Kamala Harris. I'd say Joe Biden but he has been a mental doorknob for his tenure, leaving Kamala to make all the bad decisions.
Kamala botched the exit. She didn't follow the plan. Kamala threw out Trump's plan that would have guanteed everyone's safe withdrawal from Afghanistan, and instead rushed to implement a very risky impromptu (and ill advised) retreat. Kamala was advised of the high likelihood that deaths would result, but she felt that hastily meeting an artificial deadline was worth the risk.
Kamala has never apologized for her unnecessary risk that cost thirteen lives. She has ignored the families of the deceased. The families asked Trump to attend their private ceremony because at least he cares.
Your stupid attempt to blame Trump, the forger of the brilliant plan that guaranteed everyone's safety, instead of the dastardly Kriminala who set that plan aside and caused thirteen deaths, is summarily dismissed.
Your TDS is nonetheless noted.