Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

It's all the same people at the Trump rallies!
Too funny. Nope. When Trump holds a rally, which is always in a different State from the previous rally, too many people flood in from the surrounding States to overfill the venue and to overfill the overflow seating. Your assertion is absurd.

So you think the rallies where his supporters leave in the middle of his speech
So you think that Trump supporters who go through the effort to go to a rally somehow leave in the middle?
Yes, I did. Prove I didn't. weren't in DC on 1/6 to stop the steal because you never actually observed anything being stolen.

The "substantial obligations" thing is something you made up as an excuse for why you didn't stand behind this particular lie.
You need to deny the election was stolen, and you are going to melt like the wicked witch of the west when Trump wins. You're a lost cause. So you just keep telling lies. Lie after lie after lie.

The election wasn't stolen and I know that because you lied about observing it was.
Is the word "relevance" among the many you don't understand?

During the Viet Nam conflict, at one point progress was determined by the amount of Napalm dropped. Totally irrelevant.
All of the things that actually produce votes you consider irrelevant.


Think that, please. Don't do anything different than what you're doing now.
During the Viet Nam conflict, at one point progress was determined by the amount of Napalm dropped. Totally irrelevant.

What does that have to do with opening campaign offices in swing states in order to GOTV? Cuz the Dems have those in all 50 states, while Trump has none.

Public polls and fever dreams do not produce votes. But canvassers do. Volunteers do.
Yes you did, you changed a quote of mine.
Nope. You didn't read the thread, but that's immaterial, you need to censor because it's all you have, and you can't tolerate dissenting views whatsoever.

... but it makes you feel good to "report" something and then attempt to bully your opponent with the words "I reported you" ... while you sit back and wait for me to beg you for forgiveness and to beg you not to report me ... please, please, please ...

... *or* ... I can mock the shit out of you for not being able to read the thread that would have saved you from embarrassing yourself had you actually read it.

I similarly modified another quote of yours, are you going to report me again? Coward. Are you going to report me again? Please do.


That's a bannable offense.
Not a non-violation of the rules.

Conservatives are always demanding everyone follow the rules except when it comes to themselves.
Leftists own the two-tier justice system concept.
Too funny. Nope. When Trump holds a rally, which is always in a different State from the previous rally, too many people flood in from the surrounding States to overfill the venue and to overfill the overflow seating. Your assertion is absurd.

Yes, it is. The same people. The same crazy vans and vendors. It's a cult. It drags cult members around with it. They're the same people. And those rallies are much smaller this time around. And they're boring. People are always leaving them early.

And it doesn't matter anyway because rally size does not determine whether or not someone votes.
So you think that Trump supporters who go through the effort to go to a rally somehow leave in the middle?

Yes. Because he's BORING. He has no energy. He's old as fuck. Y

It's like going to Dodger Stadium...people spend $500 on a ticket, show up in the 3rd, disappear for a couple innings, and then leave after the 7th.

Because they're fuckin' bored. And so low energy.