Trump win on jan 6.

No doubt Trump will make Jan 6th a circus, the little ass kissing Jimmy Jordans and Ron Johnsons will make sure Trump gets his orchestrated drama, the final hearing of all “the truth ain’t the truth” Rudi’s bogus examples of election fraud, with the Johnathan Turleys and Ken Stars all over Fox implying legitimacy to the fabrications

In the end, it will only be for show, which is the purpose, both houses of Congress has to vote and agree and it would be surprising if Trump won either. And debate is limited to two hours, meaning it should be over that day

The only knuckleball that could make it interesting is if Pence, in opening the votes from the States, refuses to accept certain States votes, claiming under the 12 Amendment he can refuse what he believes are illegitimate. This is why Trump was working the individual State Legislatives to select alternative electors. Won’t fly, but would open a can of worms that would have to go to Court and delay the process, more circus Trump would love

Denial of the Constitution of the United States.
The President is not elected by popular vote. The elections faulted in seven States thus far. There was no election.

The electoral college hasn't voted yet. Jan 6th, dude.

Trump has not filed 60 court cases. Argument from randU fallacy. Denial of history .

Recounting fake ballots are meaningless.

Insult fallacies.

No arguments presented. RQAA. Denial of history. Arguments by randU. Denial of federal law. Denial of various State constitutions. Denial of the Constitution of the United States.

STILL trying to convince people with your lying BS?
Rightys, Jan.6th is not a vote.
Yes it is.
It is a ratification of the certified votes of the electoral college.
No. It is the electoral college voting.
No votes and no changes.
It is, and protesting the vote is allowed.
It is a ceremonial logging in of the votes.
No. It is the voting itself.
It generally takes about half an hour.
It can take longer.
Trump crazies may drag it out, but it will be done.
And it very well might make no difference, due to a lack of the required Majority.
Then you can talk about how Trump will just stay in the Whitehouse Jan. 20th and how that means he is still president. What comes after that, I do not know, but the rightys will think of something.
Perhaps you should read the Constitution of the United States.
We never tried to upend democracy and threaten civil war like a candyass. We've complained about a broken voting system that breeds these types of shenanigans, the biggest faux pas war, and a surplus becoming a massive deficit. Hardly whining, that was only when Trump won by that same broken shit. You guys got hammered even by that fucked up system and lost even with Ohio. You told dems to hold your beer while you show us how this whining is done. Trump's should change tired of winning to whining instead.

The United States is not and never was a democracy. You are whining.
Trump is not a dictator. Election fraud is a crime. Democrats have committed election fraud on a massive scale.

Election fraud? You just cant prove it.
Dotard wanted to be a dictator.
Dotard praises dictators.
Dotard thanks dictators.
Dotard takes their words over Americans.
The difference is that there actually is proof that Russia helped Trump and even the Republicans have admitted this.
And the 2000 election really did have a bunch of problems, such as inaccurate results being reported which caused people to leave without voting.

But despite that, the Democrats never denied that Trump and Bush won. There was no weird denial or claims of massive voter fraud.

Irrational. You can't argue both sides of a paradox.

1. A joint session, presided over by the vice president

At 1 p.m. lawmakers from the House and Senate will assemble in the House chamber, with Vice President Pence presiding in his role as president of the Senate. He will then begin to open the sealed certificates submitted by each state and hand them to tellers appointed from among the House and Senate members to read.

In some recent elections, the count was expedited, and the entire process was over in less than half an hour. But if there are objections to any of the state's certificates, it could take much longer.

tRump has already won, and along with the entire un America, unGodly, putrid and sub humanity mob on a one way winner to hell.
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Even the Republicans admitted that there was a coordinated effort by the Russian government to have Russians pose as Americans on social media sites.
You can argue that this didn't change the outcome of the election, but we really have no way of knowing that. The point is, foreign governments shouldn't be interfering in our elections, regardless of whether they influence the outcome.

I'm talking about Democrat politicians. See, this is the big difference between the two sides these days. When Liberals say crazy bullshit, it's always coming from fringe people online who have no real political power. When Conservatives say crazy bullshit, it's often coming from elected officials that have the entire conservative movement behind them.
This is the trouble with bothsidesing. Unhinged insanity and pathological lying are only mainstream in one political party.

Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
If the Russian interference actually didn't change a single vote, it still would be a massive problem for American elections. The Democrats didn't do anything wrong by acknowledging this. However, the Republicans are wrong to lie about mass voter fraud in order to make the orange retard feel better.

There are extremes on both sides, but they're only mainstream on the Right. That's why if you want to find a left-wing version of Trump, you can't find him in the DNC. You have to find him in the comments section of a YouTube video screaming about lizard people.
Bothsidesing has helped to normalize the dumpster fire that is the modern GOP.

Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
Bruh.... I strongly dislike Hillary. But as corrupt as she is, she is still smart enough to do the job. Trump is ten times more corrupt and he's dumb as shit. And Hillary didn't try to overturn our Democracy when she lost. Fuck Hillary, but this is just bothsidesing.

This is literally like saying if Stalin was running against Pelosi, we shouldn't vote, because they're both bad. If we're not willing to accept that certain things are worse than others, there's no point in politics. Politics is all about reducing harm.
Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
How can Trump win on the 6th, when there is no vote? They count the EC vote. No vote occurs that day. The EC voted long ago and the votes are certified. On the 6th they hold a counting of the votes they received. It is ceremonial.

The vote is on Jan 6th. This might not even decide the Presidency. Seven States have filed Contested. There is no required Majority.
It has never happened. It will not work now. You believe because you want to so badly. I feel sorry for you as your fingernails are losing grip and you will have nothing in a couple of weeks. You want to believe everyone and you did. You made big know it all posts about the Kraken, the court cases and the EC. You move along and believe, really believe the next one just as much. You lost them all.

The vote hasn't occurred yet, dumbass.
I am calm. I know nothing has ever happened at that event except counting EC votes. You are scared of the truth. Mcconnell told the Reds to not start that shit. It is doomed to failure and he does not want to look so foolish. He wants no part of it. Many Repubs have said the same.

It is YOU that is scared of the truth, and of the Constitution, and of what might happen on and after Jan 6th.
fuck you. we laugh at you stupid fuck rednecks. we had 8 years of peace and prosperity under obama, with a decent, honest, no drama president...
Okay. Let's examine that:

Obama tried to print his way out of the 2007 downturn, creating massive inflation.
Obama nationalized General Motors and the health insurance industries, causing GM to lose even more money, and creating a government health insurance system that is collapsing.
Obama made dictats over the energy markets, which is fascism, and put people out of work.
Obama made dictats over the used car market, which is fascism, and destroyed perfectly usable used cars for years to come.
Obama spied on private citizens, violating the 4th amendment.
Obama and Biden made threats against foreign governments for private and personal gain, violating Article I of the Constitution.
Obama called the poor economy and high unemployment rate the 'New Normal'.
Obama played the race card more than any other president in the past 50 years, sowing division.
Obama had military forces at war for all eight years of his presidency, the only president that has done so.
Obama began publishing fake unemployment numbers to cover up the bad economy.
Obama and Biden built the so-called 'concentration camps' that kept illegal immigrants locked up and separated them from their kids.
Obama sucked up to Iran, to North Korea, to China, and to Russia.
Democrats lie all day long, you included.
Obama and Biden are corrupt.

This is eight years of peace and prosperity???

then somehow this stooge trump gets elected, sucks up to our enemies,
No, it's Democrats doing that.
alienates our allies,
Allies that do not uphold a treaty are not allies.
lies all day long,
is corrupt as hell,
tries to bribe a foreign country to do him political favors or not get needed military funding,
Democrats are the ones illegally manipulating foreign countries.
gets impeached,
Which was meaningless.
defends little kim when his guards torture American Otto Warmbier to death,
Never did. Fake News.
defends Putin when he claims no Russian interference over our own military and intelligence experts,
Claiming there was no Russian interference is not defending Putin or Russia.
defends the murdering saudi prince for torturing a Saudi journalist to death,
Never did. Fake News.
separates kids from parents for no reason,
Obama and Biden did that.
says he is "in love" with Little Kim,
Obama did that.