trump: oblivious moron II

They were....which should make anyone who enabled the disaster want to die of shame....don't tarry.fierart

Why don't you post the number of manufacturing jobs as of Feb for 2001, 2009 and 2017.....cause we know your math sucks...

Do you know where to find that data?
1) I did post it....a few pages back....
2) I agree lib'ruls should be ashamed for making it worse....
I love Aqualung and that nasty bastard Blubbering Vagina[emoji767] is using it as an insult.

[emoji767] Grind Enterprises

now why would he consider it an insult.......wait, was he treading on the verge of a 12b violation of his own?........shameless hussies never learn, do they.......

Aqualung has widely been regarded as a concept album, featuring a central theme of "the distinction between religion and God".[1] The album's "dour musings on faith and religion" have marked it as "one of the most cerebral albums ever to reach millions of rock listeners".[2] Academic discussions of the nature of concept albums have frequently listed Aqualung amongst their number.[10][11][12]
The initial idea for the album was sparked by some photographs that Anderson's wife Jennie took of homeless people on the Thames Embankment. The appearance of one man in particular caught the interest of the couple, who together wrote the title song "Aqualung".[13] The first side of the LP, titled Aqualung, contains several character sketches, including the eponymous character of the title track, and the schoolgirl prostitute Cross-Eyed Mary, as well as two autobiographical tracks, including "Cheap Day Return", written by Anderson after a visit to his critically ill father.[14]
The second side, titled My God, contains three tracks—"My God," "Hymn 43" and "Wind-Up"—that address religion in an introspective, and sometimes irreverent, manner. However, despite the names given to the album's two sides and their related subject matter, Anderson has consistently maintained that Aqualung is not a "concept album". A 2005 interview included on Aqualung Live gives Anderson's thoughts on the matter:[15]
I always said at the time that this is not a concept album; this is just an album of varied songs of varied instrumentation and intensity in which three or four are the kind of keynote pieces for the album but it doesn't make it a concept album. In my mind when it came to writing the next album, Thick as a Brick, was done very much in the sense of: 'Whuh, if they thought Aqualung was a concept album, Oh! Okay, we'll show you a concept album.' And it was done as a kind of spoof, a send-up, of the concept album genre.*... But Aqualung itself, in my mind was never a concept album. Just a bunch of songs.
Drummer Clive Bunker believes that the record's perception as a concept album is a case of "Chinese whispers", explaining "you play the record to a couple of Americans, tell them that there's a lyrical theme loosely linking a few songs, and then notice the figure of the Aqualung character on the cover, and suddenly the word is out that Jethro Tull have done a concept album".[6]
The thematic elements Jethro Tull explored on the album—those of the effects of urbanisation on nature, and of the effects of social constructs such as religion on society—would be developed further on most of the band's subsequent releases.[16] Ian Anderson's frustration over the album's labelling as a concept album directly led to the creation of Thick as a Brick (1972), intended to be a deliberately "over the top" concept album in response.[17]

Fuck me you are so clever, how did you find that Wiki article?
They were....which should make anyone who enabled the disaster want to die of shame....don't tarry.

Why don't you post the number of manufacturing jobs as of Feb for 2001, 2009 and 2017.....cause we know your math sucks...

Do you know where to find that data?

If you don't, just take that stapler to your leaking pissflaps.
Bloody hell, he's advocating FGM now!!
so if in December of 2016 manufacturing employment is lower than it was in January of 2009 can you tell me again about all the manufacturing jobs that Obama created......

You enabled, with 2 enthusiastic votes, the disappearance of 4.7 million manufacturing jobs (5.5 million when the Wages of Supply Side were fully paid)...

Under Obama the net loss was 3000.....measured from the nadir of the Legacy of Scrub it was a gain of 90,000.

Avoid anything involving're an idiot.
You enabled, with 2 enthusiastic votes, the disappearance of 4.7 million manufacturing jobs (5.5 million when the Wages of Supply Side were fully paid)...

Under Obama the net loss was 3000.....measured from the nadir of the Legacy of Scrub it was a gain of 90,000.

Avoid anything involving're an idiot.

Congratulations on qualifying for a charter. That sounds like quite an accomplishment.
random articles citing data.....its just that you only read the headlines......of course to be fair, you didn't actually read the BLS data either.....otherwise you would already be aware it contradicted you.....

Sure, Counselor.....tell me how it "contradicts" me..

And no...Random crap from the innertubes tells you nothing......the excerpt from the lbs release demonstrated, unambiguously, that you don't know what you are talking about....

Why don't you employ your method to determine the net number of private non-farm jobs generated between Feb 2001 and Feb 2017.......then you and I can calculate the percentage of them gained since Feb 2009....

Just facts, no "interpretation" necessary.

Don't bother responding if you can't provide the number.
Sure, Counselor.....tell me how it "contradicts" me..

And no...Random crap from the innertubes tells you nothing......the excerpt from the lbs release demonstrated, unambiguously, that you don't know what you are talking about....

Why don't you employ your method to determine the net number of private non-farm jobs generated between Feb 2001 and Feb 2017.......then you and I can calculate the percentage of them gained since Feb 2009....
odd.....most folks would just look at the jobs gained between January 1, 2009 and December 1, 2016....the years a demmycrat was president.......with special attention to the fact that the only gains happened between 2015 and 2016.......the rest of the years only broke even......