Into the Night
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Hey, people like crazy roller coaster rides too... Doesn't mean we should elect one...
We didn't. Biden wasn't elected. He was installed.
Hey, people like crazy roller coaster rides too... Doesn't mean we should elect one...
He doesn't know English. His own hatred has caused him to forget anything he knew about English. He speaks only Liberal.
No, they didn't. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats. Biden is not President. He was not elected. He was installed. He is a puppet dictator.
A guy at Redstate says that as of today Trump is giving notice that he is running.
Maybe we do see Trump Force One back in action.
757's are a common plane. Though they are no longer being manufactured, many airlines and delivery services are still using them.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that Trump bought this plane for one purpose and one purpose only. To campaign for president. He bought it in 2011. He didn't use it much until his campaign took off in 2015. Then he used it extensively during his campaign and also used it as a backdrop for some of his rallies.
The plane costs nearly $11,000 an hour to fly it. All of the people donating to his campaign paid for that.
Now that his rallies are no longer drawing so many people, and he has so many legal expenses, he can no longer afford to fly it.
He has been slumming around in a much smaller Cessna executive jet that doesn't even have standing headroom. He owns the plane, but didn't even put a snazzy paint job on it, nor his name. I don't think he wants to be seen in a little plane.
Quite right. It is being phased out by a lot of airlines. It is cheaper to buy, but noticeably more expensive to fly.
A guy at Redstate says that as of today Trump is giving notice that he is running.
Maybe we do see Trump Force One back in action.
Do you have any idea what it costs to park a plane for years? that plane is hemorrhaging money trump cannot afford. Hospitality and golf courses are losing money. He has huge lawyer bills.
Quite right. It is being phased out by a lot of airlines. It is cheaper to buy, but noticeably more expensive to fly.
Do you have any idea what it costs to park a plane for years? that plane is hemorrhaging money trump cannot afford. Hospitality and golf courses are losing money. He has huge lawyer bills.
Agreed on all aspects. It was always a status symbol for Trump trying to outdo Hugh Hefner's "Big Bunny".
Of course, Hugh wasn't a big pedo like Trump so Trump has him beat there. LOL
Trump is now flying like a run-of-the-mill CEO. Oh the humanity!
The Citation is smaller, and a lot faster. It's good for getting into smaller airports too, which is why Trump uses it.
The Citation is smaller, and a lot faster. It's good for getting into smaller airports too, which is why Trump uses it.
trump's airplane is more important than the southern border crisis........more important than the Afghan withdrawal........more important than runaway inflation.........more important than the Maricopa voting can tell, because all the lib'ruls are over here posting.......
If Trump is actually getting Trump Force One in the air again, after he had decided to not, that is important news.
I'm guessing it'll never fly again. Trump will turn it into an extra show piece for his Presidential Library and Casino. Graceland has Elvis's jet on display too and everyone knows Trump has to be better than anyone to compensate for his..ahem...shortcomings. LOL
I was reading that airliners now run significantly slower than they did decades ago in order to save fuel...something like 20% this correct?
I cant recall anyone saying that before, but if true it is just one more reason why flying is nowhere near as fun as it used to be, in fact now it rather sucks unless one is First Class.