Trump backs out of "60 Minutes" interview after appearing "scattered" and incoherent in Wisconsin

When will you follow your own advice and quit calling documented facts fiction?
If it’s untrue Trump can prove that
You have created an interesting special pleading fallacy.

Anyone besides Trump who is accused of something must be proven to be guilty of said offense.

When Trump is accused, on the other hand, then the false accusation itself becomes a documented fact, and Trump must prove it false.

How will you incorporate your TDS into your celebration of Trump's victory in November?
Trump Dummy ❤️ Dutch
I wanna suck you off, Dutch!
More proof all MAGAts are "slow" if not demented.
Yes, everyone lies about Trump. Only TRUMP tells the truth.
False. Many people lie about Trump. Few people, including Trump, tell the truth.

Donald Trump said, “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
Did you hear what Trump said? Did you? Did you? Did you hear what Trump said?

In what way did Trump's execution of his Presidential duties somehow fall short during his term?

I mean, I get it.
Nope. You aren't even close.

You MAGA folks tend to come from some heavily inbred areas of the country,
List for me the top three places where there just aren't any people who want to make America great again.

Trust me,

in the rest of the country it is not.
Guess who doesn't get to speak for "the rest of the country." Guess who doesn't get to speak for anyone but himself.
You have created an interesting special pleading fallacy.

Anyone besides Trump who is accused of something must be proven to be guilty of said offense.

When Trump is accused, on the other hand, then the false accusation itself becomes a documented fact, and Trump must prove it false.

How will you incorporate your TDS into your celebration of Trump's victory in November?

Go read the facts in each case

You will understand why juries kept recommending trials for his crimes
You have created an interesting special pleading fallacy.

Anyone besides Trump who is accused of something must be proven to be guilty of said offense.

When Trump is accused, on the other hand, then the false accusation itself becomes a documented fact, and Trump must prove it false.

How will you incorporate your TDS into your celebration of Trump's victory in November?
Beware of what Putin promised you would happen

He’s a con man just like trump
You have created an interesting special pleading fallacy.

Anyone besides Trump who is accused of something must be proven to be guilty of said offense.

When Trump is accused, on the other hand, then the false accusation itself becomes a documented fact, and Trump must prove it false.

How will you incorporate your TDS into your celebration of Trump's victory in November?
You cannot reason with mental cases on the left. ;)
“Aides said he [Trump] talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that prompted Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” writes Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, (SOURCE)

Every day in every way you guys have to justify the worst stuff imaginable. And you do it with a smile.
trump basically bragged about being a sexual predator when he used to visit Howard Stern regularly. Watch young Ivanka giggle

trump basically bragged about being a sexual predator when he used to visit Howard Stern regularly. Watch young Ivanka giggle
You have to be a severe mental case to think that Howard Stern was a serious show or that they were being serious.

You sad, pathetic, brainless creature. What it must be like to wander the world in a stupor. :palm:
Trump is, indeed, getting worse. I expect him to have a major meltdown before November 5th.
I think he will have a meltdown, we will think he cannot get much worse, and then two weeks later he will have a further meltdown, and we will all miss how he was for the first meltdown, because he was soooo much better then. Every two to four weeks, until he leaves the public eye, he will get much worse.

Vance is a smart enough person that he is planning to remove trump if trump is president. Half the cabinet can remove the president, so Vance will try to get enough of his people in the cabinet to do that.

trump was fine with killing Pence, so I suppose he will be fine with killing Vance. That all presupposes that trump has the mental ability to make adult plans... Which is cannot be assured.

A lot of Republicans are looking at this and hoping trump loses. That leaves open the question of how bad it would have been.
I think he will have a meltdown, we will think he cannot get much worse, and then two weeks later he will have a further meltdown, and we will all miss how he was for the first meltdown, because he was soooo much better then. Every two to four weeks, until he leaves the public eye, he will get much worse.

Vance is a smart enough person that he is planning to remove trump if trump is president. Half the cabinet can remove the president, so Vance will try to get enough of his people in the cabinet to do that.

trump was fine with killing Pence, so I suppose he will be fine with killing Vance. That all presupposes that trump has the mental ability to make adult plans... Which is cannot be assured.

A lot of Republicans are looking at this and hoping trump loses. That leaves open the question of how bad it would have been.
If he's lucky, the meltdown will be in private and he'll stay in reclusion claiming to have "the flu".

Vance would certainly leap at the chance to use the 25th Amendment against Trump, but he'd have to have the backing of Congressional Republicans.
Stroke , Heart attack or a complete melt down, He doesn't seem to be handling the stress very well.
Time will only tell.
have a nice day
That opens up an interesting question: if trump has a stroke, and is unable to speak or move, would his supporters allow him to be removed from the ticket?
That opens up an interesting question: if trump has a stroke, and is unable to speak or move, would his supporters allow him to be removed from the ticket?
Yes. It's be "Weekend at Bernie's" with Pedo Don propped up in the WH.

Trump projects a lot. He claims the Democrats are guilty of cheating in elections when it was he who tried to cheat. He claims the Democrats have weaponized the DOJ and FBI when it's he who has tried to do it and promises to do it more thoroughly if elected. Trump claims the Democrats want to take people's freedom away and turn the US into a fascist state when it's he wants to do it.

All the jokes about Biden being demented and too feebleminded to serve when it's Trump who is clearly demented and too feebleminded to serve.

Here he's drooling during a speech: