Trump Slammed Over ‘Disgraceful’ Behavior at Soldiers’ Graves

Let's put this bullshit to bed,

Tom Cotton Refutes Meet the Press Claims about Trump’s Arlington Visit

"Senator Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) on Sunday broke down Meet the Press host Nicolle Wallace’s claim that President Donald Trump used a ceremony held at Arlington National Cemetery, in remembrance of the 13 American service members killed at Abbey Gate, to take campaign photos.

“He didn’t take campaign photos there,” Cotton said when Wallace accused the former president of inappropriately using military grave sites for campaign purposes. “These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos.”

Cotton noted that the Gold Star families also invited President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to the cemetery to meet with them, to no avail."
And Kam was only 15 minutes away
They should charge him on this Campaign stunt and they are also looking into if he and Kennedy broke the law when Trump offered him a place in his cabinet if he wins.
It should be interesting.
Have a nice day
you're fucking retarded.
have nice cock in your dick.
The lefties with any amount of intelligence have long left this thread. I wonder of the naked man creator of this OP wished he had never brought this up. I can guarantee Heels Up Harris wished she would not have opened her piehole.
That is very, very true.... This certainly backfired for Kam... As a troll thread it is what it step closer to JPP Jared...
well IF you had ACTUALLY read it you would know there are dates
I am completely familiar with that accord and I know that it makes no mention of any May 1, 2021 date, nor does it mention any dates in May of 2021, nor does it make any mention of any dates in 2021, nor does it make any mention of any May dates of any year.

So we come to you and your intent to prove me to be mistaken, to point out exactly where that final exit date of May 1, 2021 resides in the accord, and to just throw it in my face! So, without further ado, let me have it with both barrels. The floor is yours.

[text of the accord ommitted] ... right there it shows that Trump was so stupid he trusted the Taliban to keep our troops SAFE,
Now you get to point out the words "safe" and "trust" in the accord.

who in the hell puts the safety of your troops that have been fighting your enemy for 20 years wounding them and killing then in their hands?
Kriminala Harris. We've been over this. She discarded the agreed upon framework and botched an impromptu, ad hoc exit to adhere to sudden unnecessary accelerated artificial deadlines. She trusted a militant, violent group with the safety of US troops.

there were time lines and Trump kept changing them. Have a nice day
Trump couldn't change any timelines; he wasn't in office. Kriminala changed the timeline, against all advice to the contrary from all military advisors, and got people killed. That was the TREASON of which you spoke.
I am completely familiar with that accord and I know that it makes no mention of any May 1, 2021 date, nor does it mention any dates in May of 2021, nor does it make any mention of any dates in 2021, nor does it make any mention of any May dates of any year.

So we come to you and your intent to prove me to be mistaken, to point out exactly where that final exit date of May 1, 2021 resides in the accord, and to just throw it in my face! So, without further ado, let me have it with both barrels. The floor is yours.

Now you get to point out the words "safe" and "trust" in the accord.

Kriminala Harris. We've been over this. She discarded the agreed upon framework and botched an impromptu, ad hoc exit to adhere to sudden unnecessary accelerated artificial deadlines. She trusted a militant, violent group with the safety of US troops.

Trump couldn't change any timelines; he wasn't in office. Kriminala changed the timeline, against all advice to the contrary from all military advisors, and got people killed. That was the TREASON of which you spoke.

disproved on every data field, separately.

such a spergy.

i love you.
you are STUPIDER then I really thought you were.
Have a nice day you fucking MORON
Your first clue that you were totally in error should have been the corner into which you backed yourself, leaving you befuddled and without any options except to give me the finger.

Next time, confer with me first before regurgitating what your thought-masters order you to believe. I can save you a lot of heartache and embarrassment.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.
I am completely familiar with that accord and I know that it makes no mention of any May 1, 2021 date, nor does it mention any dates in May of 2021, nor does it make any mention of any dates in 2021, nor does it make any mention of any May dates of any year.

So we come to you and your intent to prove me to be mistaken, to point out exactly where that final exit date of May 1, 2021 resides in the accord, and to just throw it in my face! So, without further ado, let me have it with both barrels. The floor is yours.

Now you get to point out the words "safe" and "trust" in the accord.

Kriminala Harris. We've been over this. She discarded the agreed upon framework and botched an impromptu, ad hoc exit to adhere to sudden unnecessary accelerated artificial deadlines. She trusted a militant, violent group with the safety of US troops.

Trump couldn't change any timelines; he wasn't in office. Kriminala changed the timeline, against all advice to the contrary from all military advisors, and got people killed. That was the TREASON of which you spoke.
Trump kept changing the time line WHEN he was still in office.
and add that 9.5 month on to the last extension he made it would work out to May
But you are too fucking stupid to be able to do that.
Have a nice day ASSHOLE
the DOJ is looking into if it is legal to offer a person like JR, a job in his Cabinet for his backing.
Nope. This is poor wording on your part. The DOJ is looking into how they can criminalize Trump giving someone a job, so that they can bring him up on trumped-up charges, provide illegal jury instructions and remove Trump from office.

Have a wonderful day.
Trump kept changing the time line WHEN he was still in office.
Stupid. Dismissed.

and add that 9.5 month on to the last extension he made it would work out to May
Nope. It brings it to the end of the year 2020.

But you are too fucking stupid to be able to do that.
Yes, I'm way too stupid to make your kind of rookie errors. Could you give me the bird one more time so I can see how I can incorporate that with tipping my king?

Oh wait, nevermind ... I never need to tip my king. Forget it.

Have a nice day ASSHOLE
Have an awesome day.
Joe and Kam are getting bashed big-time... For more reasons than one... They were quiet for 3 years. They should have stayed that way.
If the media chose to misrepresent it, that's on them...If you chose to believe them, that's on you....They take every opportunity to try to destroy him....This we know...
They report the things he does and says. He destroys himself because he's a stupid, trashy buffoon. You and your fat fuck false God need to learn personal accountability and stop acting like elderly toddlers.
Nope. This is poor wording on your part. The DOJ is looking into how they can criminalize Trump giving someone a job, so that they can bring him up on trumped-up charges, provide illegal jury instructions and remove Trump from office.

Have a wonderful day.
it doesn't matter to you right wing morons just how many laws Trump breaks , if it is against the law to do what Trump did with telling Jr he is going to give him a position in his cabinet then he should be charged,
so why is it okay with you that Trump KEEPS on breaking law after law?
what is it with you people on the right that keeps you defending a person like Trump that thinks he is above the law?
I thought you right wingers were the party of law and order, I guess for EVERYBODY ELSE Except TRUMP.
Have a nice day
Stupid. Dismissed.

Nope. It brings it to the end of the year 2020.

Yes, I'm way too stupid to make your kind of rookie errors. Could you give me the bird one more time so I can see how I can incorporate that with tipping my king?

Oh wait, nevermind ... I never need to tip my king. Forget it.

Have an awesome day.
NOT from the last extension Trump made.
Trump looked like Rodney Dangerfield with a thumb up and that silly grin. Trump is a buffoon. he does not care about Vets and this attempt to ingratiate himself into the military people blew up. There are protocols that other people respect. Not Trump.