Trump says Jewish voters would be to blame if he loses

the pharisees plotted to kill Jesus.

yes Romans helped.
That's not what you said. You blamed the Jews for killing Jesus. All the Jews. The Pharisee priests were not all the Jews, and they weren't even a majority of the Jews. You extrapolated this fact to blame all Jews everywhere

pharisees had a lot of local authority.
Not when it came to capital punishment. Only the Roman governor of Palestine had the authority to order executions for criminal or political offenses. The high priests wouldn't have even bothered to go to the Roman authorities if they could have just executed Jesus themselves.

the Roman empire worked with local authorities when possible. they didn't insist people leave their faith.

John 11:47-53

Conspiracy to Kill Jesus​

Therefore the chief priests and the Pharisees convened a council meeting, and they were saying, “What are we doing in regard to the fact that this man is performing many If we let Him go on like this, all the people will believe in Him...So from that day on they planned together to kill Him.

John is the least reliable of the gospels as historical source material, because it was written significantly after the synoptic gospels and seems to have been primarily concerned with a theological agenda.

The earliest Gospel, Mark, which is probably based directly on the eyewitness of Peter, makes it clear Pontius Pilate ordered the executions, although the high priests seem to have collaborated to bring Jesus to the Roman authorities. An independent corroborating source is the Jewish historian Josephus who makes crystal clear that Pontius Pilate was a ruthless provincial governor who would quickly execute anyone perceived to be stirring up trouble.

Overall, there is a tendency in the gospels to blame the Jews for the demise of Jesus. But the bottom line is that no author of the gospels was going to openly write down that the Roman authorities were uniquely responsible for executing a righteous man, because that would have been a dangerous thing to do given that these authors lived under the jurisdiction of the empire.
That's not what you said. You blamed the Jews for killing Jesus. All the Jews. The Pharisee priests were not all the Jews, and they weren't even a majority of the Jews. You extrapolated this fact to blame all Jews everywhere

Not when it came to capital punishment. Only the Roman governor of Palestine had the authority to order executions for criminal or political offenses. The high priests wouldn't have even bothered to go to the Roman authorities if they could have just executed Jesus themselves.

John is the least reliable of the gospels as historical source material, because it was written significantly after the synoptic gospels and seems to have been primarily concerned with a theological agenda.

The earliest Gospel, Mark, which is probably based directly on the eyewitness of Peter, makes it clear Pontius Pilate ordered the executions, although the high priests seem to have collaborated to bring Jesus to the Roman authorities. An independent corroborating source is the Jewish historian Josephus who makes crystal clear that Pontius Pilate was a ruthless provincial governor who would quickly execute anyone perceived to be stirring up trouble.

Overall, there is a tendency in the gospels to blame the Jews for the demise of Jesus. But the bottom line is that no author of the gospels was going to openly write down that the Roman authorities were uniquely responsible for executing a righteous man, because that would have been a dangerous thing to do given that these authors lived under the jurisdiction of the empire.

some Jews killed Jesus.

happy, dumbass?

Your theories are stupid.

let's go by a plain text reading.

Cypress = self-appointed Masonic Zionist gatekeeper of christianity.
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That's not what you said. You blamed the Jews for killing Jesus. All the Jews. The Pharisee priests were not all the Jews, and they weren't even a majority of the Jews. You extrapolated this fact to blame all Jews everywhere

Not when it came to capital punishment. Only the Roman governor of Palestine had the authority to order executions for criminal or political offenses. The high priests wouldn't have even bothered to go to the Roman authorities if they could have just executed Jesus themselves.

John is the least reliable of the gospels
Then the chief priests and the elders of the people gathered in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, 4 and plotted together in order to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill him. 5 But they said, “Not during the feast, lest there be an uproar among the people.”

Trust me, when Trump loses again, he will be blaming everybody but himself for the loss!

What Trump does not understand, that when you need or want people to vote for you- YOU DO NOT INSULT THEM AND YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO PROPOSE THINGS THAT BENEFIT THEM- NOT JUST HIMSELF.

Then the chief priests and the elders of the people ... plotted together in order to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill him.
Again, that's not what you originally said.

You originally tried to blame the Jews at large for the death of Jesus. All of them.

The chief priests and the elders are a very small select elite part of the Jewish population in Palestine, Galilee, Egypt, and the diaspora.

This is your logic put into practice: the fact that Pontius Pilate and his cohort of Roman soldiers executed Jesus means that all Roman citizens and all their descendants, everywhere and for all time were bad people who deserve scorn.
Again, that's not what you originally said.

You originally tried to blame the Jews at large for the death of Jesus. All of them.

The chief priests and the elders are a very small select elite part of the Jewish population in Palestine, Galilee, Egypt, and the diaspora.

This is your logic put into practice: the fact that Pontius Pilate and his cohort of Roman soldiers executed Jesus means that all Roman citizen, everywhere were bad people who deserve scorn.
I meant some Jews.

of course all Jews didn't do it.

your word games are stupid and you're gay.

your position is a completely non-textual reading based on being a revisionist Zionist first and foremost.
You spoke for We the People.
Nope. You are chanting. I made an observation about We the People. Show me that my observation is false ... without conflating We the People with the Constitution.

The only ones that can make a list for we the people would be people.
Very good. I'm glad I could point you in the right direction.

Did you speak for we the people?
I made an observation about We the People, but I don't speak for them.

If you didn't speak for people then you need to clarify what you were trying to say.
Well then, tell me what you misunderstood so I can correct it.

You have not provided a list produced by we the people
I do not need to provide a list to observe that you have one.
Nope. You are chanting. I made an observation about We the People. Show me that my observation is false ... without conflating We the People with the Constitution.

Very good. I'm glad I could point you in the right direction.

I made an observation about We the People, but I don't speak for them.

Well then, tell me what you misunderstood so I can correct it.

I do not need to provide a list to observe that you have one.
Show me your observation is true. Produce the enemies list that was created by We the People.

Here.. let me help you out about how some people feel when you can't support you claim about how you observed something but can't support your assertion.
Nope. Either support your assertion or be content to have your argument summarily dismissed.
At this point, you are just talking out of your ass. You observed something but can't provide any evidence of what you observed.
Trump is what I have to settle for right now because of the binary choice. He has probably as many human flaws as you do which is saying a lot.

But the filthy pole smoking whore is simply unacceptable.
Thanks for proving you are a fucking moron, Joe. I knew you were one, but it's always nice when the fucking morons prove it to the forum. :)

Being an American has always been about fighting for one's rights. Smart Americans know that if they fight for the rights of others, they are protecting their own rights. The dumbasses seek to erode the Constitution by depriving Americans of their rights.

Smart Americans know that, yes, the two-party system isn't perfect and, yes, the odds favor one of the two winning the election, but only cowards roll over and take it up the ass. It's important to vote, even if it's a vote of dissention.

People should vote even if they know they are in the minority. Election math sends a message.

If 10 voters are eligible for an election but only 6 actually vote, the 6 votes will be "100%" of the voters. If 5 of them voted for Trump and 1 for Biden, then it would be 83%+ voting for Trump. If 8 voted, again with 5 voting for Trump, then Trump would still win but the percentage would be 62%+ for Trump. The more even the vote, the less power for the winners.

Remember when GW Bush declared 51% was a "mandate from the people"? All the smart people knew he was full of shit...and it's mostly the smart people with the money.

My advice to all Americans is to VOTE, even if in the minority. Skew the numbers. LOL

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