

you are not going to beat racism out of people, or shame it out of them, or otherwise think it will just go away because you keep exposing it or saying it over and over and over.
The better approach would be to ignore it, especially minorities in particular who it is aimed at. Ignore it.
And maybe someday through proving that we are all equal, not demanding it, proving it generation after generation that we are all equal, not using it as a tool to get back at someone, by destroying monuments to our history, or disrespecting our flag, only then we will all truly be equal.
id also like to highlight the second example i brought up. the Dems took away the rights of the accused to a trial when they thought there were too many campus rapes going on.
I block all the right on this board. There is no shared frame of refernce to discuss.

To me a debate entails a shared set of premises and argument over what flows from it. I don't care about the opinions of people who deny climate science, or don't think government should help people, or deny racism of the white still exists and does not need remedy.
There is nothing for me to say to them. In my world, with the very literate and educated people in my milieu, the discussion centers on what policies should be adopted to accomplish goals or remedy acknowledged ills. What are the downsides and cost benefits and ROI
of particular modalities, idea and plans and implementation. As to the very existence of things that we, the very intelligent know exists, there is no cause to debate that. Why in fucks name would I care what idiots think about anything? The only thing I need there is to keep them
from having any power over me. I am willing to do and discuss with anyone the best way to get and keep the new right out of power. Other than that, fuck them all. I just throw shit at them, say what I think, and block them.

Thanks for the interesting thread!

I mean, the higher ed question is typical of the lame, non-thinking "gotcha" mentality of posters like tsuke and many on the right. It's like, we've got 'em now!

I'm fairly neutral on AA programs. I prefer a system based solely on merit and qualifications - but also understand the reasoning. It's not "punishment" for one's ancestors. It is genuine acknowledgment that the effects of years of oppression and inequality still exist, and that some communities need a leg up if we truly want to be a land of equal opportunity.

Now, give me your rehearsed "gotcha" response. And drool some more.

Dear moron; NO blacks today experienced the bolded part unless it has been self inflicted. There is very little REAL racism left in this country for the most part. There is some prejudice based on the actions of the black community which is definitely self inflicted.

You may not like the videos of a bunch of blacks looting stores in storm ravaged areas, but you would be hard pressed to find white folks acting the same way. That isn't racism asswhipe; that's the TRUTH. The same thing is happening in black dominated islands in the Caribbean. You lefties need to extract your heads from your asses.
You're going by your own fabricated definition of racism. I don't consider people who cross the street when they see some black kids walking their way racist.

Racism is hate. People who hate others because of the color of their skin are racists. That's racism. Not giving a minority kid who is a generation removed from a family member not even being able to drink from the same water fountain a leg up getting into college.

Go peddle your false narratives & gotchas somewhere else. No traction here.

WRONG again shit-for-brains: racism is the belief that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others . The Japanese are uber racists for the most part; as are many Asian cultures.
Racism is treating people differently because of the color of their skin is it not?

Favoring Black people over White or Asian people is racism just as favoring White people over Black people.

WRONG; it is the belief that one's race is superior to another and should dominate the other group.
dear fucking asswink righties

its you who hate science

amd math

and histroy

fuck you very much

Hate science? Just present "one" scientific experiment that confirms that vertical evolution is a fact of Science...just one. (one DNA signature life from "evolving" into another and distinct DNA signature lifeform..i.e., evolution outside of the same species where one species "evolves" into another distinct a cold blooded fish evolving into a warm blooded mammal...something that MUST HAVE happened IF evolution as taught to our children is a fact of science).

Of the countless experiments attempted by the atheists of the world....not one has been successful in proving that "spontaneous generation" of life has ever occurred in nature. "IN FACT", every time such an experiment is attempted using the SCIENTIFIC METHOD it always ends in "falsifying" the THEORY OF EVOLUTION.

SCIENTIFIC METHOD: Observation, reproducible, and testable via experiment.

The theory (a faith based assumption void of enough evidence to be a fact of science) of EVOLUTION is simply "untenable" when real science is applied....i.e., when demonstrable and reproducible facts are applied.

If not show me the example of one successful experiment where life has been spontaneously generated from dead matter as claimed as the 1st and foundational tenet of evolution.

untenable: un-able to be defended in a scientific method.

Next: History Left Wing affirmative action..i.e., legislated racism, racism is racism A is Always A....0 is always 0 no matter how many times its applied and quantified.

The housing crisis was helped along a great deal by DEMOCRATS who made the banks (by law) loan money to those who were unqualified and had no credit history or had a bad credit history in order to purchase property/houses that they obviously had no ability to maintain and pay back in a timely fashion. Why? Because of a racist reason: The color of their skin or their place in society: As demonstrated via a self defining video.....when racism is applied for a Good Reason (Alinsky 101 false premise) its OK to implement racist acts of legislation.

What left wing act of legislation helped fuel the housing bubble crash? Simply watch and learn from HISTORY ACTUAL:

Math? Let's look at the left wing lie that the military/wars are responsible for the 20 trillion dollar credit card bill now facing our grandchildren when and if they ever get the chance to grow to maturity and become tax paying citizens. The demonstrable and documented reality prove that liberals have wasted some 22 trillion on social programs related to the "great society" plans of the democrats over the past 50+ years and poverty index remains unmoved since the 60s....while all the wars in US history combined have cost the US taxpayers but 6-7 trillion dollars.

The documented facts from the governments own coffers: The Heritage Foundation documents the numbers from Government department accounting, simply prompt them at the end of the report.
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If you think racism only exists in very select group of conservative circles, then you simply do not get out much. When all of your contact is with tree huggers who think we owe minorities something still today, that tends to be your world. A lot of whites still hold prejudice against blacks, or Hispanics, a lot of Hispanics hold prejudice against blacks, Puerto Ricans don't like Cubans, vice versa, Mexicans don't like Puerto Ricans. Blacks don't like Hispanics, or whites, or cops in general, People just don't outwardly broadcast it, which is the best you're going to do for now, keep it in check, keep it from costing someone a job, or a place in line, or a promotion. Or injustice in our courts.

you are not going to beat racism out of people, or shame it out of them, or otherwise think it will just go away because you keep exposing it or saying it over and over and over.
The better approach would be to ignore it, especially minorities in particular who it is aimed at. Ignore it.
And maybe someday through proving that we are all equal, not demanding it, proving it generation after generation that we are all equal, not using it as a tool to get back at someone, by destroying monuments to our history, or disrespecting our flag, only then we will all truly be equal.

Where did I say or even imply the bolded?

Don't believe that, and never have.