It is most often found on college campuses in their codes of behavior. They include things like inappropriate laughter, eye contact or lack thereof, prohibitions against lookism, ageism, classism, and ableism; for example, opposing affirmative action shows lack of sensitivity of minorities.
Many of these codes have been struck down at public colleges.
There are JPP posters who oppose free expression they oppose--Confederate or Nazi symbols, advocating offensive action or speech...I'm not sure I would consider these mainstream liberals.
You're lying about me not having a job because you know I'm right.
You have no job. Just sucking off the taxpayers tit.
Lying #deflection because you know I'm right.
You already has your ass kicked on this matter. I am still unsure if you are really a girl or not. Most likely just a gender confused liberal who hate minorities.
Translation. I never did a fucking thing for my country. No one in my welfare collecting family has. I just take. And moan like a bitch.
So really, just random fringe people. The reason you don't see mainstream Liberals saying these things is because they're extremely unpopular on the Left.
It is most often found on college campuses in their codes of behavior. They include things like inappropriate laughter, eye contact or lack thereof, prohibitions against lookism, ageism, classism, and ableism; for example, opposing affirmative action shows lack of sensitivity of minorities.
Many of these codes have been struck down at public colleges.
There are JPP posters who oppose free expression they oppose--Confederate or Nazi symbols, advocating offensive action or speech...I'm not sure I would consider these mainstream liberals.
Does that include Christian colleges?
Probably only the larger universities where religion is not as evident or some small liberal Christian colleges.
The private schools are not restricted by the 1st Amendment and can get away with more limitations.
They have the worst restrictions. Believe me because I graduated from one. You can't express anything that is contrary to their beliefs.
Was it a liberal Christian school? I know the more fundamentalist schools are pretty strict. I remember when some of the schools prohibited inter-racial dating although I think they have since dropped that restriction.
I never did a fucking thing for my country. No one in my welfare collecting family has. I just take. And moan like a bitch.
Not really random or fringe on college campuses. I guess the JPP liberals are very fringe. Good to see mainstream liberalism doesn't want to restrict speech even when it is very offensive--racial slurs, Nazi and Confederate symbols, calls to kill or deport all of (name the group)......
I had the impression today's liberals are much less tolerant given the very hateful description of Trump supporters.
lol, you're bragging about mopping the floor on a fucking boat.
Well Trumpcucks are objectively horrible people who should be regarded as Fascists. But the average Liberal believes that even those people should have freedom of speech. I'd also have to question this claim that college campuses are full of people who don't believe in free speech.
I was referring to college speech codes. These are usually the result of student governments that often consist of more activist, extreme students. Most of the students are not involved in most of that or share their beliefs although many are reluctant to go against campus social norms. Most of the white students are unlikely to believe the white privilege concept pushed in sociology, women's studies, ethnic studies, and English classes.
Well Trumpcucks are objectively horrible people who should be regarded as Fascists.