Trump says Jewish voters would be to blame if he loses

On Lex Fridman Trump said that he is confident that he will be declared the winner, which is evidence that he STILL does not understand what is going on.
so Jews are more to blame for everything.

this is what your logic says.
I said Jewish votes would have no effect on this election, so not to blame for everything.

And I think Jewish culture has had an overwhelmingly good effect on humanity, so not so much to blame, but rather deserve credit.
Yours has already had the attentions of a taxidermist

Over 42,000 killed to date . Today, in the 21st century, the Zionists have burdened the world's Jews with a righteous antisemitism born of rage.
So you finally admit you're an anti-Semite and justify it as "righteous".
I said Jewish votes would have no effect on this election, so not to blame for everything.

And I think Jewish culture has had an overwhelmingly good effect on humanity, so not so much to blame, but rather deserve credit.
you said they have MORE impact than their votes.

that means they're MORE to blame, according to words and logic.

and oh yes, rushing to wwIII, great credit there dumbass.

maybe you can fit more Jews dicks in your ass if you use lube.

effect on culture?

they're the kings of divide and conquer realpolitick identity politics and satanism (sabbateans, fascsts and marxists).

you're dumber than a stump.

there are good jews. but the warhawk ones aren't them.
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you said they have MORE impact than their votes.

that means they're MORE to blame, according to words and logic.

and oh yes, rushing to wwIII, great credit there dumbass.

maybe you can fit more Jews dicks in your ass if you use lube.

effect on culture?

they're the kings of divide and conquer realpolitick identity politics and satanism (sabbateans, fascsts and marxists).

you're dumber than a stump.

there are good jews. but the warhawk ones aren't them.
Wow, you sure do hate Jews.
Your powers of perception underwhelm. It is an image of the words "We the People." If you could read better you would not have gotten hung up on this.

Your powers of perception underwhelm. I'll also presume going forward that you cannot distinguish between different people.

Your English comprehension underwhelms. I am not talking about the Constitution.
It seems you feel you can not only speak for all the people but also for Into the Night.
An image of the Constitution is not an image of people. Your powers of observation underwhelm.
It seems you feel you can not only speak for all the people but also for Into the Night.
I have never claimed to speak for Into the Night, because I do not.

An image of the Constitution is not an image of people.
I posted an image, not of the entire Constitution but of the top portion which clearly reads We the People, which was the subject of your error. Your powers of observation underwhelm.

Today, in the 21st century, the Zionists have burdened the world's Jews with a righteous antisemitism born of rage.

Despite your frantic denials, you are an obvious antisemite since you believe the existence of the State of Israel somehow gives you carte blanch to hate "the world's Jews"
I have never claimed to speak for Into the Night, because I do not.

I posted an image, not of the entire Constitution but of the top portion which clearly reads We the People, which was the subject of your error. Your powers of observation underwhelm.

You spoke for We the People. We the People are not an image since an image can't make a list.
The words "We the People" can't create a list. The only ones that can make a list for we the people would be people. Did you speak for we the people? If you didn't speak for people then you need to clarify what you were trying to say. You have not provided a list produced by we the people and yet you claimed there was a list. Clearly you were speaking for people when they had not done what you claimed they did.

I am still waiting for you to show us what you claim to have observed but can't provide. Let me know when you can provide the list you claim to have observed.
by murdering Jesus......

The Romans killed Jesus. Whether a group of Jewish high priests collaborated with Pontius Pilate is not a reflection on all the Jews in Palestine or the diaspora.

The authors of the Gospels lived under the authority of the Roman Empire. The fact that the story they wrote minimized the culpability of the Romans reflects the fact if would have been dangerous for them to portray the Romans as willful executioners of a righteous man.
The Romans killed Jesus. Whether a group of Jewish high priests collaborated with Pontius Pilate is not a reflection on all the Jews in Palestine or the diaspora.

The authors of the Gospels lived under the authority of the Roman Empire. The fact that the story they wrote minimized the culpability of the Romans reflects the fact if would have been dangerous for them to portray the Romans as willful executioners of a righteous man.
the pharisees plotted to kill Jesus.

yes Romans helped.

pharisees had a lot of local authority.

the Roman empire worked with local authorities when possible. they didn't insist people leave their faith.

John 11:47-53​

Conspiracy to Kill Jesus​

Therefore the chief priests and the Pharisees convened a council meeting, and they were saying, “What are we doing in regard to the fact that this man is performing many If we let Him go on like this, all the people will believe in Him...So from that day on they planned together to kill Him.
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Despite your frantic denials, you are an obvious antisemite since you believe the existence of the State of Israel somehow gives you carte blanch to hate "the world's Jews"
Blame Israel for the world's righteous antisemitism. The world's non-Israeli Jews are the victims of Israel.