Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

Nobody wants to vote Democrat. We the People want Trump. That's who We're going to elect.

Democrats have won pretty much every meaningful election since 2017 including the 2020 election.

Harris has energized the Democrats.

The KHive was ready and they're off organizing support while you assholes whine like bitches.
Oh, that's right, you think you're omniscient and can declare what I have and have not observed.
No, you lied about observing it was because you needed to cover for the lie that the 2020 election was stolen.

You told one lie that you had to tell another lie to cover.
Nope. You didn't read the thread, but that's immaterial, you need to censor because it's all you have, and you can't tolerate dissenting views whatsoever.

... but it makes you feel good to "report" something and then attempt to bully your opponent with the words "I reported you" ... while you sit back and wait for me to beg you for forgiveness and to beg you not to report me ... please, please, please ...

... *or* ... I can mock the shit out of you for not being able to read the thread that would have saved you from embarrassing yourself had you actually read it.

I similarly modified another quote of yours, are you going to report me again? Coward. Are you going to report me again? Please do.


Not a non-violation of the rules.

Leftists own the two-tier justice system concept.
All I said was that I was reporting you and the mods can figure it all out. Knowing this board, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Yes. Because he's BORING. He has no energy. He's old as fuck.
You just explained why someone, such as yourself, wouldn't go to a Trump rally in the first place. These things don't hold for someone who is motivated to drive across a couple of States and then stand in line for several hours to get into one of his rallies. Such people don't perceive Trump in the same way.

It's like going to Dodger Stadium...people spend $500 on a ticket, show up in the 3rd, disappear for a couple innings, and then leave after the 7th.
... but those Dodger dogs are so worth missing an inning.

Trump's crowds arrive way early and maintain their energy and enthusiasm throughout the event. I don't know what else to tell you.
You just explained why someone, such as yourself, wouldn't go to a Trump rally in the first place. These things don't hold for someone who is motivated to drive across a couple of States and then stand in line for several hours to get into one of his rallies. Such people don't perceive Trump in the same way.

Have you actually watched a whole one of his rallies? Like, actually sat at your computer and watched it on CSPAN...the whole thing, not just his speech, but the whole thing?
Trump's crowds arrive way early and maintain their energy and enthusiasm throughout the event. I don't know what else to tell you.
Right, they're there early because they are following him they're already there. But they get bored and leave. No excitement. Absolutely no voter registration drives, which seems like something you'd want at those rallies? But I guess your electoral strategy is to lose.
Look you guys are liars and you're cowards...why should anyone believe anything you say?
I'd be happy to answer that question, but you aren't looking for any sort of answer that doesn't fit into your mandated narrative. While that's the case, there is absolutely no reason you should believe anything that your slave-masters have barred you from even considering. Just OBEY and remain miserable.

The problem you have is that you will have no way of reconciling Trump's overwhelming victory in November. You have already denied the vast majority who want Trump elected, and you have denied the reasons they want him elected.

One more time: You have already denied all of this. When Trump wins, you will be without explanation.

You know that everybody and his brother is going to have their camera's out, looking for election-stealing, which is why I don't think the DNC is going to try, which is why they no longer need Biden, which is partially why Biden was kicked to the curb. gfm7175 has well elucidated the full reason for the Biden back-stab.

Kamala will be batted aside, just as Hillary was batted aside. Americans have no tolerance for nasty, hateful women who need a good bitch-slap more than they deserve to be President. The DNC had their chance with Tulsi Gabbard but decided that winning wasn't as important being WOKE.

I'm certainly happy to continue discussing your denial about the upcoming election results, but the truly meaningful discussion cannot happen until we have those results.
Have you actually watched a whole one of his rallies?
Several. They aren't really rallies so much as they are Donald Trump explaining his positions. The reason Trump is so popular is that his positions resonate with the American people, and strike panic in the DNC who realize that none fo their WOKE polices stand any chance against policies that are visibly celebrated by the American people.

People watch Trump rallies and ignore the fake news. This way they get the truth, not laughable disinformation that instantly identifies mindless leftist morons.

Like, actually sat at your computer and watched it on CSPAN...the whole thing, not just his speech, but the whole thing?
I watch entire Trump rallies. Yes. Again, I do so to know exactly what his position is on everything. Leftists are forever saying "Trump said this ..." and "Trump said that ..." and wonder how conservatives immediately know when they are wrong or when they are lying.

If you ever want to know what Trump's actual position is on something, just ask and I'll give you the full run-down.
No, you lied about observing it was because ...
You don't get to declare what I have observed and what I have not observed.

you needed to cover for the lie that the 2020 election was stolen.
I don't need to cover for anything. I don't need to justify what I have observed, just like you don't need to justify your blind OBEDIENCE to your slave-masters.

You told one lie that you had to tell another lie to cover.
I never told you what I observed; you simply declared that I had not observed it, that I had lied. You don't deal in credibility.
If I was in your position I would simply go back and find the post I was talking about. These threads aren't that long.
Grammar Nazi: If I were in your position ...

I made many posts on the subject across many threads over a significant time span. I'm not the one who is interested in reading them at the moment. If you were in my position, you'd have An Orange Cat do a search and find those posts.