trump: oblivious moron II

Should-Read: Wall Street Journal editorial writer Joe Rago found dead in his apartment. I am very sorry for him and his family.

Note, first, that none of his predictions about the effects of ObamaCare have so far shown any signs of coming true. None. But a lot of people have gotten addiction treatment through ObamaCare. Note, second, that when a healthy 34-year-old is found dead when, after missing one day of work, his boss sends the police to his apartment, you gotta think: fentanyl and heroin. And so I am even sorrier for him and his family:

Joe Rago (2010): THE OBAMACARE CROSSROADS: "Once the health-care markets are put through Mr. Obama's de facto nationalization, costs will further explode...


Greg Palast's investigation of Crosscheck has revealed that Kris Kobach and his cohorts in GOP states have "purged 1.1 million Americans of color" Palast on exit polls:

"Exit polls are the standard by which the US State Department measures the honesty of foreign elections. Exit polling is, historically, deadly accurate. The bane of pre-election polling is that pollsters must adjust for the likelihood of a person voting. Exit polls solve the problem."

Greg Palast: The Election was Stolen – Here’s How

Since 2002, we have seen large exit poll discrepancies. Election integrity advocate Jonathan Simon and others have found:

-discrepancies between hand and machine counts
-discrepancies only in competitive elections
- non-congruence between small precincts and large counties only in competitive elections (it's easier to manipulate votes in large districts)
- discrepancies in the Democratic primary favoring Clinton, no discrepancies on the Republican side
- Republicans are winning almost all close elections at the state and national level - they should break about even
- progressive ballot measures have passed by wide margins (even in non-blue states), yet the media's explanation for the Republican “wins” was that voters "simply didn't vote for Democrats."

Follow Simon at I recommend his interviews and his book “Code Red: Computerized Election Theft and the New American Century" (2016 edition).
purged polls discriminate against dead people, those who've moved away and other demmycrat voter power bases.....
." For each measure we looked at whether the situation improved or got worse, "

post the deficits for the years FY 2001, FY 2009, FY2017.

post U3 for feb in 2001, 2009, and 2017....

just the data.....and be sure to identify your source.

you won't even get out of the gate.....

you're a simpleton, Esq.

already answered, already didn't respond to it the first time, why should I expect you to do it this you recall the average unemployment rate for Obama? you recall the worst unemployment rate for Bush?......which was higher? you recall? you need a hint?.......maybe this will help......he was president from 2009 until 2013 when his unemployment rate finally got lower than Bush's.......
already answered, already didn't respond to it the first time, why should I expect you to do it this you recall the average unemployment rate for Obama? you recall the worst unemployment rate for Bush?......which was higher? you recall? you need a hint?.......maybe this will help......he was president from 2009 until 2013 when his unemployment rate finally got lower than Bush's.......

ask someone to point you in the direction of the gate......

no one cares about "the average".......if you fell out of a plane, the average speed of your descent is of no consequence whatsoever.......which is why the analysis makes no mention of it..

now stop stalling and post the numbers.
." For each measure we looked at whether the situation improved or got worse, "

post the deficits for the years FY 2001, FY 2009, FY2017.

post U3 for feb in 2001, 2009, and 2017....

just the data.....and be sure to identify your source.

you won't even get out of the gate.....

you're a simpleton, Esq.

You will never learn, will you? You're trying to educate a man whose self-respect is in its entirety dependent on not learning a thing. For if he did learn, he'd be at that very moment ideologically homeless, no straws to grasp, in free fall, a sucker throughout all his life. His entire shtick rests completely on one pillar, which is to blame President Obama for the effects and the fall-out of the Minor Great Depression. Eight years after the aforementioned great, undeserved luck for the U.S. of A. reversed Bush's wholesale economic arson, he's still running with that exact same shtick.

Now, you can get, of course, into debating ancillary tactics, like, sleazily ignoring the mode of measurement is "situation improved or got worse", or jumping up and down over a meaningless metric that is supposed to make the fuliginous infestation of the White House look bad, and you'll still arrive at the same conclusion: There's nothing on earth so hard as to penetrate this skull, and facts fail miserably. That said, you won't waste your time throwing facts at a brick wall. Why are you going to those lengths in pursuit of an endeavor that is way less likely to succeed? I genuinely don't get it.
Should-Read: Wall Street Journal editorial writer Joe Rago found dead in his apartment. I am very sorry for him and his family.

Note, first, that none of his predictions about the effects of ObamaCare have so far shown any signs of coming true. None. But a lot of people have gotten addiction treatment through ObamaCare. Note, second, that when a healthy 34-year-old is found dead when, after missing one day of work, his boss sends the police to his apartment, you gotta think: fentanyl and heroin. And so I am even sorrier for him and his family:

Joe Rago (2010): THE OBAMACARE CROSSROADS: "Once the health-care markets are put through Mr. Obama's de facto nationalization, costs will further explode...

wow what a shame

34 years old

poor kid
You will never learn, will you? You're trying to educate a man whose self-respect is in its entirety dependent on not learning a thing. For if he did learn, he'd be at that very moment ideologically homeless, no straws to grasp, in free fall, a sucker throughout all his life. His entire shtick rests completely on one pillar, which is to blame President Obama for the effects and the fall-out of the Minor Great Depression. Eight years after the aforementioned great, undeserved luck for the U.S. of A. reversed Bush's wholesale economic arson, he's still running with that exact same shtick.

Now, you can get, of course, into debating ancillary tactics, like, sleazily ignoring the mode of measurement is "situation improved or got worse", or jumping up and down over a meaningless metric that is supposed to make the fuliginous infestation of the White House look bad, and you'll still arrive at the same conclusion: There's nothing on earth so hard as to penetrate this skull, and facts fail miserably. That said, you won't waste your time throwing facts at a brick wall. Why are you going to those lengths in pursuit of an endeavor that is way less likely to succeed? I genuinely don't get it.

at this point I'm just doing it for your reproaches.......the subject is of no importance, the eloquence is an oasis in this Desert of Obdurate Ignorance.
You will never learn, will you? You're trying to educate a man whose self-respect is in its entirety dependent on not learning a thing. For if he did learn, he'd be at that very moment ideologically homeless, no straws to grasp, in free fall, a sucker throughout all his life. His entire shtick rests completely on one pillar, which is to blame President Obama for the effects and the fall-out of the Minor Great Depression. Eight years after the aforementioned great, undeserved luck for the U.S. of A. reversed Bush's wholesale economic arson, he's still running with that exact same shtick.

Now, you can get, of course, into debating ancillary tactics, like, sleazily ignoring the mode of measurement is "situation improved or got worse", or jumping up and down over a meaningless metric that is supposed to make the fuliginous infestation of the White House look bad, and you'll still arrive at the same conclusion: There's nothing on earth so hard as to penetrate this skull, and facts fail miserably. That said, you won't waste your time throwing facts at a brick wall. Why are you going to those lengths in pursuit of an endeavor that is way less likely to succeed? I genuinely don't get it.

link the source....
" For each measure we looked at whether the situation improved or got worse, "
is it the study that compared Clinton and the previous five presidents? about the data for Obama......oh gosh, didn't get better did it.......unemployment went up and national debt doubled.......that really sucks......