Trolling to Educate the Left

Racism is treating people differently because of the color of their skin is it not?

Favoring Black people over White or Asian people is racism just as favoring White people over Black people.

The question worthy of debate is not whether the rich are advantaged and exploit the government and financial system. That's a given. So too is it an empirical given that a capitalist system generates greatest wealth while allowing a degree of human autonomy. The question worthy of debate is how can we ameliorate the former while maintaining elements of the latter..

The question is not is climate change caused by man and deliterious, itn is in what ways can we reduce and eventually cease to the maximum extent greenhouse gas emissions and do so with the least economic upheaval and in the most positive ways.

The question is not whether racism against blacks exists and hurts their prospects in life, it is how can we change attitudes, overcome the disadvantages they are burdened with while at the same time not injuring others to the maximum extent possible.

Why would I care about what anyone thinks who would reject these premises and solely want to argue the blue sky is green? They are idiots. Fuck them.
of course you can. This is why Desh cannot reply with her usual vim and vigor. She knows her answer makes her a racist.

Read about the Dunning-Kruger effect.

You can't educate the left for one simple are stupid.
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Trolling to Educate the Left

Today I want to discuss how to use trolling to educate the left. The most crucial thing to remember about trolling is that it has to look as innocent as possible. The purpose of it is to be able to draw a response from the audience which will let them come to a moment of self-realization. This is similar to the socratic method used in law school.

The best example I can provide for this is when the left accuses me of racism. Im sure everyone from the right has been accused of racism at one point or another. *At this point I only ask one simple question.

Should the color of your skin should be a factor in determining eligibility for higher education. (yes/no)?

Of course you can imagine the autistic screeching I have to endure after I bring this up because it blows the narrative out of the water. Almost everyone from the left would answer in the affirmative and almost everyone in the right would answer in the negative.

Make no mistake the moment you answer yes to that question you are a racist. Period. End of sentence. Anything that you say after that is merely justification for being a racist.

If you are a liberal reading this I understand you have all sorts of justifications for answering yes. They all boil down to "People were racist in the past so I have to be racist now to correct it". If it makes you feel better you can be a noble racist. But you are still a racist.

Of course in their eyes everyone is a noble racist. People are always the heroes in their own stories. They are rarely racist just because. There is always some justification for racism to make it a moral good. To make it noble. The black people just cannot take care of themselves. We need to bring religion to the heathens. We need to correct previous injustices.

A is A

At this point I would like to bring in Ayn Rand, one of my favorite authors. Her thoughts on morality is something that everyone should read. The reason why liberals fall into this trap is because they have no moral absolutes. One of the most important points Ayn Rand makes is that A is A. Racism is always racism. Almost all liberals practice morale relativism or in certain conditions A can be B. For example if you are racist for noble reasons then you are no longer racist.*

You can use this on a variety of topics not just racism. Here is another question which will generate some autistic screeching.*

Are people accused of Rape entitled to due process and a fair trial? (yes/no)

This of course refers to the Dear Colleague letter just repealed by Devos. To those who don't know Democrats removed the rights of people accused of rape in a college campus to a jury of their peers. They also lowered the standard of evidence from "guilty beyond reasonable doubt" to "preponderance of evidence". Of course all the major Democrats like Obama and Biden support it.

I hope you have the same enjoyment as I do triggering liberals into self-awareness.*

Please give me an example of a moral absolute?

Again racism is racism no matter how much you use it.

Should the color of your skin should be a factor in determining eligibility for higher education. (yes/no)?

Do you answer Yes to this question brother/sister thingy? If you do then yes you are a racist.

Oh, I'm sorry but you are incorrect.
Who appointed you as arbiter of definitions.....that's one.

Shut the fuck up useless troll.
Should the color of your skin should be a factor in determining eligibility for higher education. (yes/no)?

Depends, and its not because of the color of your skin, but in my opinion, if the color of your skin was systematically used to prevent your parents/grandparents from attaining an education or used to keep your "class" an underclass... and your "class" is still under educated or under represented in ability to take advantage of the benefits or our culture as a result of that past discrimination...

Then using color as a basis for an enhanced ability to attain an education or certain jobs might result in the best results for society and culture... and might also be the proper remedy for such things as legacy based admissions... like George W. Bush took advantage of at Yale.

(Personally I prefer using financial status instead of color, meaning that if you were born poor but show promise you should get a better chance than a trust fund kid)
Should the color of your skin should be a factor in determining eligibility for higher education. (yes/no)?

Depends, and its not because of the color of your skin, but in my opinion, if the color of your skin was systematically used to prevent your parents/grandparents from attaining an education or used to keep your "class" an underclass... and your "class" is still under educated or under represented in ability to take advantage of the benefits or our culture as a result of that past discrimination...

Then using color as a basis for an enhanced ability to attain an education or certain jobs might result in the best results for society and culture... and might also be the proper remedy for such things as legacy based admissions... like George W. Bush took advantage of at Yale.

(Personally I prefer using financial status instead of color, meaning that if you were born poor but show promise you should get a better chance than a trust fund kid)

Rayciss! :rofl2:
Should the color of your skin should be a factor in determining eligibility for higher education. (yes/no)?

Depends, and its not because of the color of your skin, but in my opinion, if the color of your skin was systematically used to prevent your parents/grandparents from attaining an education or used to keep your "class" an underclass... and your "class" is still under educated or under represented in ability to take advantage of the benefits or our culture as a result of that past discrimination...

Then using color as a basis for an enhanced ability to attain an education or certain jobs might result in the best results for society and culture... and might also be the proper remedy for such things as legacy based admissions... like George W. Bush took advantage of at Yale.

(Personally I prefer using financial status instead of color, meaning that if you were born poor but show promise you should get a better chance than a trust fund kid)

in short racism. But racism you can justify to yourself by claiming its for noble reasons.
Oh, I'm sorry but you are incorrect.
Who appointed you as arbiter of definitions.....that's one.

Shut the fuck up useless troll.

your posts are always very mean : (

Its ok some people lash out when they find out that they are racist and cant accept it.
in short racism. But racism you can justify to yourself by claiming its for noble reasons.

No, Comrade tsuke, it's racial discrimination.

Citizen Jarod hasn't made a claim to genetic superiority, he just thinks people who did nothing to deserve it should be denied equitable treatment because of their race so he can feel virtuous.
No, Comrade tsuke, it's racial discrimination.

Citizen Jarod hasn't made a claim to genetic superiority, he just thinks people who did nothing to deserve it should be denied equitable treatment because of their race so he can feel virtuous.

supremacy is different from racism. You can discriminate against others without feeling superior.
supremacy is different from racism. You can discriminate against others without feeling superior.

Exactly. Citizen Jarod accepts the fact that he is inherently no better than anyone else.

He advocates discrimination based on ethnic ancestry (for other people's kids), just like he advocates a carbon-neutral lifestyle for others while he ferries his fam to & fro in a car so they can enjoy AC. :rofl2:
sure. Getting any special advantage due to the color of your skin is wrong.

So when black people dont have to wear as much sunscreen as me, thats wrong? When black people have much lower rates of melanoma, thats wrong?
Racism is based on hate, disliking someone or disadvantaging someone because you think they are less than another due to race.
in short racism. But racism you can justify to yourself by claiming its for noble reasons.

How do you define racism, because that is not racism to me. I am not saying any race is better than another.