Trump backs out of "60 Minutes" interview after appearing "scattered" and incoherent in Wisconsin

Trump is now a complete idiot. He was never up on how American politics works, he just blustered and bullied his way down.
He wants to run the nation like it's a business. Which means he gets to transfer as much money from one business directly into the coffers of his business. In that sense, he was a remarkably successful POTUS.

He doesn't understand that when you make a blunder in this nation's business the way he did in every one of his trumpco ventures, there is no daddy available to bail the nation out. We saw this when he bungled the trump virus in '20.
Trump is crude , rude and unable to communicate with accuracy and nuance. He makes shit up. He repeats over and over and over. It would be a joke if the Trumpys could see what a damaged and demented man he is. We watch his speeches and laugh when we are not shocked. They see someone they want to be president. He is not subtle. They want America to end more than he does.
"They" care about only one thing, and 'they' are not ashamed of it.

trump consistently 'owns the Libs.'

That's all that 'they' need to know.
Remember Trump has said he wants to get revenge on his political opponents and stomp on the CONSTITUTION .
That is what DICTATORS do NOT Presidents of the USA.
Have a nice day
and that was coming from a delusional geezer who openly claimed he'd like to be a dictator, would weaponize the Justice system and put 200% tariffs on American companies.
Former President Donald Trump backed out of an interview with "60 Minutes," bucking a decades-long tradition for presidential candidates appearing on the program, CBS announced Tuesday.

The news station said both Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump had previously agreed to appear on the special, airing Oct. 7 special.

“After initially accepting 60 Minutes' request for an interview with Scott Pelley, former President Trump's campaign has decided not to participate. Pelley will address this Monday evening. Our election special will broadcast the Harris interview on Monday as planned,” the network said in a statement.

"Where's my apology? They should apologize. They were wrong on everything. So I'd like to get an apology,” Trump said at a press conference in Milwaukee on Tuesday in which he repeatedly fumbled his words and showed signs of potential cognitive decline.

The 78-year-old first confused the leaders of North Korea and Iran, and then suggested that 34 soldiers who suffered traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack during his presidency were merely experiencing "headaches."

He’s basically in hiding except very controlled situations until the election.
SO you are telling us you don't even bother to listen to what Trump says?
Well that is just what low IQ MAGAS do.
Have a nice day
no.....I'm telling EVERYONE that you've lied about Trump daily since you started posting here........Trump was president for four years........he didn't stamp on the constitution even are either extremely stupid or an outright liar........(I can't decide, so I consider you to be both)........
I'm glad even worthless shits like you have a place to voice their opinions and to be seen.....

“Aides said he [Trump] talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that prompted Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” writes Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, (SOURCE)

Every day in every way you guys have to justify the worst stuff imaginable. And you do it with a smile.