Trump backs out of "60 Minutes" interview after appearing "scattered" and incoherent in Wisconsin

Says the guy supporting people who are taking revenge through lawfare. Seriously, if you cannot see the deep irony in your post here while you cheer the courts being used against your political opposition you are deliberately ignoring what you say as it relates to reality.
"Lawfare" is a fabricated term like "Assault weapon". People who use such terms are not serious people since they have to make words to justify their actions.

The law is the law. It's Trump who has consistently sought to pervert the laws of our land by several means and he has spent millions of donor dollars to do it.
Trump has walked all over the Constitution and openly broke his oath to the Constitution on 1/6. He's a traitor and domestic enemy of the Constitution.
He has promised to do much, much worse if he gets back in. He wants to punish newspapers, TV and radio stations, that he THINKS were not fair enough to him. Trump has no respect for laws, regulations, or the Constitution. Free speech is only for him and his followers. Trump is an unevolved stupid man who is very dangerous to the American experiment.
He has promised to do much, much worse if he gets back in. He wants to punish newspapers, TV and radio stations, that he THINKS were not fair enough to him. Trump has no respect for laws, regulations, or the Constitution. Free speech is only for him and his followers. Trump is an unevolved stupid man who is very dangerous to the American experiment.
Sad but true. No person can vote for such a man and still honestly call themselves an American loyal to the Constitution.
Because SIR SIR is a fake news phony fact checking cunt and he's seen enough of her old wrankled up ass.
YOU break the law you should have to pay the price.
There was a grand jury , and a jury that heard the evidence and said Trump did what he was charged with, It is too bad Trump is too stupid to pick a GOOD Lawyer.
And he did say he was going to get revenge on his political opponents and that is what a DICTATOR does NOT a US President.
you know all those charges are horseshit.

America sees through your lies.

this is why you're losing.
Judging by all the JPP MAGAts, most are as damaged and demented as their Orange Jesus. Those that aren't demented or mentally ill are simply traitors, terrorists and/or liars. At a guess, 9 out of 10 are in the demented/whacked category with only 10% being anti-American criminals.

Trump's speeches are becoming more wild and disjointed every day. The fact so many JPP MAGAts lap this up prove the point about them being as damaged and demented as he is.
It proves they are bot holes
and yet, only the fucking lib'ruls are stupid enough to believe the shit they make up........

Yes, everyone lies about Trump. Only TRUMP tells the truth.

Donald Trump said, “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

I mean, I get it. You MAGA folks tend to come from some heavily inbred areas of the country, so this sounds "normal" to you. Trust me, in the rest of the country it is not.
Former President Donald Trump backed out of an interview with "60 Minutes," bucking a decades-long tradition for presidential candidates appearing on the program, CBS announced Tuesday.

The news station said both Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump had previously agreed to appear on the special, airing Oct. 7 special.

“After initially accepting 60 Minutes' request for an interview with Scott Pelley, former President Trump's campaign has decided not to participate. Pelley will address this Monday evening. Our election special will broadcast the Harris interview on Monday as planned,” the network said in a statement.

"Where's my apology? They should apologize. They were wrong on everything. So I'd like to get an apology,” Trump said at a press conference in Milwaukee on Tuesday in which he repeatedly fumbled his words and showed signs of potential cognitive decline.

The 78-year-old first confused the leaders of North Korea and Iran, and then suggested that 34 soldiers who suffered traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack during his presidency were merely experiencing "headaches."

Yahoo? Seriously? :laugh:
His handlers know Trump is losing his mind.

