Into the Night
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And will end-up in jail.
Inversion fallacy. Election fraud is illegal. It's a federal and State crime.
And will end-up in jail.
Since last January, "infection rates" have been used to scare the gullible.
Pre-panic science:
Respiratory viral infections are a leading cause of disease worldwide.
A variety of respiratory viruses produce infections in humans with effects ranging from asymptomatic to life-threatening.
Standard surveillance systems typically only target severe infections (Emergency Department outpatients, hospitalizations, deaths) and fail to track asymptomatic or mild infections.
Host response to respiratory viruses is heterogeneous: some presumed infections, measured by detectable shedding of virus, exhibit no symptoms or signs of disease, whereas others result in more serious symptoms. When assessing the burden of an infectious disease, it is important to evaluate both the prevalence of the infection within the population and the range of its symptomatic manifestations.
Higher severity of symptoms are not associated with higher frequency of infection. Infections that do not satisfy one or more specified definitions are defined as asymptomatic infections. A standard for symptomatic infection does not exist.
Definitions of symptomatic infections:
Def 1 At least 1 day in a −3/+3 days window presents daily score >3
Def 2 Minimum two symptoms within −3 and +3 days from the test, with at least one recorded as moderate or severe
Def 3 Total symptom score >9 in a −3/+3 days window
Def 4 Weekly score higher than two times the personal weekly average
Def 5 At least 1 day in a −3/+7 days window presents daily score >3
Def 6 Minimum two symptoms within −3 and +7 days from the test, with at least one recorded as moderate or severe
Def 7 Total symptom score >9 in a −3/+7 days window
Def 8 Weekly score higher than two times the personal 11 days average
More than half of the RSV (respiratory system viruses), adenovirus, PIV (parainfluenza), CoV (coronavirus and HRV (human rhinovirus) infections documented are asymptomatic according to all definitions.
Consistent with previous findings, we did not find an association between viral co-infection and the likelihood of being symptomatic or presenting with more severe symptoms. Regardless of the definition, our findings underscore the extremely high proportion of respiratory viral infections that are asymptomatic. Further analysis is required to capture the role played by asymptomatic individuals in outbreak transmission dynamics, specifically the relative infectiousness of asymptomatic vs. symptomatic infections.
DEMOCRAT junk science:
Infection Rate explained - The Infection Rate, or “R(t),” is the number of people one infected person goes on to infect in a specific area, over a specific time. The areas we look at are county and state. The period of time we look at is while a person is contagious (able to spread COVID).
If the R(t) is 3, one person will most likely infect three other people, and those three people will each go on to infect three more people and so forth.
R(t) is one of the most important metrics Covid Act Now tracks because it tells us how fast COVID is spreading. R(t), in combination with daily new cases, tells us about how many people are spreading COVID and at what rate. R(t) also indicates risks associated with ICU headroom used.
Inversion fallacy. Democrats DID steal the election.Trump only Tried to steal election,
No. You can't make people that support the Constitution of the United States go usual he and his minions were Failures.
Paradox. Your are being irrational.Your base may be solidifying but it is also dwindling
because the further trump and to the right that you go the fewer Real Republicans want to have anything to do with your "Party" .
Change the name of the GOP to the T Party,
after all that is not technically plagiarizing, and it might resound with the core cult members. The real GOP needs to break off and run on their original principles and leave the T Party to become what they really are, the American Fascist Party. Seig Heil!
This what happens when you steal an election. Those who voted for the losing candidate get pissed off and then involved.
Now in less than one yr we have had well over 400,000 deaths to covid and more people dying by the day than were killed on 9/1.
I suppose you don't have to wear seat belts either do you?
Two yrs ago democrats took over the House of Reps, this past election your orange asshole lost the presidency to the democrat and then the senate was taken over by the democrats. Yes it it appears you and your rightwing assholes are taking everything over. Trump is done, he will never again be elected to dog catcher much less public office. You want to know what movement will be next I'd say it will be the progressives.
The difference is......... you cant TAX the sun....LOL Leadership KNOWS there isnt a damn thing that can be done about climate change because they know the true source behind it. But that doesnt make any money so........
Corrupt shit show? Your fucking fuhrer was impeached twice and the most corrupt shit show just ended.
No they don't. The progressives are growing by the day and you aren't going to stop them. Trump is the shithead that is now rejected by enough republicans that he will never again be elected to anything. With any luck he might control enough republicans to win a primary there but he doesn't stand a chance in another general election.
Republicans counted the votes in this last election. Amazing how all the assholes who actually think Trump won the last election say shit like this when republicans were the ones counting the votes in all but one of the swing states.
Republicans running these elections say they were the most secure ever. Trumps number one in charge said they were the most secure. Trumps AG and DoJ said there was nothing to investigate, there was no corruption. Your cry baby asshole is the only one making that claim yet he doesn't know jack shit about running an election and you believe him? You are just a cry baby asshole like he is.
We had a total of about 116,000 military deaths in WWI over a couple yrs. We had about 291,000 deaths in WWII over the course of a few yrs. Now in less than one yr we have had well over 400,000 deaths to covid and more people dying by the day than were killed on 9/11 yet we have assholes like you trying to play down this pandemic as democrat junk science. It's no wonder the democrats have taken over virtually every branch of govt with fucking idiots like you on the other side of the fence.
how does a "fringe" group get to be POTUS?
Just because you are too fucking stupid to understand or comprehend the science doesn't mean it isn't real.
A devout hatred for the person running on the other ticket (Hillary), help from Russia because they want an idiot in charge here, and a little luck with the electoral college because even then the orange asshole lost the popular vote.
What proves it was a "fringe" group is the fact he couldn't get re-elected. Trump never won the popular vote in anything, he is simply a loser.
We had a total of about 116,000 military deaths in WWI over a couple yrs. We had about 291,000 deaths in WWII over the course of a few yrs. Now in less than one yr we have had well over 400,000 deaths to covid and more people dying by the day than were killed on 9/11 yet we have assholes like you trying to play down this pandemic as democrat junk science. It's no wonder the democrats have taken over virtually every branch of govt with fucking idiots like you on the other side of the fence.
Russia didnt do a damn thing to sway the election.A devout hatred for the person running on the other ticket (Hillary), help from Russia because they want an idiot in charge here, and a little luck with the electoral college because even then the orange asshole lost the popular vote.
What proves it was a "fringe" group is the fact he couldn't get re-elected. Trump never won the popular vote in anything, he is simply a loser.
I dont understand what you guys dont get. Its NOT about trump, or any President, or any one man. I have said this MANY times. It is about the ideas and policies.
Trump increased Hispanic and black vote;Your fucking "freedom" whatever the fuck it is is getting smaller by the day. The democrats and the progressives are a building wave that is going to be here for decades. I'm not so sure that a republican will ever again hold the presidency. The birth rate of Hispanics and blacks so far outnumbers Caucasians in this country that by 2040-50 Caucasians will be a minority in this country. John McCain was 100% right when he said if the republican cannot find a way to embrace both the Hispanics and blacks in this country the party is doomed.