trump: oblivious moron II

"Q: Do you think Walker will do attack ads against [Donald Trump]?

I don't. I think that Walker is a smart guy "

Yeah.....That's celebrated sock puppet, Scott Walker, he's talking about...

Mooch is a fucking stump.
Well @ least he is working, he usually just changes the quote to a strawman & replies to it..:dunno:

only when your posts start OUT as a strawman.........there is method........the fact you didn't know this demonstrates why you are so bad at it.......
BLS Employment release for December 2008

"Industry Payroll Employment (Establishment Survey Data)
Total nonfarm payroll employment declined sharply (-524,000) in December. Over the past 4 months, payroll employment has fallen by 1.9 million, or 1.4 percent. In December, large job losses
continued in manufacturing, construction, and employment services, while health care continued to add jobs. (See table B-1.)
Manufacturing employment fell by 149,000 in December, the largest over-the-month decline since August 2001. Factory job losses totaled 791,000 in 2008, with nearly half of the decrease occurring in the fourth quarter. In December, declines were widespread among the component industries. The
largest job losses occurred in fabricated metal products (-28,000) and motor vehicles and parts"

and the following months were even we count the grocery clerk jobs and McDonalds flippers that (you didn't build that) Obama "created" as success against the loss of manufacturing jobs?......
only when your posts start OUT as a strawman.........there is method........the fact you didn't know this demonstrates why you are so bad at it.......

:rofl2: nonsense, your a lazy ass troll that is most often to lazy to even google, moreless make a point...

Bitch, troll, complain, bitch more, change post, bitch, go back to sleep...:palm:
and the following months were even we count the grocery clerk jobs and McDonalds flippers that (you didn't build that) Obama "created" as success against the loss of manufacturing jobs?......

They were....which should make anyone who enabled the disaster want to die of shame....don't tarry.

Why don't you post the number of manufacturing jobs as of Feb for 2001, 2009 and 2017.....cause we know your math sucks...

Do you know where to find that data?

If you don't, just take that stapler to your leaking pissflaps.
and the following months were even we count the grocery clerk jobs and McDonalds flippers that (you didn't build that) Obama "created" as success against the loss of manufacturing jobs?......

And do the same for "grocery clerks and burger flippers".....assuming your bleat is actually informed by facts.

Aqualung has widely been regarded as a concept album, featuring a central theme of "the distinction between religion and God".[1] The album's "dour musings on faith and religion" have marked it as "one of the most cerebral albums ever to reach millions of rock listeners".[2] Academic discussions of the nature of concept albums have frequently listed Aqualung amongst their number.[10][11][12]
The initial idea for the album was sparked by some photographs that Anderson's wife Jennie took of homeless people on the Thames Embankment. The appearance of one man in particular caught the interest of the couple, who together wrote the title song "Aqualung".[13] The first side of the LP, titled Aqualung, contains several character sketches, including the eponymous character of the title track, and the schoolgirl prostitute Cross-Eyed Mary, as well as two autobiographical tracks, including "Cheap Day Return", written by Anderson after a visit to his critically ill father.[14]
The second side, titled My God, contains three tracks—"My God," "Hymn 43" and "Wind-Up"—that address religion in an introspective, and sometimes irreverent, manner. However, despite the names given to the album's two sides and their related subject matter, Anderson has consistently maintained that Aqualung is not a "concept album". A 2005 interview included on Aqualung Live gives Anderson's thoughts on the matter:[15]
I always said at the time that this is not a concept album; this is just an album of varied songs of varied instrumentation and intensity in which three or four are the kind of keynote pieces for the album but it doesn't make it a concept album. In my mind when it came to writing the next album, Thick as a Brick, was done very much in the sense of: 'Whuh, if they thought Aqualung was a concept album, Oh! Okay, we'll show you a concept album.' And it was done as a kind of spoof, a send-up, of the concept album genre.*... But Aqualung itself, in my mind was never a concept album. Just a bunch of songs.
Drummer Clive Bunker believes that the record's perception as a concept album is a case of "Chinese whispers", explaining "you play the record to a couple of Americans, tell them that there's a lyrical theme loosely linking a few songs, and then notice the figure of the Aqualung character on the cover, and suddenly the word is out that Jethro Tull have done a concept album".[6]
The thematic elements Jethro Tull explored on the album—those of the effects of urbanisation on nature, and of the effects of social constructs such as religion on society—would be developed further on most of the band's subsequent releases.[16] Ian Anderson's frustration over the album's labelling as a concept album directly led to the creation of Thick as a Brick (1972), intended to be a deliberately "over the top" concept album in response.[17]

Really don't mind if you sit this one out.

My words but a whisper your deafness a SHOUT.
I may make you feel but I can't make you think.
Your sperm's in the gutter your love's in the sink.
So you ride yourselves over the fields and
You make all your animal deals and
Your wise men don't know how it feels
To be thick as a brick.

And the sand-castle virtues are all swept away in
The tidal destruction
The moral melee.
The elastic retreat rings the close of play
As the last wave uncovers
The newfangled way.
But your new shoes are worn at the heels and
Your suntan does rapidly peel and
Your wise men don't know how it feels
To be thick as a brick.

And the love that I feel, is so far away
I'm a bad dream that I just had today and you
Shake your head and
Say it's a shame.

Spin me back down the years
and the days of my youth.
Draw the lace and black curtains
and shut out the whole truth.
Spin me down the long ages, let them sing the song.