trump "intellectual capacity" questioned

of course there's a connection between drop boxes and voter fraud.

drop boxes combined with harvesting enables voter fraud.

it's an enabling connection.
None of that is true. Like when you goofy Trumpys were talking about China dropping off millions of ballots. That was stupid. And you dumb shits somehow believe all these ballots are for some reason 100 percent for Biden. Don't you ever feel stupid? You should. Stuffing ballots does not work.
Trump used every single method for checking the election results that exists and they all failed to find a problem. They should have looked at you. You and people who cannot get beyond the lies you are being fed are the problem.
Rightys always make the assumption that dead people voting are pro-Dem. The fact is almost all the people who vote using dead spouses' ballots are Repubs. Last election, they caught a few ballots like that from the Villages in Florida. They were Trump votes.
Most of the people caught voting for others were Republicans

It’s FACT!
I don't think that anything would.
Is this because you are close-minded and only believe what you want to believe according to your extreme political agenda, or is it because the overwhelming evidence of eyewitnesses (including video from cameras) renders it indisputable?

The voluminous, worldwide, video/audio/eye witness documented details of WWII are so overwhelming that I can't imagine anything convincing me.
What if you were to add to that your own observations of WW2? It would probably be a rock-solid deal ... except that you are officially committed to an explanation of close-mindedness per an extreme political agenda.

This is the answer to your question.

I also have family and in-laws that were in the military during WWII.
Additional references to eyewitnesses. Great. Unfortunately it doesn't help your assurances any that you are simply close-minded and only believe what you want to believe.

What information is there that opposes world war II occurring?
Suppose that the only opposition were slurs and insults about your mental condition, and assertions that you are close-minded and only believe what you want to believe. Would that bully you into accepting that WW2 never happened?

Let me know if I need to repeat all of this to answer your question.
Is this because you are close-minded and only believe what you want to believe according to your extreme political agenda, or is it because the overwhelming evidence of eyewitnesses (including video from cameras) renders it indisputable?

What if you were to add to that your own observations of WW2? It would probably be a rock-solid deal ... except that you are officially committed to an explanation of close-mindedness per an extreme political agenda.

This is the answer to your question.

Additional references to eyewitnesses. Great. Unfortunately it doesn't help your assurances any that you are simply close-minded and only believe what you want to believe.

Suppose that the only opposition were slurs and insults about your mental condition, and assertions that you are close-minded and only believe what you want to believe. Would that bully you into accepting that WW2 never happened?

Let me know if I need to repeat all of this to answer your question.
Lots of words. Even more avoidance.

You are so transparent.
Lots of words. Even more avoidance. You are so transparent.
Your king is tipped.


When you get your tail out from between your legs, and you stop fleeing, feel free to come back and ask your question. I noticed that you suddenly became too panicked to ask it.
None of that is true. Like when you goofy Trumpys were talking about China dropping off millions of ballots. That was stupid. And you dumb shits somehow believe all these ballots are for some reason 100 percent for Biden. Don't you ever feel stupid? You should. Stuffing ballots does not work.
Trump used every single method for checking the election results that exists and they all failed to find a problem. They should have looked at you. You and people who cannot get beyond the lies you are being fed are the problem.
blah blah blah.

it is true, cletus, ya dumb fuck.
It's been almost a full day since I asked this question and about 18 hours since I posted a follow-up, but you haven't explained what it would take for you to believe the 2020 election was legit. Why is that?

Here's my hypothesis.... there is nothing that would convince you. Why? First, you don't want to believe the election was legit and Biden got 81 million votes. Second, and more importantly, you can't come up with a scenario that would change your mind:

Georgia did multiple recounts and audits.... but, according to you, they're counting counterfeit/fraudulent ballots and/or the people doing the auditing/recounting are in on the steal. Ok, what if they brought in the FBI to analyze the ballots? Nope. The FBI is in on The Steal too.

Who could Georgia bring in that you would trust? My guess.... nobody.

But, let's say you found someone you trusted. What if you and Trump were given carte blanch to handpick ANYONE you wanted AND you both got to supervise the entire process? You can get Eric Trump, Don Jr., Steve Bannon, etc. What if THEY personally and thoroughly audited every ballot, tracked down every voter and confirmed they submitted the ballot and confirmed who the ballot showed they voted for? What then????

Then, in my opinion, the next step down the rabbit hole is "Well, Democrats have removed the counterfeit/fraudulent ballots and replaced them with legitimate ones because there's no WAY Trump lost!!"

