Trump Raped Children Provided By Jeff Epstein

The question should be how is Neo-Nazis different from pedophiles? But even that really does not matter. The rules say I am allowed to call you a Neo-Nazi, but you are not allowed to call the poster Hunter a pedophile. You don't like the rules, you are free to leave.
Is that 12B rule breaker talking in this thread? LOL I can't see what he is saying and don't care to.
He seems to be a massive asshole that everyone should automatically ignore. That way it's like he really isn't here at all. :-) There is a solution to every problem.
@Commander Dutch
What did I tell you? Nothing was done. There are no rules here.
I suspect he got a warning as a newbie. Results count. Has he done it again or has @Joe backed off like the spineless little shit you and I both know him to be?

Although Legion invented the game...before he hung himself on his own petard LOL....playing the "bait the dumbass" game is excellent entertainment. It's rare to catch a smart person unless they are knew. Dumbasses never learn. Eventually they forget or, more often, get drunk and become prime prey. It's one reason why Friday and Saturday nights are my favorite nights to catch dumbasses and socks.
It's a game where patience is a virtue. :thup:
The question should be how is Neo-Nazis different from pedophiles? But even that really does not matter. The rules say I am allowed to call you a Neo-Nazi, but you are not allowed to call the poster Hunter a pedophile. You don't like the rules, you are free to leave.
They aren't different and are often the same people.

You people think you're so clever baiting folks and such.

This is an internet forum and you are here for my entertainment.

But you have long ago stopped being entertaining so you are also dismissed now. Talk to the hand bitch.
Yes, Sock. This is an internet forum and spineless little shits like you are here for my temporary entertainment. How long do you think you'll last, Sock?
That's some funny shit. All that propaganda and you forget the dried up old lying cooch of a whore who sued last year.

How did she get left off the list?
Speaking of cooch, where do you think Pedo Don has his hand? Is he grabbing his victim by the pussy?

A 70 year old married man went on a date with a 14 year old, and we are all supposed to pretend that is normal.

It is creepy and weird.
All MAGAts are creepy and weird. Just read their posts on JPP to know what I mean.

What a lying little cunt you are.

So, do you approve of Joe Biden providing Barack Obama 6 year old boys to rape in the oval office?
There are legitimate allegations against trump..

No they're not - and you jumping in the cesspool with the troll just destroys any scant credibility you had.

It's just gutter level slander.

So why is it okay to make up lies about Trump, but not about Obama?

Yes, Sock. This is an internet forum and spineless little shits like you are here for my temporary entertainment. How long do you think you'll last, Sock?

Wow you're a big man on campus around this place aren't you? I had no idea I was dealing with the big cahoona!

Well colonel cunt I'm grown weary of you again and Hunters member so go back to fucking off please.
People who met and dealt with trump say the way he treated them. They have corroborating evidence.

You have a random lie, and nothing else.

People who have no integrity and hate Trump for challenging the ruling elite say all kinds of shit,

And no - they have no evidence - only slander.

It's every bit as true as what you and the troll claim.