trump "intellectual capacity" questioned

trump does well with his deep base when he speaks,
This says absolutely nothing. Who do you imagine is his "deep base"? Am I his "deep base"? What are you saying about this undefined set of people?

but to the rest of America he looks like a crazy person.
It would appear that you believe you speak for "the rest of America." You do not, by the way.

In debates, he loses votes.
He gains votes every time he speaks, so I have no idea what you are talking about. When he ran in 2016, he debated all the Republican giants and spanked every single one of them, and then he spanked Hillary and took the election.

Then Trump spanked Biden, even though he was lynched by the "moderator", and won the election ... which then had to be stolen.
This says absolutely nothing. Who do you imagine is his "deep base"? Am I his "deep base"? What are you saying about this undefined set of people?
Almost all politicians will have a base, those who naturally support him, and a deep base, those that naturally support extremely him. I do not know what about this you find confusing. It seems straightforward to me.

then he spanked Hillary and took the election.

Then Trump spanked Biden, even though he was lynched by the "moderator", and won the election ... which then had to be stolen.
The vast majority of voters believe trump lost the debates, which is why you are claiming that it was all rigged.
Almost all politicians will have a base, those who naturally support him, and a deep base, those that naturally support extremely him.
What you just wrote is gibberish. It carries no meaning, except perhaps in your own mind.

Can you delimit this currently undefined set of people in some manner that involves clear English?

I do not know what about this you find confusing.

That's because you aren't proficient at communicating and you don't understand why others don't simply read your mind.

It seems straightforward to me.
That much is obvious. I'm letting you know that the problem is on your end.

The vast majority of voters believe trump lost the debates,
I realize that you believe that you somehow speak for the vast majority of voters. I'm letting you know that you do not.

What the majority of voters understand is that Trump garnered a record number of votes for a US President, across all demographics, that Biden's infrequent rallies were as empty as a WNBA game, that Trump's frequent rallies oversold every venue with people flooding in from every surrounding State (not just some "base" that you are pretending to invent), and often overfilled the overflow seating, that nobody knows anybody that actually voted for Biden, and that thousands of sworn eyewitness affidavits (that have never been refuted) are telling it like it is.

I think the vast majority of voters realizes the election was stolen. I don't think there is really any confusion about that, especially not in the circles of those who stole the election.
What you just wrote is gibberish. It carries no meaning, except perhaps in your own mind.

Can you delimit this currently undefined set of people in some manner that involves clear English?

That's because you aren't proficient at communicating and you don't understand why others don't simply read your mind.

That much is obvious. I'm letting you know that the problem is on your end.

I realize that you believe that you somehow speak for the vast majority of voters. I'm letting you know that you do not.

What the majority of voters understand is that Trump garnered a record number of votes for a US President, across all demographics, that Biden's infrequent rallies were as empty as a WNBA game, that Trump's frequent rallies oversold every venue with people flooding in from every surrounding State (not just some "base" that you are pretending to invent), and often overfilled the overflow seating, that nobody knows anybody that actually voted for Biden, and that thousands of sworn eyewitness affidavits (that have never been refuted) are telling it like it is.

I think the vast majority of voters realizes the election was stolen. I don't think there is really any confusion about that, especially not in the circles of those who stole the election.
"What the majority of voters understand is that Trump garnered a record number of votes for a US President, across all demographics, that Biden's infrequent rallies were as empty as a WNBA game, that Trump's frequent rallies oversold every venue with people flooding in from every surrounding State (not just some "base" that you are pretending to invent), and often overfilled the overflow seating....."

Yep. Trump supporters were among the anti-vax, anti-science, covid-is-just-the-flu, this-is-just-to-test-our-compliance-for-future-Marshall-Law, tentacled-creatures group. Democrats were very much about general COVID precautions, no matter how misguided they ended up being, so of course they didn't attend rallies.

Really, what percentage of voters even attend rallies? I've voted every election for decades and never attended a rally.
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Trump got into an Ivy when that meant something, and finished it in a time before everyone got an automatic A's. Seriously, at Harvard now once you get in so long as somebody pays the bills and you do the time it is almost impossible to not get a degree.
Trump's family money got him into Penn and then Wharton. One professor said he was the dumbest student he ever had. Trump got no honors. He got "gentlemen Cs".
51 current and former intelligence officials thought Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation and Trump said it was Hunter's laptop and real. Trump was right and they were wrong. They were the dumasses.
Are you still crying about the laptop? It was taken by a Trumpian computer shop worker and given to Guiliani. It was in the hands of Trumpian staff for years and it was taken apart. It has absolutely no value in a court of law and should not matter in the court of public opinion. Right wing Trumpys have been playing with it for years.
What you just wrote is gibberish. It carries no meaning, except perhaps in your own mind.

Can you delimit this currently undefined set of people in some manner that involves clear English?
So the sentence, "the politician was playing to his base" has no meaning to you?

I reassure you that it is English, and carries real meaning. Who is and is not the "base" of a politician, or political party can be a bit subjective, but it is defined by political scientists and statisticians. It is a very studied issue.

Here is a typical definition:
In politics, the term base refers to a group of voters who always support a single political party's candidates for elected office. Base voters are very unlikely to vote for the candidate of an opposing party, regardless of the specific views each candidate holds. In the United States, this is typically because high-level candidates must hold the same stances on key issues as a party's base in order to gain the party's nomination and thus be guaranteed ballot access. In the case of legislative elections, base voters often prefer to support their party's candidate against an otherwise appealing opponent in order to strengthen their party's chances of gaining a simple majority, which is typically the gateway to overarching power in a legislature.
Trump supporters were among the ... anti-science
Nope. You are describing leftists, who are mostly undereducated and gullible, who think that Marxist religions are thettled thienth. You are an excellent case in point.