It's tough being a conspiracy theorist, isn't it?
what would it take for you to believe up is down?
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Is this because you are close-minded and only believe what you want to believe according to your extreme political agenda, or is it because the overwhelming evidence of eyewitnesses (including video from cameras) renders it indisputable?
Believing on WWII is based on evidence supporting its existence. I don't WANT to believe WW2 happened. There is no political agenda.
What if you were to add to that your own observations of WW2? It would probably be a rock-solid deal ... except that you are officially committed to an explanation of close-mindedness per an extreme political agenda.
There is no political agenda. The evidence that WW2 happened is so voluminous, and evidence to the contrary so sleight, even the greatest conspiratorial minds haven't come up with a reason to not believe it happened.
This is the answer to your question.
I'm so confused right now.
Additional references to eyewitnesses. Great. Unfortunately it doesn't help your assurances any that you are simply close-minded and only believe what you want to believe.
I don't want to believe in WW2. The evidence for WW2 is undisputable and the evidence against WW2 is basically non-existent. There is no agenda. No emotion. No politics.
Suppose that the only opposition were slurs and insults about your mental condition, and assertions that you are close-minded and only believe what you want to believe. Would that bully you into accepting that WW2 never happened?
Again, there is no emotion here. My feelings have nothing to do with it.
Let me know if I need to repeat all of this to answer your question.

So, circling back to my original question, that remains unanswered....

Given the lack of solid evidence of fraud (no large numbers of fraudulent ballots, counterfeit ballots, etc and the lack of evidence of a mass conspiracy) what would it take for you to believe the 2020 election results were legitimate? Is it audits? Forensic audits? Conducted by who? Video footage? Personally witnessing something? Personally interviewing someone? If you were able to go to Georgia and see, first hand, the containers used?

What is it that would convince you?
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Is this because you are close-minded and only believe what you want to believe according to your extreme political agenda, or is it because the overwhelming evidence of eyewitnesses (including video from cameras) renders it indisputable?

What if you were to add to that your own observations of WW2? It would probably be a rock-solid deal ... except that you are officially committed to an explanation of close-mindedness per an extreme political agenda.

This is the answer to your question.

Additional references to eyewitnesses. Great. Unfortunately it doesn't help your assurances any that you are simply close-minded and only believe what you want to believe.

Suppose that the only opposition were slurs and insults about your mental condition, and assertions that you are close-minded and only believe what you want to believe. Would that bully you into accepting that WW2 never happened?

Let me know if I need to repeat all of this to answer your question.
The other thing to consider, in addition to the evidence for world war II versus the evidence against world war II, is what would have to be true in order for world war II to have been faked.
Believing on WWII is based on evidence supporting its existence.
Belief in WWII is based on documented eyewitness observations and video, just like the stolen election.

I don't WANT to believe WW2 happened.
Same sentiment for the stolen election.

There is no political agenda.
Observations have no agendas.

The evidence that WW2 happened is so voluminous,
The eyewitness and video evidence of the stolen election is voluminous as well.

and evidence to the contrary so sleight,
In the case of the stolen election, there is no evidence whatsoever that the election wasn't stolen. You'll notice that you have been unable to post anything at all beyond extremely unconvincing slurs, insults and dispersions.

even the greatest conspiratorial minds haven't come up with a reason to not believe it happened.
What is a "conspiratorial mind" and what does that have to do with WW2?

I'm so confused right now.
This is not some recent condition. You've been confused for quite some time. You should re-read your posts on physics matters.

The evidence for WW2 is undisputable
The observations of the stolen election are indisputable.

and the evidence against WW2 is basically non-existent.
... and the evidence against the stolen election is nonexistent.

So, circling back to my original question, that remains unanswered....
OK, to convince me that the election wasn't somehow stolen or that WW2 somehow didn't happen, you'd have to actually refute all of the voluminous eyewitness observations and video, not merely hurl insults at the eyewitnesses for being eyewitnesses, and you would have to produce actual evidence that the election was fair and free, i.e. sufficiently support your assertion.

The floor is yours. You have my full attention.
The other thing to consider, in addition to the evidence for world war II versus the evidence against world war II, is what would have to be true in order for world war II to have been faked.
I'm glad you raised this point. How does one refute direct video? How can a society suddenly decide to not accept eyewitness testimony?

Your point is taken: self-delusion is the only way to consider either the election-steal or WW2 to have been faked.
It's also possible that not a single ballot put into any Dropbox is fraudulent.
but the potential demonstrates the fact it is unconstitutional.......of what value is an election which MAY be fraudulent?......from our perspective we see Demmycrats claiming drop boxes left open and unsupervised 24/7 are "staffed" and that there is nothing wrong with people making multiple deposits of boxes full of ballots, based on the bold assertion they were all "family members" want us to be feel confident the election was fraud free? better.......
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OK, to convince me that the election wasn't somehow stolen or that WW2 somehow didn't happen, you'd have to actually refute all of the voluminous eyewitness observations and video,

What SPECIFICALLY would need to happen for the affidavits and videos to be refuted in your mind. I'm asking for specifics. Is it audits, forensic audits, investigations by hand-picked people, a first-hand view of, for example, the Georgia storage containers?