trump: oblivious moron II

link the source....
is it the study that compared Clinton and the previous five presidents? about the data for Obama......oh gosh, didn't get better did it.......unemployment went up and national debt doubled.......that really sucks......

there are 10 presidents listed....

is this a symptom of your illiteracy, or innumeracy?
had to work from memory because you refuse to relink it......were any of the ten Bush or Obama?.....

I've linked it any number of times, lying bag of socks...

As the aothor provides his methodology, anyone with an IQ in the double digits SHOULD be able to update it.....I understand why it leaves you frustrated.
I've linked it any number of times, lying bag of socks...

As the aothor provides his methodology, anyone with an IQ in the double digits SHOULD be able to update it.....I understand why it leaves you frustrated.

Ya know, BV, I have a very well behaved golden retriever, who occasionally catches a squirrel. On my command, though, he releases it and it scampers up the nearest tree.
So how many times are you going to catch-and-release PMS, before you've had enough?
Look at the splinters in his poor little fingers and toes.
Have you no humanity, Sir?
There are laws against attacking the handicapped.
I've linked it any number of times, lying bag of socks...

As the aothor provides his methodology, anyone with an IQ in the double digits SHOULD be able to update it.....I understand why it leaves you frustrated.

unemployment Obama the worst......deficit Obama the worst.......inflation Carter the worst.......undeniable......
Ya know, BV, I have a very well behaved golden retriever, who occasionally catches a squirrel.

you should have him post here......sounds like he's smarter than all of you........of course, maybe he's still posting at USMB.......did he get banned too?......
I think they drifted through there a few years ago......they didn't stay long......

never mind......that was Debate Policy

From PostfactProfit........the...........narrator who................couldn't...............shoot straight.
I've noticed you children are afraid of narrative when its that what drove you away from all the other boards you've run away from?......

The average height of the Twin Towers, under Bush, was 681 feet. The average height of the Twin Towers under Obama was zero feet.

Only an innumerate idiot would use 'average' unemployment as an indicator.