It is. In order to generate panic among gullible, undereducated leftists, they gave the 2019 flu variety a NAME! Ooooh, Aaaah! Sure enough, stupid leftists panicked as expected. Total fucking morons.

Democrats were very much about general COVID precautions,
Democrats were very much about seizing total control of We the People. Their complete success emboldened them to steal a US election.

Really, what percentage of voters even attend rallies? I've voted every election for decades and never attended a rally.
People who have reason to attend rallies attend rallies, e.g. Trump supporters. People who would rather die than support a particular candidate obviously don't go to those rallies, e.g. Democrats, leftists, etc.
So the sentence, "the politician was playing to his base" has no meaning to you?
So the answer is "no." You have nothing other than gibberish.

I reassure you that it is English, and carries real meaning.
Your assurances carry no weight, as they are mistaken.

Give it another go. Define the set of people you are trying to delimit in an expression of clear English. If you'd like, we can work together to help you craft an accurate and unambiguous definition.
So the answer is "no." You have nothing other than gibberish.

Your assurances carry no weight, as they are mistaken.

Give it another go. Define the set of people you are trying to delimit in an expression of clear English. If you'd like, we can work together to help you craft an accurate and unambiguous definition.
If you have never heard of a political base, and refuse to read a short paragraph defining it, I see no reason for us to continue to communicate, and I question if we could ever communicate. This is one of the simpler concepts of political science. If it is beyond you, then we are at an end of our communication.
Nope. You are describing leftists, who are mostly undereducated and gullible, who think that Marxist religions are thettled thienth. You are an excellent case in point.

It is. In order to generate panic among gullible, undereducated leftists, they gave the 2019 flu variety a NAME! Ooooh, Aaaah! Sure enough, stupid leftists panicked as expected. Total fucking morons.

Democrats were very much about seizing total control of We the People. Their complete success emboldened them to steal a US election.

People who have reason to attend rallies attend rallies, e.g. Trump supporters. People who would rather die than support a particular candidate obviously don't go to those rallies, e.g. Democrats, leftists, etc.
COVID was not the flu. The flu kills an estimated 40k per year. COVID killed hundreds of thousands.

Regardless of what your tin foil jump suit tells you, Dems were very aware of Covid and didn't attend rallies. The few rallies they had were spaced for social distancing because, again, they recognized that we were in a pandemic.
If you have never heard of a political base,
I am familiar with many terms. You are weaseling out of delineating "Trump's base" and of defining "supporting extremely him."

Please get to it. You are expending ten times as much effort EVADING your responsibility to be clear in what you mean than what it would have taken to have whipped out a clear sentence and having been done with it.

and refuse to read a short paragraph defining it,
I read what you wrote. It was gibberish. I pointed this out to you. You became desperately defensive and began pivoting.

J u s t - d e f i n e - y o u r - t e r m s . S t o p - E V A D I N G .

I see no reason for us to continue to communicate,
You have to have already begun communicating before you can continue to do so.

Why does the idea of defining your terms make you feel so threatened?
COVID was not the flu. The flu kills an estimated 40k per year. COVID killed hundreds of thousands.
Once again, leftists are as stupid and gullible as humans get. COVID didn't kill anyone. You simply fell for the disinformation without asking nary a question.

There are easy ways you could have verified this. I offer to do it with you, but you'll erupt into a death-struggle of LAME excuses to EVADE.

Regardless of what your tin foil jump suit tells you,
Nope. You are the scientifically illterate gullible in this equation. You regurgitate the stupid assertions of your thought-masters and dive into deep denial whenever anyone tries to drag you into the light.

We have you on record as asserting that COVID killed hundreds of thousands (I know that you wanted to write "millions" but you're starting to get warning flags that your bogus COVID faith is about to be put into jeopardy if you keep your eyes open). Were you going to support your assertion? I'm itching to mock you for another week.

Dems were very aware of Covid and didn't attend rallies.
They were well vested in spreading the disinformation. They knew they could count on you to be fooled.

The few rallies they had were spaced for social distancing
Nope. They knew nobody would voluntarily attend a Biden rally, and they needed an excuse that would seem plausible to their gullibles. The DNC's top dog whistle will probably always be "RACIST!" but during that time "COVID!" was a close second.

because, again, they recognized that we were in a pandemic.
There was no pandemic. It was a hoax designed for gullibles.
I think you might need medical help. I cannot help you over the internet. It would be best if you call 911.
Your king is tipped. Let me know if you want to play again.


@ JPP, please note how Walt is showing us the best that leftists can muster, i.e. hurling personal insults and EVADING the topic for fear of being exposed as not knowing anything and not being able/allowed to apply any sort of critical reasoning.
Your king is tipped. Let me know if you want to play again.


@ JPP, please note how Walt is showing us the best that leftists can muster, i.e. hurling personal insults and EVADING the topic for fear of being exposed as not knowing anything and not being able/allowed to apply any sort of critical reasoning.
Almost Never Right WALT has exactly 0 interest in telling the truth...

As U should know.
You are clearly having some sort of "episode." First you claim that the concept of a political base is gibberish to you... completely beyond your ability to understand, and now you think that understanding it is some sort of chess game?
Your narrative is getting it ass kicked.

Something 4 U 2 notice.