Trump says Jewish voters would be to blame if he loses

You'll never know my location, pimp. Why don't you provide yours, chicken-legs ?

Haw, haw..................................haw.
I'm in North Texas, Ms. Moon. The fact you refuse to admit you are not in the US is okay with me. You and I both know you aren't and makes you open to monitoring by the CIA to identify your contacts. :)
You introduced the word "Constitution." I had merely made an observation about the group We the People, nothing more. I was pointing out your error of misperception.
You provide a picture of the Constitution that included the word "constitution" and then I am the one that introduced the word? It seems you are delusional.
Your English comprehension sucks. I'm making an observation about We the People, not speaking for We the People. Apparently the word "we" in the name renders you unable to process information.

I'm fairly certain Into the Night can distinguish an observation from a spokesperson.
I guess you know Into the Night intimately. Almost as if you are the same person.
When it appears that way to someone who cannot read, it is easier to simply correct your error.

If you'll notice, I'm not using the Marxist "we," ... I am referring to We the People, just as you refer to Into the Night, i.e. a name comprised of more than one word.

It seems that way to the person who is greatly confused.
One small problem. In the case of the Constitution. We the people have a document laying out the Constitution they established and they adopted through a process that involved the people. In the case of an enemies list there is no such document. There is only your unsupported claim that the group did create an enemies list. I can read and the funny thing is you have provided no evidence of a list but instead spoke for the group as if you were omniscient.

You are not making an observation because you have no evidence of the group providing an enemies list. In the case of the Constitution, there is evidence in the existence of the document and in the history that shows us when each state voted for and adopted the Constitution.
I'm in North Texas, Ms. Moon. The fact you refuse to admit you are not in the US is okay with me. You and I both know you aren't and makes you open to monitoring by the CIA to identify your contacts. :)
You, pimp, are a fantasist with a chronic case of Achilles' dick.
You, pimp, are a fantasist with a chronic case of Achilles' dick.
Another reason why I know you a woman.....even if you look more like a man.

I'm guessing you don't shave your legs, armpits or upper lip. LOL
You provide a picture of the Constitution
Your powers of perception underwhelm. It is an image of the words "We the People." If you could read better you would not have gotten hung up on this.

I guess you know Into the Night intimately. Almost as if you are the same person.
Your powers of perception underwhelm. I'll also presume going forward that you cannot distinguish between different people.

One small problem. In the case of the Constitution ...
Your English comprehension underwhelms. I am not talking about the Constitution.

U.S. Presidential Elections: Jewish Voting Record​

(1916 - Present)​

That was interesting, including the surprising votes for Wallace. The percentages weren't as lopsided for the (D)s as I would have guessed. Which means that Trump might want to consider not alienating American Jews.
Is that why Trump always talks about how smart and good looking he is? Because he knows he isn't?
Trump is what I have to settle for right now because of the binary choice. He has probably as many human flaws as you do which is saying a lot.

But the filthy pole smoking whore is simply unacceptable.